Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge


Of course, we’d have to have his tax returns to know. Makes you wonder what he is hiding.

No we don't. It is none of our damn business. It is between him and the IRS. If he had done anything wrong the shit ass Obama IRS would be all over him like white on rice.

How much did you pay in taxes last year Moon Bat?

We wonder what the filthy ass Obama's administration is hiding by not releasing Crooked Hillary's emails until after the election. WTF??

Although we already know a lot about her corruption and dishonesty we all wonder what else Crooked Hillary was trying to hide when she tried to delete all her emails, don't we?

Then we have the fact the piece of shit bitch is trying to hid what she got paid big bucks to tell Wall Street.
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker
What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

Of course, we’d have to have his tax returns to know. Makes you wonder what he is hiding.

No we don't. It is none of our damn business. It is between him and the IRS. If he had done anything wrong the shit ass Obama IRS would be all over him like white on rice.

How much did you pay in taxes last year Moon Bat?

We wonder what the filthy ass Obama's administration is hiding by not releasing Crooked Hillary's emails until after the election. WTF??

Although we already know a lot about her corruption and dishonesty we all wonder what else Crooked Hillary was trying to hide when she tried to delete all her emails, don't we?

Then we have the fact the piece of shit bitch is trying to hid what she got paid big bucks to tell Wall Street.

I love how upset you retards get.

Again, if you’re running for President, you’re going to be expected to release your tax returns. It is standard and customary. Trying to get out of it by claiming you are being audited is cheap and of course, dishonest.

I love how upset you retards get.

Again, if you’re running for President, you’re going to be expected to release your tax returns. It is standard and customary. Trying to get out of it by claiming you are being audited is cheap and of course, dishonest.

I am not voting for Trump. I just like to point out the hypocrisy of you stupid partisan pig Moon Bats that don't pay as much taxes in your whole pathetic lives that Trump pays in a day and who are silent when it comes to Crooked Hillary being dishonest and corrupt.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. You are running from it. Since you are concerned about what others pay in taxes how much do you pay?
What was Crooked Hillary hiding when she tried to delete 30,000 emails?

What is the filthy ass Obama's administration hiding by not releasing Crooked Hillary's emails until after the election?

What is Crooked Hillary hiding by not releasing the speeches to Wall Street that she cumulatively got paid millions to give?

What is the bitch hiding? Can you Gruberidiots answer that question?
I think libtards like candy corn are just snoopy. And she knows damn well she won't vote for him no matter what he pays in taxes. Now what is Hillary hiding?

Of course, we’d have to have his tax returns to know. Makes you wonder what he is hiding.

No we don't. It is none of our damn business. It is between him and the IRS. If he had done anything wrong the shit ass Obama IRS would be all over him like white on rice.

How much did you pay in taxes last year Moon Bat?

We wonder what the filthy ass Obama's administration is hiding by not releasing Crooked Hillary's emails until after the election. WTF??

Although we already know a lot about her corruption and dishonesty we all wonder what else Crooked Hillary was trying to hide when she tried to delete all her emails, don't we?

Then we have the fact the piece of shit bitch is trying to hid what she got paid big bucks to tell Wall Street.

I love how upset you retards get.

Again, if you’re running for President, you’re going to be expected to release your tax returns. It is standard and customary. Trying to get out of it by claiming you are being audited is cheap and of course, dishonest.
In your opinion. Doofus!
Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Speeches given as a private citizen… Again, Not seeing the parallel to the standard and customary release of tax returns by virtually every presidential candidate over the last 40 years…

Except your messiah, Donald Trump.

People with nothing to hide; hide nothing.

BTW: That Ms. Clinton made a bundle giving speeches is her right, is it not?
Oh right. Didn't Mr. trump pay taxes as a private citizen? Why, yes, I believe he did.

Candy's still trying to spin out of her lie. She said people who aren't hiding anything don't hide. Then Hillary, is hiding!
I think in her feeble mind Hillary's lies don't matter. That's a libtard for ya.

Speeches given as a private citizen. Hardly as necessary as seeing the federally mandated income and making sure that the persons asking gus to vote for them are paying their fair share.

You said "people with nothing to hide, hide nothing."

Where in there did you say "except as a private citizen?"

Clearly the text of her speeches to Wall Street are directly relevant to her running for President.

Cut the flagrant double standard. If you had any intellectual integrity at all you'd be demanding the text of her speeches for a major part of the job she is running for, our financial system. And you're defending her secrecy? Unreal.

Again, "people with nothing to hide, hide nothing." You're just a liar, and a bad one, you didn't mean that at al
View attachment 85203
Candy's still trying to spin out of her lie. She said people who aren't hiding anything don't hide. Then Hillary, is hiding!
I think in her feeble mind Hillary's lies don't matter. That's a libtard for ya.

Speeches given as a private citizen. Hardly as necessary as seeing the federally mandated income and making sure that the persons asking gus to vote for them are paying their fair share.
What is his fair share?

All these stupid partisan pig Moon Bats that are bitching about Trump's taxes (in addition to being hypocritical about Crooked Hillary's dishonesty) probably won't pay as much taxes in their whole lives as Trump pays in one day.

Of course, we’d have to have his tax returns to know. Makes you wonder what he is hiding.

Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

I don't really care about their tax returns jillian, I don't care about yours either, I only care about mine...

I am in no way a Trump fan, he will win financially irregardless if he wins this election...

The crime in all of this is Clinton is a criminal and every f'ing idiot who votes for her knows it...

the fact that you think she's a criminal says all i need to know. you can not like her but that is false.

and based on your opinion in that regard, if she were the one not turning over HER tax returns you'd babe saying she was hiding something criminal.

i say donald is hiding ties to russia that make him a security risk to this country.

there was in my head and it must make it true.

for the record i don't know that's why he's hiding his tax returns but there's something he thinks you shouldn't see....and even if it's that he's a liar on the subject of his net worth, you should hold him accountable. let's do millions of dollars in hearings about know, like you guys do.
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What does that have to do
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

yes.... facts are boring to wingers. delusions, no doubt are much more interesting.
View attachment 85203
Candy's still trying to spin out of her lie. She said people who aren't hiding anything don't hide. Then Hillary, is hiding!
I think in her feeble mind Hillary's lies don't matter. That's a libtard for ya.

Speeches given as a private citizen. Hardly as necessary as seeing the federally mandated income and making sure that the persons asking gus to vote for them are paying their fair share.
What is his fair share?

All these stupid partisan pig Moon Bats that are bitching about Trump's taxes (in addition to being hypocritical about Crooked Hillary's dishonesty) probably won't pay as much taxes in their whole lives as Trump pays in one day.

Of course, we’d have to have his tax returns to know. Makes you wonder what he is hiding.
Don't you think the damn IRS knows fool?
The only "untouchables" in the world today are the Clintons and Casey Anthony.

This corrupt lying bitch Crooked Hillary needs to come clean of what she was trying to hide from the American people by deleting her records as Secretary of State.

Casey Anthony needs to write a book entitled "I Didn't kill My Daughter But If I did This is How I Would Have Done It".
The only "untouchables" in the world today are the Clintons and Casey Anthony.

This corrupt lying bitch Crooked Hillary needs to come clean of what she was trying to hide from the American people by deleting her records as Secretary of State.

Casey Anthony needs to write a book entitled "I Didn't kill My Daughter But If I did This is How I Would Have Done It".

misogynist uneducated bigoted trash are so funny.

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