Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC

Being a math-challenged lib, you typically look at one or a few data points instead of looking at things in total.

And you ALWAYS make generalized substanceless statements about non-existent data points.

A classic trait in a poser.

Is there anything you're capable of telling the truth about, LOL???

You guys got bored with my econ threads. You were too stupid to grasp them.

More posing. You are indeed pathological.

My extensive econ credentials intimidate you and you know it, darlin

You have no econ credentials. You're an anonymous idiot on the internet. Your credentials are in the substance of what you post, and so far, your posts reek of stupidity.

I'll bet $2000 dollars I have major econ credentials, dumbass. You ready to put up $2000 to back your slimey accusation up, shit for brains?

We both cough up $2K to the USMB kitty first and whoever loses has to leave it with USMB.

I'll wait for you to back your bullshit accusation up. You won't because you can't.

You are the one with no credentials. NONE.

Which is why every comment you make about the economy IS FULL OF SHIT.
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I love the idea that the RWnuts think they're in control of Congress.

:ahole-1: It's you Communist/subversives that are holding up over 350 passed bills! Either the Senate rejects them, passes them and let the Manchurian muslim veto them, BUT GET THE FUCKING DEMORATS to do something!


A picture is worth a thousand words.

In this case, worth a million words.

And almost all the liberals on this board fit into that picture.
I'm waiting, Carb.



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The Republican House has passed budget after budget after budget. But once they send each budget to the Senate for final passage, Senate Leader (Democrat) Harry Reid goes into GRIDLOCK mode.

Instead of Reid sitting down and negotiating with Republicans LIKE EVERY SENATE LEADER BEFORE HIM, he Just.Says.No. He doesn't negotiate, he doesn't compromise, he doesn't work with the House....he just says NOOOOOOOO.

It's time to turn the Senate over to Republicans who will stop that gridlock.

The Founding Fathers adopted, Article I, § 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state legislatures in order to cause gridlock.

Gridlock is a great thing. It prevents the low life motherfuckers from enacting dangerous unnecessary legislation.

If the seventeenth Amendment had not been adopted , Obama Hellcare would have never become the law.

So Harry Reid (D-USSR) has caused enough damage already.

I'm just glad that it appears the consensus is that gridlock is bad. Some of the fucking brainiacs on this forum think it should be encouraged.
I'm just glad that it appears the consensus is that gridlock is bad. Some of the fucking brainiacs on this forum think it should be encouraged.

I think you need to go take a course on the Constitution and the thinking of our Founding Fathers. It's obvious you don't know the first thing about either.
I'm just glad that it appears the consensus is that gridlock is bad. Some of the fucking brainiacs on this forum think it should be encouraged.

I think you need to go take a course on the Constitution and the thinking of our Founding Fathers. It's obvious you don't know the first thing about either.

I know that compromise was an integral part of the system they set up. It's obvious that you haven't a clue.
I'm just glad that it appears the consensus is that gridlock is bad. Some of the fucking brainiacs on this forum think it should be encouraged.

I think you need to go take a course on the Constitution and the thinking of our Founding Fathers. It's obvious you don't know the first thing about either.

I know that compromise was an integral part of the system they set up. It's obvious that you haven't a clue.

Because they believed government was inherently inefficient and not trustworthy (and look at how right they've been proven today)....they actually designed the system to make it really hard to get things passed.

I could go on but would suggest you do a lot of reading for yourself....
I'm just glad that it appears the consensus is that gridlock is bad. Some of the fucking brainiacs on this forum think it should be encouraged.

I think you need to go take a course on the Constitution and the thinking of our Founding Fathers. It's obvious you don't know the first thing about either.

I know that compromise was an integral part of the system they set up. It's obvious that you haven't a clue.

Because they believed government was inherently inefficient and not trustworthy (and look at how right they've been proven today)....they actually designed the system to make it really hard to get things passed.

I could go on but would suggest you do a lot of reading for yourself....

Hard to get things passed is understandable. Impossible to get things passed is not.
House republicans – the TPM in particular – are responsible for the gridlock and inaction, the consequence of their unwarranted, inane temper-tantrum at having lost two presidential elections.
House republicans – the TPM in particular – are responsible for the gridlock and inaction, the consequence of their unwarranted, inane temper-tantrum at having lost two presidential elections.

Yeahhhhhh. LOL.

I notice Harry Reid is nowhere in your calculations.

And people wonder why I title the threads the way I do....
In fact, this internet bias is EXACTLY why we have so many stupid fucking voters in this country....and why idiots like Hillary are pandering to said stupid fucking voters with outrageous comments like "businesses don't create jobs."

....which is why many libs are also uninformed when it comes to knowing what Harry Reid does.....

how one sided....
Reid is a corrupt old douchebag. By far the worst Senate Leader in history. Period, end of story.
Once he's gone I sure hope the Congress can work together and get things done.

Reid can kiss my ass.

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