Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge

Hillary's threatening to reignin Wall Street and the banks at the same time they pay her millions to speak and her son in law is a hedge fund manager and the libtards aren't curious?all they want is Trumps tax returns. Says a lot about the leftist idiots dosen't it?

You’re not interested in what your messiah paid in taxes while he expects you to pay more? Shows you’re the idiot; not others.


As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…

Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Speeches given as a private citizen… Again, Not seeing the parallel to the standard and customary release of tax returns by virtually every presidential candidate over the last 40 years…

Except your messiah, Donald Trump.

People with nothing to hide; hide nothing.

BTW: That Ms. Clinton made a bundle giving speeches is her right, is it not?

I see, so when you said,

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

You ONLY meant Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, what a tool
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.

Unlike every major-party Presidential candidate since 1976, Donald Trump will not release his tax returns. He’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he has said, and so he will not release any return, for any year, until the audit is complete. Beyond that, his campaign has made it clear that, regardless of the status of the audit, Trump will not be releasing the returns before November.

In March, two of Trump’s tax lawyers, Sheri Dillon and William Nelson, of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, released
a letter to Trump that said the candidate had interests in roughly five hundred business entities and, thus, “your personal federal income tax returns are inordinately large and complex for an individual.” The lawyers said, further, that prior I.R.S. examinations of his taxes over the previous decade had produced no net deficiency. The letter said that the returns had been under “continuous examination” by the I.R.S. but, curiously, said nothing about how or why that might affect the disclosure of the returns. (When I contacted the firm, Dillon declined to speak to me.)

The law is clear about publicly releasing tax returns. The I.R.S. is prohibited from doing so, but taxpayers themselves have every right to disclose their own returns. Does the existence of an audit change the legal status of public disclosure? The answer is no; Trump can release the returns if he wants to. “He filed these tax returns under penalty of perjury with the I.R.S.,” Scott Michel, a partner at Caplin & Drysdale, a leading tax-law firm, said. “If he were to disclose the returns publicly, he’s not disclosing anything that the I.R.S. doesn’t already know about. A disclosure in and of itself cannot possibly prejudice or hurt him with his audit.”

The main risk of disclosure is political rather than legal. Trump’s returns may show that he pays a very low effective tax rate. They may also show that he gives very little to charity, or show foreign financial entanglements. But there is another, less obvious risk of disclosure, according to Michel. “He knows that if he discloses his tax returns, there will be thousands of tax professionals in this country going over them with a fine-tooth comb,” he said. “And, in the public discussion of the returns, there may be issues in his audit that might not yet have arisen, and the I.R.S. hasn’t found them. The auditing agent may get the idea to ask about something he hasn’t thought about. That’s probably one reason why he may be reluctant to turn them over.” Again, though, this possibility is a personal financial risk for the candidate, not a legal barrier to disclosure.

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.) “There are any number of questions that could be asked about what’s on his tax returns that wouldn’t require him to disclose the returns themselves,” Michel said. “How much did he report giving to charity? How much tax have you paid in dollars? What’s the effective tax rate that he paid? Do you have any foreign trusts? Foreign bank accounts? How big is your I.R.A.? This is all stuff that is on the face of a tax return”—that is, the form presented to the I.R.S. “There are many facts that he could disclose without going back on his position of not disclosing the full return because he is under audit,” Michel said.

Trump has said that he seeks to pay as little tax as possible under the law. That’s his right, of course. As Judge Learned Hand
observed in 1934, “Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” The question is not what the law requires but what politics demands. In this and so many other ways, Trump has so far defied Presidential electoral tradition by keeping his returns to himself. And if he continues to stonewall it’s clear that he’s doing so because that’s his choice, not his obligation.

Donald Trump’s Tax-Return Dodge - The New Yorker

You'll support a candidate that rigged a US election, but you'll complain about Trump's taxes. You wouldn't know even know what your were looking at if Trump handed you his tax returns.

Total nonsense.

What is drumpf hiding?

Hillary rigged a election and lied about her emails that put US sensitive information at risk. Yet you whine about Trump's taxes that you don't really need to see.

Rigged an election? Lied about e-mails and put US Sensitive information at risk? Man, if she did all that, you’d think she’d be in jail. Oh wait, let me guess…she has super powers and is above the law…blah blah blah…the FBI is in the bag for her blah blah blah….she cut a deal….blah blah blah…..

Don’t you get tired of trying to make the same old bullshit fly? I mean, day after day….it must get tiring on your part to put lipstick on the disaster that is your Messiah drumpf, parade around like he isn’t batshit crazy and come here and make these silly allegations once again?

It is customary for presidential candidates to release their income taxes. Fact.
HRC has released 33 years of hers.
He has not released any.

He knew the customary thing; going into the event, was that tax returns were going to be an issue. Just like Bernie knew full well about Super Delegates. To act surprised and ask “why did that happen” is basically dishonest.

Trump is obviously hiding something. The voters have a right to either see the returns or draw whatever conclusions their absence provides.

Those with nothing to hide…

Hide nothing.

I will give you that Hillary didn't rig the DNC election, her faithful lap dog Debbie did that. But about her emails and sensitive info at risk, read this and learn something.

Jan. 29, 2016: KCRG TV-9 interview in Dubuque, Iowa.

"I said I should've made a different choice, because it's proven to be quite difficult," Clinton reiterates, "but the facts are I never emailed anything that was considered classified or marked classified." Earlier that day, the Obama administration confirms the State Department announcing it would withhold 22 Clinton emails containing "top secret material."

Okay, and she is not in jail….sounds like she didn’t do anything illegal.
Poor Donald.... it's amusing how his trumpsters don't care. if it were Hillary Clinton, they'd be foaming at the mouth.
The irony of that statement is so thick - one could cut it with a knife. It's a remarkable claim coming from someone who has defended the most despicable and disgusting actions of Democrats while crying about the dumbest stuff every with Republican's.

Obama allows guns to go drug cartels without tracking them - they end up causing murders. You deny that (because Obama is a Dumbocrat) but lose your mind over a tax return.

Hitlery Clinton ignores desperate pleas for additional security in Benghazi, then ignores credible intel of a pending attack - both of which end up causing murders. You deny that (because Hitlery is a Dumbocrat) but lose your mind over a tax return.

The U.S. Constitution and lower forms of law are completely violated by Dumbocrats and you ignore that, but lose your mind over a tax return.

Dumbocrats can engage in any behavior - up to and including causing murder - and you'll deny and ignore all of it. But if a liberal running as a "Republican" doesn't release tax returns (which isn't even required), you lose your mind. Hell - you were one of the biggest bat-shit crazy libtards going ape-shit over conservatives asking for Barack Obama to release his birth certificate (and it is required by law to be a U.S. citizen to run for office). Why aren't you applying the same standards here jillian?!?! Why aren't you vehemently defending Trump in the same manner for something far less?

Oh...that's're one of the worst partisan hacks in the U.S. today.
You’re not interested in what your messiah paid in taxes while he expects you to pay more? Shows you’re the idiot; not others.


As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…
Aren't you curious? Google Hillary's speeches to Wall Street. Come back when you are more knowledgeable!

It's unreal that she doesn't know that and won't do her own research, isn't it? Democrats are completely fucking lazy. A big part of why they vote themselves a living

I’m sure Ms. Clinton gave many speeches. Having you guys narrow it down to your deflection mode for your messiah was my question.

Meanwhile, Where are Trump’s tax returns? What’s he hiding?

Not knowing about Hillary's Wall Street speeches is a level of cluelessness I don't even expect from the mindless Democrat drone party. Well done, you're standing out in a tough field to stand out in
Okay, and she is not in jail….sounds like she didn’t do anything illegal.
So if a man rapes you CC and there isn't enough evidence to convict him - then you would agree that he "didn't do anything illegal"? :eusa_doh:

Do you have any idea what a tool you sound like when you have to keep resorting to the defense of "well she's not in prison". Yeah - she'll never go to prison because she's connected. Her husband is the former President of the United States. She is a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. There is literally no way in hell she could ever go to prison.

You defense is dishonest, juvenile, and just plain stupid. Time to grow up CC.
Okay, and she is not in jail….sounds like she didn’t do anything illegal.
Casey Anthony also isn't in prison CC - do you believe that makes murdering her own daughter ok? :eusa_doh:

Do you have any idea what a tool you sound like when you have to keep resorting to the defense of "well she's not in prison". Yeah - she'll never go to prison because she's connected. Her husband is the former President of the United States. She is a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. There is literally no way in hell she could ever go to prison.

You defense is dishonest, juvenile, and just plain stupid. Time to grow up CC.
Okay, and she is not in jail….sounds like she didn’t do anything illegal.
O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman - would you agree that he "didn't do anything illegal"? :eusa_doh:

Do you have any idea what a tool you sound like when you have to keep resorting to the defense of "well she's not in prison". Yeah - she'll never go to prison because she's connected. Her husband is the former President of the United States. She is a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. There is literally no way in hell she could ever go to prison.

You defense is dishonest, juvenile, and just plain stupid. Time to grow up CC.
You’re not interested in what your messiah paid in taxes while he expects you to pay more? Shows you’re the idiot; not others.


As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…

Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Speeches given as a private citizen… Again, Not seeing the parallel to the standard and customary release of tax returns by virtually every presidential candidate over the last 40 years…

Except your messiah, Donald Trump.

People with nothing to hide; hide nothing.

BTW: That Ms. Clinton made a bundle giving speeches is her right, is it not?

I see, so when you said,

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

You ONLY meant Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, what a tool

I agree, your messiah is a tool.
This stuff about speeches given as a private citizen is just you guys trying to deflect and get the heat off your boy who is going down in flames faster than the Hindenburg.

Look, folks have been trading on their public service for decades now:

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The fact is…. it is (say it with me) Standard and Customary for candidates to be willing to disclose their tax returns. Your messiah, Trump is the one causing the problems;

He isn’t willing to do so.

What is he hiding?
So this actually isn't your standard:

OMG, you lied candy? Say it isn't so.

So you don't think when a horrible speaker is selling speeches for hundreds of thousands of US dollars a speech, it's not important what she said? She made major millions. You claim you want her to keep the reins on business, business who made her a hundred millionaire. And you can't find any relevance in that?
Hillary's threatening to reignin Wall Street and the banks at the same time they pay her millions to speak and her son in law is a hedge fund manager and the libtards aren't curious?all they want is Trumps tax returns. Says a lot about the leftist idiots dosen't it?

You’re not interested in what your messiah paid in taxes while he expects you to pay more? Shows you’re the idiot; not others.


As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…

Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Blah blah blah blah.

Did Clinton ever take a position as favorable to Wall Street as you rightwingnuts?

Stop deflecting.

As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…
Aren't you curious? Google Hillary's speeches to Wall Street. Come back when you are more knowledgeable!

It's unreal that she doesn't know that and won't do her own research, isn't it? Democrats are completely fucking lazy. A big part of why they vote themselves a living

I’m sure Ms. Clinton gave many speeches. Having you guys narrow it down to your deflection mode for your messiah was my question.

Meanwhile, Where are Trump’s tax returns? What’s he hiding?

Not knowing about Hillary's Wall Street speeches is a level of cluelessness I don't even expect from the mindless Democrat drone party. Well done, you're standing out in a tough field to stand out in

Spoken like a true Republican. Have you prayed to your Messiah Trump today?
Harry Reid admitted to lying about Romney's tax returns. He said he did not feel ashamed for doing so because Romney lost the election. Both the Clintons and Obama used the IRS against their political enemies - the American people. The FACT is they don't have any legal claim to tax returns as there is no legal obligation for Trump to turn over his tax returns. As Harry Reid showed - the Democrats don't really even want or need them - they can lie about the GOP candidate without them.

If you want documents that will actually have a serious impact to this election and afterwards, then RELEASE HILLARY'S MEDICAL RECORDS!

She is 'often confused', stumbles has to be helped up 7 steps, coughing fits, loses her place / gets lost during speeches....

Several doctors have come out to claim they believe she has post-concussion syndrome and the after-effects of some rare blood clot resulting from her falling and hitting her head. Some rumor came out about her having Parkinsons. I'm not sure if her barking episode was a symptom of any medical condition, but it was certainly disturbing :p.

I understand the Donald is going to email his returns to the Beast.

Trite and often used "defense: and joke by right wingers.....But, were it to be so, then Assange would take that email and make it public. Is that what you're wishing for?
So this actually isn't your standard:

OMG, you lied candy? Say it isn't so.

So you don't think when a horrible speaker is selling speeches for hundreds of thousands of US dollars a speech, it's not important what she said? She made major millions. You claim you want her to keep the reins on business, business who made her a hundred millionaire. And you can't find any relevance in that?
Hillary's threatening to reignin Wall Street and the banks at the same time they pay her millions to speak and her son in law is a hedge fund manager and the libtards aren't curious?all they want is Trumps tax returns. Says a lot about the leftist idiots dosen't it?

You’re not interested in what your messiah paid in taxes while he expects you to pay more? Shows you’re the idiot; not others.


As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…

Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Blah blah blah blah.

Did Clinton ever take a position as favorable to Wall Street as you rightwingnuts?

Stop deflecting.
I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…
Aren't you curious? Google Hillary's speeches to Wall Street. Come back when you are more knowledgeable!

It's unreal that she doesn't know that and won't do her own research, isn't it? Democrats are completely fucking lazy. A big part of why they vote themselves a living

I’m sure Ms. Clinton gave many speeches. Having you guys narrow it down to your deflection mode for your messiah was my question.

Meanwhile, Where are Trump’s tax returns? What’s he hiding?

Not knowing about Hillary's Wall Street speeches is a level of cluelessness I don't even expect from the mindless Democrat drone party. Well done, you're standing out in a tough field to stand out in

Spoken like a true Republican. Have you prayed to your Messiah Trump today?

Release of Clinton's Wall Street Speeches Could End Her Candidacy for President

If Trump were interested in allowing the public to learn something about his finances, he might, Michel suggested, find a middle ground between total nondisclosure (Trump’s current position) and release of the full tax return. (Hillary and Bill Clinton have released their complete tax returns going back several years.)
Of course they have - because they use the Clinton Foundation for all of their illegal and unethical finances. Lets see Bill and Hitlery welcome an independent audit of the Clinton Foundation. I've got $100,000 right now that says that will never happen.
He isn’t willing to do so. What is he hiding?
Hitlery isn't willing to release her medical records. What is she hiding?


More Doctors Call for Hillary Clinton to Release Her Medical Records
Spoken like a true Republican. Have you prayed to your Messiah Trump today?
Only one side treats their representatives like messiah's to be worshiped and it sure as hell isn't conservatives. By the way - have you updated your alter to Obama at all recently?

As I just said, you're not a Democrat, and you sold out completely to the Ice Queen.

I'm not voting for Trump but he's my "messiah?" That is funny. You're not a bright girl.

You're just deflecting from that your standard for Trump turned out to be a lie. Remember your standard?

As a leftists, you should be demanding to know what your queen promised Wall Street. But no, that would require something you don't have. Integrity

I do have a question: What speeches are you talking about?

Meanwhile, all candidates or practically all, in the last 40 years have released tax returns. Its standard and customary for them to do so; that is the only standard. The only abstainer? Your messiah, Donald Trump.

Makes you wonder what he is hiding…

Seriously? You don't know about Hillary's Wall Street speeches? Wow.

Keeping Wall Street Speeches Secret Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton

Speeches given as a private citizen… Again, Not seeing the parallel to the standard and customary release of tax returns by virtually every presidential candidate over the last 40 years…

Except your messiah, Donald Trump.

People with nothing to hide; hide nothing.

BTW: That Ms. Clinton made a bundle giving speeches is her right, is it not?

I see, so when you said,

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing

You ONLY meant Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, what a tool

I agree, your messiah is a tool.
This stuff about speeches given as a private citizen is just you guys trying to deflect and get the heat off your boy who is going down in flames faster than the Hindenburg.

Look, folks have been trading on their public service for decades now:

Election 2016 Speakers | American Program Bureau - Speakers Bureau for Keynote & Celebrity Speakers | Page 2

Speaker Search

The fact is…. it is (say it with me) Standard and Customary for candidates to be willing to disclose their tax returns. Your messiah, Trump is the one causing the problems;

He isn’t willing to do so.

What is he hiding?

You said people who have nothing to hide don't hide anything. So seriously, you didn't mean it? You were lying about your standard?

Obviously Hillary won't release the text of her speeches because she does have something to hide. I'm a capitalist. The one who should want to see them is ... you. Except that you're a liar. You're just a Democrat shill

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