Donald, you are such a fuckin hypocrite, how do you sleep at night?

Oh for crying out loud!
O for crying out loud....W for what the fuck you talkin about

Rape is a word that can be used as a noun and as a verb and is not limited in use describing a sexual situation. Sigh. I have this "thing" about claiming that certain words can only be used in specific situations. Just dealing with the grammar of it.

Here you go. You really need not be offended by the use of the word because it was used properly.

As a verb

Spoil or destroy (a place): timber men doubt the government’s ability to ensure the forests are not raped

As a noun:

The wanton destruction or spoiling of a place: the rape of the countryside


rape - definition of rape in English from the Oxford dictionary


I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

That sorry excuse for a nigga is fuckin REPUBLICAN!!!!

I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

That sorry excuse for a nigga is fuckin REPUBLICAN!!!!

Not every nigga wanna be a slave
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Damn nigga, what a stupid article. Rape gets used all the time for a variety of reasons.
Just bitchy people wanting to bitch
Is he really a knee grow?

As usual you minions miss the point....its not rape that offends me, its the fact he's constantly calling out a country that pays his fuckin tanning bills.

TN ya think tiger is Starkey?
No but they are both dumbfucks
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Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To ‘Rape’ America
“Using the word ‘rape’ to describe anything other than sexual violence trivializes the experience of survivors.”Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To 'Rape' America

How does this man sleep at night? How do people flock to listen to his bullshit about China, when his intire family's empire of cologne, shoes, clothing, all manufactored in China? If they're raping us, bitch you and your family and all of wall street are the one's providing the condoms!!
Blow it out your ass, Social Warrior!
How offended people are by the use of the word rape depends on who is using it and how. For example if you had Hillary or Bernie using the word rape to describe how Wall Street treats the middle class and the poor the left would be fine with it and the right would be outraged. We have way to many people today just looking for something to feign outrage over.
Damn nigga, what a stupid article. Rape gets used all the time for a variety of reasons.
Just bitchy people wanting to bitch
So you think that's presidential?

Do you think Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner saying "Obama Out" and dropping the mic is presidential?

Seriously? That's the least he could have done......Obama has maintained grace for the last 7 years, he's entitled to do a little gangsta move.....don't like it? Don't vote for the guy again......:banana::banana:

I don't give a shit about either one

You need to find a dollar and sell that shit to somebody that gives a damn, I don'

I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

It's odd how many successful blacks are labelled Uncle Tom's by their own community.

I remember reading about the shit Louis Armstrong went thru being labelled an Uncle Tom. Ditto Willie Mays and Jackie Robinson. Booker T. Washington. Many black greats have all been labelled by their own community as Uncle Toms.

It's pathetic. I guess it's the black equivalent of white trash knocking successful one percenters.

I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

It's odd how many successful blacks are labelled Uncle Tom's by their own community.

I remember reading about the shit Louis Armstrong went thru being labelled an Uncle Tom. Ditto Willie Mays and Jackie Robinson. Booker T. Washington. Many black greats have all been labelled by their own community as Uncle Toms.

It's pathetic. I guess it's the black equivalent of white trash knocking successful one percenters.

I don't know what books you read, but of those mentioned above, none that I read labeled these brilliant men as Uncle Toms. I challenge you to prove your accusations of this coming from the black community? What constitutes a Uncle Tom from my prospective are people like OJ Simpson, the late Michael Jackson, Clarence Thomas, Barkley, 50Cents the rapper, any black fuck in the Republican party and of course our beloved sell out nigga's that bleed red white and white skin. If you really like your history, than re visit Uncle Tom's Cabin and understand how todays nigga's got the title....than lets talk.
I know I know.....does your wife ever sleep?

This song goes out to you tigerred59....start at 1:35

Sorry, rap music coming from sell out nigga's....don't interest me.....especially this sellout Tom. Save him for your wife.

50 Cent is a sellout Uncle Tom??? Wow. How so??? Cuz he got rich and left the hood??? Good for him.

It's odd how many successful blacks are labelled Uncle Tom's by their own community.

I remember reading about the shit Louis Armstrong went thru being labelled an Uncle Tom. Ditto Willie Mays and Jackie Robinson. Booker T. Washington. Many black greats have all been labelled by their own community as Uncle Toms.

It's pathetic. I guess it's the black equivalent of white trash knocking successful one percenters.

I don't know what books you read, but of those mentioned above, none that I read labeled these brilliant men as Uncle Toms. I challenge you to prove your accusations of this coming from the black community? What constitutes a Uncle Tom from my prospective are people like OJ Simpson, the late Michael Jackson, Clarence Thomas, Barkley, 50Cents the rapper, any black fuck in the Republican party and of course our beloved sell out nigga's that bleed red white and white skin. If you really like your history, than re visit Uncle Tom's Cabin and understand how todays nigga's got the title....than lets talk.

One of many. And I know the story well by Stowe. You obviously don't.

Along with so many others because Tom was gentle and kind. And the black community has perverted the essence of Tom's being and turned it into some appalling caricature that is evil and mean. Tom was none of that.

Uncle Tom Revisited: Rescuing the Real Character from the Caricature | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
Women trivialize the word rape themselves. Some will say that when a man looks at them, they feel as though they are being raped. Such crap. If they aren't being actually sexually assaulted, they aren't being raped.
Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To ‘Rape’ America
“Using the word ‘rape’ to describe anything other than sexual violence trivializes the experience of survivors.”Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To 'Rape' America

How does this man sleep at night? How do people flock to listen to his bullshit about China, when his intire family's empire of cologne, shoes, clothing, all manufactored in China? If they're raping us, bitch you and your family and all of wall street are the one's providing the condoms!!
Just curious. Are you working on your GED? If not, give it some thought.
Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To ‘Rape’ America
“Using the word ‘rape’ to describe anything other than sexual violence trivializes the experience of survivors.”Advocates Livid That Donald Trump Said China Is Going To 'Rape' America

How does this man sleep at night? How do people flock to listen to his bullshit about China, when his intire family's empire of cologne, shoes, clothing, all manufactored in China? If they're raping us, bitch you and your family and all of wall street are the one's providing the condoms!!
Same way Obama and Hillary do.

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