Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge


No. All we need are people like you to keep on doing what you’re doing. Calling a woman a “bitch”. It signifies oh so many things about the Trump enablers. First, they are rude morons. Secondly, their lack of social graces. Thirdly, their stunning but not surprising lack of vocabulary.

It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

HRC is the most qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. This is simply a fact that, not surprisingly, rude morons who lack a certain intellect choose to ignore.

She’s won it already. You’ve been a big help. Thanks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Crooked Hillary is the definition of the word bitch.

She is incompetent, corrupt and dishonest. By all accounts of the common people that worked around her she is mean, vindictive and hateful as they come.

By the way, she was not reluctant to call the 12 year old girl a lying bitch when she defended the girl's rapist in court.
Nobody gives a sh** about Trump's private tax returns.

except for everyone who isn't a loony trumpeter.

Hillary released her tax returns for the soft media? Besides, it's no secret, her monetary corruption. If the media can't catch a mogul like Trump in shady dealings from the many records out there, then oh well. But there's no need for Trump to release tax returns and give the media something to harp on. An honorable businessman like Romney did that, and they were ruthless even though he had done nothing illegal. So, let libtards like you cry in your milk about it.
What kind of dodge can it be when the Obama criminal enterprise known as the IRS has had Trump's freaking Tax returns for the last twenty years? Yeah you can count on a self made capitalist to try to cheat the federal government any way they can. There are a thousand companies who employ people who are smarter than the geeks and freaks who draft the laws and fools who make the rules enforcing the craziness of the IRS Law. It would be interesting if Hussein's criminal enterprise in the IRS focused on the Clinton Foundation but that ain't likely to happen.
What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

yes.... facts are boring to wingers. delusions, no doubt are much more interesting.
What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

yes.... facts are boring to wingers. delusions, no doubt are much more interesting.
Isn't it a fact that Hillary jeopardized national security? Or do you have to be Trumpster or a winger to think that?
Well, if you can't believe The Don...who can you trust?
He really can't be any clearer than in this interview with Hugh Hewitt in February 2015.

"HH: Yeah, you’re not shy. Let me ask you this. On the day you declare, how many years of tax returns will you release?

DT: Well, I’d certainly go over tax returns, and I will tell you nobody knows the tax return business or world better than me. And you have to understand, I’m a businessman, and I work for myself. And I have a phenomenal net worth, and a lot of cash and very little debt, and you’d see that. And actually, I did that, you know, I’m the only candidate in history that actually submitted his financials the last time, and I didn’t run. I actually submitted my financials, because to be honest with you, I’m very proud of my financials.

HH: But I mean, would you actually…

DT: And my financials now are much better.

HH: Would you release tax returns, though?

DT: I would release tax returns, and I would also explain to people that as a person that’s looking to make money, you know, I’m in the business of making money until I do this. And if I won, I would make money for our country. I would make so much money for our country that they wouldn’t have to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, that we would be able to have a strong, we would take the jobs back from China. We’d take the jobs back from Mexico. I don’t know if you know, the new great abuser in this country is Mexico. They’re taking our jobs, they’re killing us on the border. People are just fleeing across Mexico. If you want to become a citizen of Mexico, do you know it’s probably the hardest or one of the hardest nations in the world to become a citizen of? And yet they let people flow across their borders, and they push them through our border, because we don’t know what we’re doing.

HH: I got it, but I want to stay focused on the tax returns. How many years back?

DT: So the answer is yeah, I would do it.

HH: Three years? Five years?

DT: I mean, I would do something, but I will tell you up front, as a private person, Hugh, I would be, and you know, I’m very proud of this. I want to pay as little taxes as I can as a private person.

HH: Of course. Of course. That’s the American way, legally.

DT: You know, why should I be, why should I say I’m looking to pay a fortune in tax? It’s part of the complexity of the tax system.

HH: How many years back would you go on the day you announce? Three? Five?

DT: Oh, I don’t know. I mean, I actually have not even thought of that, but I would certainly show tax returns if it was necessary.

HH: At least a couple of years?

DT: Well, what have they been doing? They’ve been really doing one year, other than people that never made anything. But I would certainly, I’m very proud of what I’ve done. I do pay tax. But I’m very proud of what I did. I will say this. You will see piles and piles and piles of paper stacked many feet into the air, because the system is so complex that it’s disgraceful. And the tax system does have to be changed.

HH: That’s what I, you know, I think two or three years would be great. I think anyone, if you did two or three years…

DT: But we’ll take a good, strong look at that, Hugh. I mean, it’s obviously not something I thought of, but you know, I’ve given any real thought to, but I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns."

Clear as day!

Donald Trump On 2016 And Trolling The GOP « The Hugh Hewitt Show
What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

yes.... facts are boring to wingers. delusions, no doubt are much more interesting.
What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

yes.... facts are boring to wingers. delusions, no doubt are much more interesting.
Isn't it a fact that Hillary jeopardized national security? Or do you have to be Trumpster or a winger to think that?

yes... you do.

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