Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC

It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

The day OBarry took office, he sent word down to Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid that "NOTHING was to get through the Senate" and nothing has. There are an estimated 280 bills sitting in his office that he has refused to allow to come to the floor.

THAT is the democrat party.

Perhaps after the mid-terms, Harry will have fun picking his nose in the Senate Cloak room as the new "Cloak Room Monitor".

He's done.

LOL, RF. Your posts always make my day.

That's a great visual.

Where's Vigilante when you need him. I want a px of Reid picking his nose in the Cloak Room, LOL.
Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC

Bullshit. Why are you so dishonest? Only low-information neanderthals with short memories believe that shit.
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.
The Republican House has passed budget after budget after budget. But once they send each budget to the Senate for final passage, Senate Leader (Democrat) Harry Reid goes into GRIDLOCK mode.

Instead of Reid sitting down and negotiating with Republicans LIKE EVERY SENATE LEADER BEFORE HIM, he Just.Says.No. He doesn't negotiate, he doesn't compromise, he doesn't work with the House....he just says NOOOOOOOO.

It's time to turn the Senate over to Republicans who will stop that gridlock.

The 50-to-49 vote in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, sets up contentious — and potentially fruitless — negotiations with the Republican-controlled House in April to reconcile two vastly different plans for dealing with the nation’s economic and budgetary problems. No Republicans voted for the Senate plan, and four Democrats opposed it: Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mark Begich of Alaska and Max Baucus of Montana. All four are from red states and are up for re-election in 2014.
“The Senate has passed a budget,” Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the Senate Budget Committee chairwoman, declared at 4:56 a.m.
Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC

Bullshit. Why are you so dishonest? Only low-information neanderthals with short memories believe that shit.

Shut up, hippy.

You're at the top of the list of liars on this board.

Reid controls the DO NOTHING SENATE. Get a clue.
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.
Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC

Bullshit. Why are you so dishonest? Only low-information neanderthals with short memories believe that shit.

Shut up, hippy.

You're at the top of the list of liars on this board.

Reid controls the DO NOTHING SENATE. Get a clue.

Oh, and Mitch McConnell lets Harry Reid do whatever he wishes? Get real, NaziConChick...
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.
The real question is how many of the Chambermaids buy the re-write?

"....the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOPwhip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against it.” The excerpt includes a special bonus nugget of Mitt Romney dissing the Tea Party.

But as we say in the sales world: There’s more! I’m going to be blogging some of the news and larger themes from the book here at, and I’ll kick it off with more scenes from the early days of the Republican strategy of No. Read on to hear what Joe Biden’s sources in the Senate GOP were telling him, some candid pillow talk between a Republican staffer and an Obama aide, and a top Republican admitting his party didn’t want to “play.” I’ll start with a scene I consider a turning point in the Obama era, when the new President went to the Hill to extend his hand and the GOP spurned it."

The New New Deal Why the GOP Became the Party of No
The American populace must be aware of the problem, The GOP rates lower in Congress than the Dems...
There is some truth to what EconChick is implying. Harry doesn't impress me at all. He's interested more in political points than actually accomplishing anything for the country.
That said, I don't think the GOP portion of the Senate and House are any different.
First of all, many of the bills the House submits are pretty far to the right's ideology and are clearly meant to fail in the Democratic Senate. A good example would be Paul Ryan's budget which goes about butting heads with Democratic core beliefs.
Secondly there are the filibusters; etc.
If the shoe was on the other foot (Dem controlled House/GOP controlled Senate), we'd probably see the same amount of gridlock and lack of production. There is way too much polarization between both parties and that sucks for the country as a whole.. Somebody in Washington could come up with the greatest idea that was ever conceived by mankind and it would never become law because of how dysfunctional politically Washington has become.
Of course USMB is heavily populated by folks who just love the the dysfunctional polarization. It gives them a chance to show off their childish and party first mentality.
What this country very seriously needs is a government that's "for the people" instead of a government that is divided my extreme ideologues.


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I am no fan of Reid ,and I am not a fan of the one horse House, and That weepy Speaker..gheesh...
If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.

Is there anything you're capable of telling the truth about, LOL???

You guys got bored with my econ threads. You were too stupid to grasp them.
The Republican House has passed budget after budget after budget. But once they send each budget to the Senate for final passage, Senate Leader (Democrat) Harry Reid goes into GRIDLOCK mode.

Instead of Reid sitting down and negotiating with Republicans LIKE EVERY SENATE LEADER BEFORE HIM, he Just.Says.No. He doesn't negotiate, he doesn't compromise, he doesn't work with the House....he just says NOOOOOOOO.

It's time to turn the Senate over to Republicans who will stop that gridlock.

The 50-to-49 vote in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, sets up contentious — and potentially fruitless — negotiations with the Republican-controlled House in April to reconcile two vastly different plans for dealing with the nation’s economic and budgetary problems. No Republicans voted for the Senate plan, and four Democrats opposed it: Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mark Begich of Alaska and Max Baucus of Montana. All four are from red states and are up for re-election in 2014.
“The Senate has passed a budget,” Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the Senate Budget Committee chairwoman, declared at 4:56 a.m.

In response to House Republicans passing useless budgets that have no hope of being passed, Senate Democrats passed their own hopeless budget

We did not come any closer to having a reconciled budget
Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.

Is there anything you're capable of telling the truth about, LOL???

You guys got bored with my econ threads. You were too stupid to grasp them.

More posing. You are indeed pathological.
There is some truth to what EconChick is implying. Harry doesn't impress me at all. He's interested more in political points than actually accomplishing anything for the country.
That said, I don't think the GOP portion of the Senate and House are any different.
First of all, many of the bills the House submits are pretty far to the right's ideology and are clearly meant to fail in the Democratic Senate. A good example would be Paul Ryan's budget which goes about butting heads with Democratic core beliefs.
Secondly there are the filibusters; etc.
If the shoe was on the other foot (Dem controlled House/GOP controlled Senate), we'd probably see the same amount of gridlock and lack of production. There is way too much polarization between both parties and that sucks for the country as a whole.. Somebody in Washington could come up with the greatest idea that was ever conceived by mankind and it would never become law because of how dysfunctional politically Washington has become.
Of course USMB is heavily populated by folks who just love the the dysfunctional polarization. It gives them a chance to show off their childish and party first mentality.
What this country very seriously needs is a government that's "for the people" instead of a government that is divided my extreme ideologues.

I agree with the first part of your post that both parties have contributed to gridlock..... except the guy running the WH and the guy running the Senate have to take most blame since they have the most power. If McConnell were Senate Leader instead of Reid, I would have to honestly hold him more responsible, but he's not.
The American populace must be aware of the problem, The GOP rates lower in Congress than the Dems...

Because Obama has shown such weak leadership and has made too many mistakes, the GOP will have good mid-term election results. People aren't exactly voting for the GOP as much as they are voting against Obama.
Many of the mid-term political ads I have seen by the GOP mention Obama, much like the Dems did with Bush in 2006. Is it really that surprising?
It's really too bad the two major parties have set themselves up through election laws. It's almost impossible for a third party to emerge. Thus the Tea Party's infiltration of the GOP, the TP couldn't of done it on their own.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.

Is there anything you're capable of telling the truth about, LOL???

You guys got bored with my econ threads. You were too stupid to grasp them.

More posing. You are indeed pathological.

Awwwww, what's wrong, you're to stupid to grasp my threads or posts? Of course you are. And on election day, you'll find most voters agreeing with me, dumbass.

As for the name calling, bring it on. I'm waiting for one of you dumb asses to come up with something original.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.

So the GOP minority blocking bills is not gridlock, but the Democratic majority blocking bills is.

lol, you get dumber by the post.

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.

Is there anything you're capable of telling the truth about, LOL???

You guys got bored with my econ threads. You were too stupid to grasp them.

More posing. You are indeed pathological.

My extensive econ credentials intimidate you and you know it, darlin
And LOL ....Lakhota the Lakky felt a need to mimic my thread. That's cute honey. I like as many gridlock threads as possible.

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