Donald's bleach moment now seems like his finest hour!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s widely ridiculed musing about the healing powers of household disinfectants now seems like a career high point, according to prominent historians.​
While Trump’s suggestion that ingesting bleach could treat the coronavirus appeared, at the time, to be a catastrophic misstep, his actions in recent days have forced many historians to revise that assessment, Davis Logsdon, a Presidential historian, said.​
“This week, we’ve seen Trump tear-gas peaceful protesters, offend religious leaders by using a Bible as a prop, and threaten to use the military against the American people,” Logsdon said. “In retrospect, suggesting that people ingest Clorox and put ultraviolet lights inside their bodies seems like the act of a responsible public servant.”​
Logsdon added that, with unrest roiling the nation and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, “Trump’s best bet may be to remind the American people, ‘I’m the man who told you to drink bleach.’ ”​
“All things considered, that may be his finest hour,” the historian said.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s widely ridiculed musing about the healing powers of household disinfectants now seems like a career high point, according to prominent historians.​
While Trump’s suggestion that ingesting bleach could treat the coronavirus appeared, at the time, to be a catastrophic misstep, his actions in recent days have forced many historians to revise that assessment, Davis Logsdon, a Presidential historian, said.​
“This week, we’ve seen Trump tear-gas peaceful protesters, offend religious leaders by using a Bible as a prop, and threaten to use the military against the American people,” Logsdon said. “In retrospect, suggesting that people ingest Clorox and put ultraviolet lights inside their bodies seems like the act of a responsible public servant.”​
Logsdon added that, with unrest roiling the nation and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, “Trump’s best bet may be to remind the American people, ‘I’m the man who told you to drink bleach.’ ”​
“All things considered, that may be his finest hour,” the historian said.​

TDS thread 1,662

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s widely ridiculed musing about the healing powers of household disinfectants now seems like a career high point, according to prominent historians.​
While Trump’s suggestion that ingesting bleach could treat the coronavirus appeared, at the time, to be a catastrophic misstep, his actions in recent days have forced many historians to revise that assessment, Davis Logsdon, a Presidential historian, said.​
“This week, we’ve seen Trump tear-gas peaceful protesters, offend religious leaders by using a Bible as a prop, and threaten to use the military against the American people,” Logsdon said. “In retrospect, suggesting that people ingest Clorox and put ultraviolet lights inside their bodies seems like the act of a responsible public servant.”​
Logsdon added that, with unrest roiling the nation and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, “Trump’s best bet may be to remind the American people, ‘I’m the man who told you to drink bleach.’ ”​
“All things considered, that may be his finest hour,” the historian said.​

Fake news.

DrLove has such a low IQ that he fell for it. What a fucking dumbass. I bet he's a Democrat. Only Democrats are that fuckin' stupid.

Ellen DeGeneres getting lit up now for saying "people of color" instead of "black".

Drew Brees getting lit up for saying he'd never disrespect the flag.

It wasn't tear gas and it wasn't Trump. Smoke grenades were fired into the crowd to disperse them.

BULLSHIT - Tear gas WAS used. Please stop lying.

The smoke contained in the canisters can cause eye irritation but it was not tear gas. It's the same thing soldiers use when they need cover during combat. They're certainly not going to tear gas themselves you fucking moron.

Don't make yourself look like an idiot believing rioters and protesters over the nations military.
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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s widely ridiculed musing about the healing powers of household disinfectants now seems like a career high point, according to prominent historians.​
While Trump’s suggestion that ingesting bleach could treat the coronavirus appeared, at the time, to be a catastrophic misstep, his actions in recent days have forced many historians to revise that assessment, Davis Logsdon, a Presidential historian, said.​
“This week, we’ve seen Trump tear-gas peaceful protesters, offend religious leaders by using a Bible as a prop, and threaten to use the military against the American people,” Logsdon said. “In retrospect, suggesting that people ingest Clorox and put ultraviolet lights inside their bodies seems like the act of a responsible public servant.”​
Logsdon added that, with unrest roiling the nation and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, “Trump’s best bet may be to remind the American people, ‘I’m the man who told you to drink bleach.’ ”​
“All things considered, that may be his finest hour,” the historian said.​

TDS thread 1,662

Wow, we have a Daily Winner. And Johnny, what has he won? Well Monty, he's won an all expense paid trip around the world on a Spanish Galley without Sails. He has a seat just for him and an oar and all the Gruel he can eat and all the Grog he can drink. Brought to you by the wonderful Captain Krug who knows how to handle a Covid 19 free touring liner.

Straight out of Orwell's book 1984, we have Democrats, the Media and their faithful minions repeating lies until they become the truth. Whether it's the bleach/Lysol lie or the most recent lie about tear gas the Left follows Orwell's classic like an instruction manual. The ultimate dream is to have America diminished and absorbed into a new globalist order. They may even want to call it 'Oceania'.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s widely ridiculed musing about the healing powers of household disinfectants now seems like a career high point, according to prominent historians.​
While Trump’s suggestion that ingesting bleach could treat the coronavirus appeared, at the time, to be a catastrophic misstep, his actions in recent days have forced many historians to revise that assessment, Davis Logsdon, a Presidential historian, said.​
“This week, we’ve seen Trump tear-gas peaceful protesters, offend religious leaders by using a Bible as a prop, and threaten to use the military against the American people,” Logsdon said. “In retrospect, suggesting that people ingest Clorox and put ultraviolet lights inside their bodies seems like the act of a responsible public servant.”​
Logsdon added that, with unrest roiling the nation and unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the Great Depression, “Trump’s best bet may be to remind the American people, ‘I’m the man who told you to drink bleach.’ ”​
“All things considered, that may be his finest hour,” the historian said.​

TDS thread 1,662

Wow, we have a Daily Winner. And Johnny, what has he won? Well Monty, he's won an all expense paid trip around the world on a Spanish Galley without Sails. He has a seat just for him and an oar and all the Gruel he can eat and all the Grog he can drink. Brought to you by the wonderful Captain Krug who knows how to handle a Covid 19 free touring liner.

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Send me my tickets....I need a vacation !!!!!
Straight out of Orwell's book 1984, we have Democrats, the Media and their faithful minions repeating lies until they become the truth. Whether it's the bleach/Lysol lie or the most recent lie about tear gas the Left follows Orwell's classic like an instruction manual. The ultimate dream is to have America diminished and absorbed into a new globalist order. They may even want to call it 'Oceania'.

New Globalist Order? What is this - a NEW conspiracy theory?? :D

Nobody got Donnie's words wrong on "injecting disinfectants" ya goof.

As for Orwell - 1984 is YOUR instruction manual. OWN IT!!


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