Donnie claims he built the "greatest economy in the history of the world!"

He did a damn good job...we have even taken a pandemic hit pretty well so far....
If he did such a good job why did it only take a few weeks to fall apart?
Trump was busy with the impeachment.
The one he didn't testify at and claimed he wasn't even watching?

Dotard was WAY too busy tweeting about it to read his PDBs and listen to dire warnings from his experts. Of course, that was over first week of January and they're trying to tell us that it's an excuse for his next two months of dithering. Hilarious :D
"Look, I built -- they were just telling me inside, and it's fact -- I built the greatest economy -- I built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
Ehhh not even you Self-Aggrandizing Fat, Failed, Impeached Toxic Orange Turd! :huh1:

Thanks Obama for funding the Wuhan Flu!

That one died in a fiery crash over at Debunction Junction two months ago ;)
He did a damn good job...we have even taken a pandemic hit pretty well so far....
If he did such a good job why did it only take a few weeks to fall apart?
Trump was busy with the impeachment.

The impeachment was over first week of January. You gonna blame the following two months in which he ignored all the PDB's and warnings from experts on impeachment? Sorry man, that don't fly.
Trump never ignored anyone...he shut down travel when the world told him not to...the congress has a roll in pandemics too but they were too busy trying to impeach Trump for nothing....
President Trump was spot on correct. If we had been hit by this virus during the Obama Regime, or if Hillary Clinton had won, we'd have people flying out the windows of every office building in the country. The economy could have never stood it. Fortunately for America, Trump was able to build resiliency so we are already on the road back

Instead we were hit by MERS, SARS, H1N1 and ebola.
Lol, no shutdown though. Obama's economy would've collapsed and never would've bounced back. Trump's economy will come back quickly.
"Look, I built -- they were just telling me inside, and it's fact -- I built the greatest economy -- I built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
Ehhh not even you Self-Aggrandizing Fat, Failed, Impeached Toxic Orange Turd! :huh1:

Thanks Obama for funding the Wuhan Flu!

That one died in a fiery crash over at Debunction Junction two months ago ;)

Because you said so???


In February 2020, Obama took credit for the economy!

In 2015, Obama and Fauci funded Wuhan Lab
"Look, I built -- they were just telling me inside, and it's fact -- I built the greatest economy -- I built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
Ehhh not even you Self-Aggrandizing Fat, Failed, Impeached Toxic Orange Turd! :huh1:

Thanks Obama for funding the Wuhan Flu!

That one died in a fiery crash over at Debunction Junction two months ago ;)

Because you said so???


In February 2020, Obama took credit for the economy!

In 2015, Obama and Fauci funded Wuhan Lab

What's True
A portion of $3.7 million in grants awarded between 2014 and 2019 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to EcoHealth Alliance, a global environmental health nonprofit organization, helped fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
What's False
However, not all of that $3.7 million went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and not all of the funding took place under the Obama administration. Approximately $700,000 of the $3.7 million total was approved under Donald Trump.

As for believing China developed this virus in a lab in order to infect their own people and the world?
You're batshit crazy son! :D

"Look, I built -- they were just telling me inside, and it's fact -- I built the greatest economy -- I built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
Ehhh not even you Self-Aggrandizing Fat, Failed, Impeached Toxic Orange Turd! :huh1:

He did build the greatest economy we’ve ever seen, by a long shot.
Facts just don’t sit well with you, do they?

The Wuhan plague has wreaked havoc on the economy and could send us into a temporary depression, but President Trump isn’t responsible for that any more than Merkel is responsible for Germany’s current economic recession.

But President Trump has the track record of building up a great economy from a sputtering one, so we know he is the man for the job. He truly can make America great again after Wuhan Virus.

I thought conservatives took the position was that It is entrepreneurs and the free enterprise system that builds economies and not presidents or leaders. I mean that used to be conservative until conservatives sold their souls to Trump.

By golly, I think Trumpers now are taking a Stalinist view that it is the supreme leader that controls our economy and to whom we should give thanks for our prosperity. far conservatism has fallen.

No wonder so many Trumpers love King Jong Un and V. Putin.

Remember when Trumpists had a shit fit when Obama said "You didn't build that"?
Note the silence when Donnie Dumpster claims HE DID!!

/——/ Trump did build this economy, but he’s not the one who destroyed it.

Disagree Airplane Feller. Due to Dawdling, Dithering, Deflecting, and Dissembling ... Your Idiot killed thousands and tanked the economy. Thems are the FACTS!

Thems are Prog agenda facts. No matter whatever happens, we don't believe you. All of those people you listened to over the years and much longer will be doing a disappearing act if things get real bad and a whiff of danger comes to them. The best thing the real rulers of the world could do is to get their low level power elite people to give up their lives for the globalist movement. It would convince more of the peasants that theirs is the true way of human happiness. So the Clintons and the Biden's and the bush family and the rest voluntarily going onto a televised And being executed for the cause and promoted that way will be a massive ratings winner and do wonders for your beliefs..

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