Donetsk leader AKA in USA "terrorist Russian" SPEAKS - something you won't see on CNN

Just another witness testimony:
By the way, 2 in-law family members of mine fled from Kiev this week and emigrated to Russia, because the current Kievan government is
a) illegal to them, by their own laws
b) this gov drafts all men to fight the war for 2 weeks now
c) sends those draftees without any additional training
d) threatens those who refuse with long-term prison sentences

They were both Ukrainians by citizenship, and had to leave their possessions and belongings there. We sent money for support. War is terrible.

I hope Merkel and Putin can stop this conflict together, as they've been trying to. Honestly, we neither need the US nor the UK at the table of negotiations.
Read more at - Dead ukranian soldiers in Shahtersk
Russia and Germany, two of the most historically oppressive , abusive, war mongering nations to bless the planet..
World!!!!! Wake up!!!! Nazis are occupying Europe step by step. We need to stop genocide in SE Ukraine and throw all Kiev junta and their agents to War Tribunal. The sooner the better for the world.
World!!!!! Wake up!!!! Nazis are occupying Europe step by step. We need to stop genocide in SE Ukraine and throw all Kiev junta and their agents to War Tribunal. The sooner the better for the world.
You are absolutely right, only these forums for the most part, like the mass media are filled with people who do not care. I am not one of them.
Goebbels said: "Give me media and I will turn any people into a tribe of pigs". That's what is unfortunately going on now all over the world. And not too many people can even think how much media is manipulating with their mind. Thanks God there still a few independent journalists who deliver the truth even though it's soooo ugly and hard to believe in. Robert Perry is one of them, God bless him.....
Oh, forgot to say, I heard about this possible chlorine attack by Ukrainians too. They badly need to do smth now (and blame Donbass army, of course) to distract world's attention from the Boeing. Definitely neither Ukrainians nor their American patrons are not interested in clear investigation, otherwise both Ukrainians and USA would provide the evidence they possess (Ukrainians are hiding last negotiations with their dispatcher and the pilot), we see they are not in a hurry. By the way, in 2001 Ukrainians shot a civilian plane (Israel-Russia) and were lying about it same way like now.
Goebbels said: "Give me media and I will turn any people into a tribe of pigs". That's what is unfortunately going on now all over the world. And not too many people can even think how much media is manipulating with their mind. Thanks God there still a few independent journalists who deliver the truth even though it's soooo ugly and hard to believe in. Robert Perry is one of them, God bless him.....
Exactly. Hitler also said similar stuff, and they meant it for those who controlled the media before them, who were unelected and they manipulated the government and all the political parties - one thing I disagree with Nazi Germans is that they called this cult of criminals "Jews" - I believe they can hide under anything, not just Jews - they can be Christians today, Islamo fascists yesterday, Atheists the next day and so on. They can be Russians and they can be Saudis, they can be Americans or Ukrainians.
I don't get the original video ( - [eng subs] UA govt prepares ballistic missile strike at chlorine reservoirs in Donetsk and Luhansk. Igor Strelkov briefing.)
It's Russian voice-over and I strained my ears to hear any Ukrainian speech, but ether way - the mouths did not match the voice-overs or ether of the languages. So, now I'm confused. And the message did not make sense ("Did not see Putin" "no support from Putin" "expect support from Putin" "blah blah blah").

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