Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge

I don't quite understand why some people are afraid of Russia. That is NEOCON brainwashing in effect. Crooked Hillary illegally providing Russia with uranium should be an issue of corruption, not fear of Russia. It would be great if The Donald is making deals to build hotels in Russia. Maybe democrats wouldn't be so obsessed with tax returns if The Donald set up The Donald Foundation where he can hide all kinds of pay for play deals like Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie have for years, making them tens of millions of dollars personally.

misogynist uneducated bigoted trash are so funny.

The uneducated idiots in this country are the stupid low information Gruberidiots Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is honest and has done nothing wrong. You know, like you.
The only "untouchables" in the world today are the Clintons and Casey Anthony.

This corrupt lying bitch Crooked Hillary needs to come clean of what she was trying to hide from the American people by deleting her records as Secretary of State.

Casey Anthony needs to write a book entitled "I Didn't kill My Daughter But If I did This is How I Would Have Done It".

misogynist uneducated bigoted trash are so funny.
yep! You are hilarious.
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker
We will find more dirt in his taxes than we have in Hillary's emails.

Also he doesn't even have 1 billion dollars.

misogynist uneducated bigoted trash are so funny.

The uneducated idiots in this country are the stupid low information Gruberidiots Moon Bats that think Crooked Hillary is honest and has done nothing wrong. You know, like you.
She will win. What then?

You Republicans are going extinct like the Bolsheviks or Federalists. Nah nah nah nah, hey hey, goodbye

You Republicans are going extinct like the Bolsheviks or Federalists. Nah nah nah nah, hey hey, goodbye

Nobody in this country knows right now if she will win or not. If you claim that you somehow know then you are lying.

However, the American people proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are idiots by electing that jackass Obama so it is possible that they will continue to be morons and vote for this Crooked Hillary bitch. Then the American the American people will get the government they deserve.

Like Jonathan Gruber said "never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. The morons will believe anything we tell them".

Our country is pretty much screwed no matter who wins because nobody is running on a platform to curtail the destruction and oppression of this bloated government we have. The only thing is that we all know that Crooked Hillary be a disaster and worse than Trump. That is a given.

You Republicans are going extinct like the Bolsheviks or Federalists. Nah nah nah nah, hey hey, goodbye

Nobody in this country knows right now if she will win or not. If you claim that you somehow know then you are lying.

However, the American people proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are idiots by electing that jackass Obama so it is possible that they will continue to be morons and vote for this Crooked Hillary bitch. Then the American the American people will get the government they deserve.

Like Jonathan Gruber said "never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. The morons will believe anything we tell them".

Our country is pretty much screwed no matter who wins because nobody is running on a platform to curtail the destruction and oppression of this bloated government we have. The only thing is that we all know that Crooked Hillary be a disaster and worse than Trump. That is a given.
We proved we aren't as dumb as you by not electing McCain or Romney. Get over it sore butt.

Bloated government and crooked Hillary. LOL. No doubt what a jackass you are pal. Now go cry about the debt and taxes and regulations some more.
I'll bet you couldn't read them if you had them. Obama's corrupt IRS has them and if there was anything illegal in them, you can bet your ass they would be prosecuting him. They are not.

Someday, when you finish 9th grade, you too may learn the difference between an act that is ILLEGAL which would warrant prosecution, and an act that is UNETHICAL........Of course the so called "Obama corrupt IRS" would have prosecuted him had Trump done something illegal......but THAT was never the question raised in the O/P, was it????
Here what YOU Trump acolytes should be asking of Trump (not me necessarily, but those that seem to worship the Cheeto-Clown):

1. How much (if any) did this self-proclaimed millionaire paid in taxes for thelast 10 years or so?
2. What kind of foreign investment has he made and with whom?
3. Since he makes the claim that he is very, very, generous, should we have some proof or is his word enough for you sheep?

Please explain exactly how it is unethical to not put one's tax returns out there for public consumption. Do you put your own out there?

Hillary's garnering donations from Saudi Arabia, India, and other foreign nations while serving as Secretary of State is something that should be under FBI RICO investigation.

Just exactly how much of their private earnings have Hillary and Bill donated to charity?
Please explain exactly how it is unethical to not put one's tax returns out there for public consumption. Do you put your own out there?

See, morons like you simply CANNOT distinguish between tax returns from ORDINARY citizens, and some fuck-head who wants to be president on the mantra that he's the "best businessman that has ever his word, fuck facts and reality"......
Please explain exactly how it is unethical to not put one's tax returns out there for public consumption. Do you put your own out there?

See, morons like you simply CANNOT distinguish between tax returns from ORDINARY citizens, and some fuck-head who wants to be president on the mantra that he's the "best businessman that has ever his word, fuck facts and reality"......

No. Actually people like me could care less about anyone's tax returns other than our own. People like me are more concerned over corruption IN government and the person who put classified material in emails on an unsecured server and used her position to shake down foreign governments and foreign and domestic corporations and billionaires for personal gain. People like me are concerned that a Secretary of State would never ask for military assistance when those folks under her direct command came under terrorist attack and then would lie to the American people for two weeks about it. Those are the kinds of things that people like me are concerned about -- not a person's private tax returns which have been and are being looked over by the Obama IRS.

We proved we aren't as dumb as you by not electing McCain or Romney. Get over it sore butt.

Bloated government and crooked Hillary. LOL. No doubt what a jackass you are pal. Now go cry about the debt and taxes and regulations some more.

What we do know is by electing that jackass Obama we increased poverty, tremendously increased debt, caused racial unrest, decreased family income, provided dismal economic growth, increased welfare, allowed illegals to flood into this country, increased income disparity and had a foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world including managing to lose the Iraq War after being handed a victory.

There was no worse choice than that Obama piece of dumbass Libtard shit but you Moon Bats have managed to come up with even a worse candidate with this Crooked Hillary bitch.

Do you stupid Libtard Moon Bats ever plan to pull your head out of your asses? I doubt it.


You are lying. He may lose but you don't know it. You are simply a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Gruberidiot that is a partisan pig that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

It will take a lot of very stupid and greedy Moon Bats to elect that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. There were enough of you idiots to put that jackass Obama in office. It remains to be seen if someone as hated and dishonest at Crooked Hillary will get the same number of idiots to vote for her that voted for that moron Obama.

You are lying. He may lose but you don't know it. You are simply a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Gruberidiot that is a partisan pig that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

It will take a lot of very stupid and greedy Moon Bats to elect that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. There were enough of you idiots to put that jackass Obama in office. It remains to be seen if someone as hated and dishonest at Crooked Hillary will get the same number of idiots to vote for her that voted for that moron Obama.

No. All we need are people like you to keep on doing what you’re doing. Calling a woman a “bitch”. It signifies oh so many things about the Trump enablers. First, they are rude morons. Secondly, their lack of social graces. Thirdly, their stunning but not surprising lack of vocabulary.

It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

HRC is the most qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. This is simply a fact that, not surprisingly, rude morons who lack a certain intellect choose to ignore.

She’s won it already. You’ve been a big help. Thanks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

You are lying. He may lose but you don't know it. You are simply a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Gruberidiot that is a partisan pig that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

It will take a lot of very stupid and greedy Moon Bats to elect that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. There were enough of you idiots to put that jackass Obama in office. It remains to be seen if someone as hated and dishonest at Crooked Hillary will get the same number of idiots to vote for her that voted for that moron Obama.

No. All we need are people like you to keep on doing what you’re doing. Calling a woman a “bitch”. It signifies oh so many things about the Trump enablers. First, they are rude morons. Secondly, their lack of social graces. Thirdly, their stunning but not surprising lack of vocabulary.

It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

HRC is the most qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. This is simply a fact that, not surprisingly, rude morons who lack a certain intellect choose to ignore.

She’s won it already. You’ve been a big help. Thanks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What does it mean when triggered calls women bitches?

You are lying. He may lose but you don't know it. You are simply a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat Gruberidiot that is a partisan pig that doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

It will take a lot of very stupid and greedy Moon Bats to elect that stupid Crooked Hillary bitch. There were enough of you idiots to put that jackass Obama in office. It remains to be seen if someone as hated and dishonest at Crooked Hillary will get the same number of idiots to vote for her that voted for that moron Obama.

No. All we need are people like you to keep on doing what you’re doing. Calling a woman a “bitch”. It signifies oh so many things about the Trump enablers. First, they are rude morons. Secondly, their lack of social graces. Thirdly, their stunning but not surprising lack of vocabulary.

It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

HRC is the most qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. This is simply a fact that, not surprisingly, rude morons who lack a certain intellect choose to ignore.

She’s won it already. You’ve been a big help. Thanks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What does it mean when triggered calls women bitches?

That he’s an idiot I’m guessing.

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