Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Well the economy really sucks when you don't have a job eh econchicky? Get a fucking job. You to iceweasel.
Get a job doing something productive. Earn a paycheck. Things won't look so bad then.
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?
Well the economy really sucks when you don't have a job eh econchicky? Get a fucking job. You to iceweasel.
Get a job doing something productive. Earn a paycheck. Things won't look so bad then.

Oh, there are plenty of jobs for skilled people, there always are. I got a six figure one year contract yesterday. I also own my own business. I'm a go getter. You can celebrate, I'll be around less when I start in a couple weeks.

It's the lower end who can't get jobs and the ones they do get pay for shit. We get lots of candidates for every opening, we're always telling people we're not hiring. It's the ones who need jobs the most your messiah is doing dick for.
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!

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So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
I'm not you.

Working PT for economic reasons:
Jan 2009 - 7,911,000
Sept 2014 - 6,990,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Unemployed isn't just part time, that's just one category.
Obviously YOU have no idea what YOU post!
YOU said UNDERemployed was higher, not unemployed which is also lower, so you are still wrong even after moving the goal posts.
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?

I can't tell if you are a liar or a fiction writer. You ever heard of a "filibuster". How about "super majority".

Look em up and find out how the Republican party made full use of both for 6 long fucking years... Educate yourself. Maybe someone would give you a job with an education. Probably a Democrat. But that's ok. A pay check from a Democrat is better that no paycheck at all. Right?

And stand behind my "party". I sure ain't no Democrat. You ever read what I write? Hell just the other day I was wanting to get rid of both the EIC and the Home interest deduction. How democrat is that?

But I do like to party. But I still can't tell what you are.
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!


You mean you have subjected others to your bullshit for years? Poor them. I can barely stand the few weeks you've been posting here. But YEARS from you? Good god. Get a job.
They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
I'm not you.

Working PT for economic reasons:
Jan 2009 - 7,911,000
Sept 2014 - 6,990,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Unemployed isn't just part time, that's just one category.
Obviously YOU have no idea what YOU post!
YOU said UNDERemployed was higher, not unemployed which is also lower, so you are still wrong even after moving the goal posts.

Yes, I already told you that underemployment is not just part time like you think it is. It's also people who are working full time outside their field for lower wages. That is where the biggest pain is. I did not move the goal posts, you didn't grasp what they are.
Well the economy really sucks when you don't have a job eh econchicky? Get a fucking job. You to iceweasel.
Get a job doing something productive. Earn a paycheck. Things won't look so bad then.

Oh, there are plenty of jobs for skilled people, there always are. I got a six figure one year contract yesterday. I also own my own business. I'm a go getter. You can celebrate, I'll be around less when I start in a couple weeks.

It's the lower end who can't get jobs and the ones they do get pay for shit. We get lots of candidates for every opening, we're always telling people we're not hiring. It's the ones who need jobs the most your messiah is doing dick for.


Those of us that worked our asses off to get marketable skills always do well. I do well regardless of which president is in office.

I'm concerned about THE COUNTRY. I'm concerned about my neighbors. I'm concerned about my relatives. I'm concerned about everyone's job.

That's why I spent so many years studying economics.

But your point is exactly spot on: Obama's policies aren't doing anything for the middle class and the unskilled.

Everyone knows it. Even the lying libs. LOL
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Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!


You mean you have subjected others to your bullshit for years? Poor them. I can barely stand the few weeks you've been posting here. But YEARS from you? Good god. Get a job.

Awww, poor little insecure dumbass lib. I've been making six figures for many many years, shit for brains. I'm here because I'm tired of how you fucking liberal socialists are trying to destroy my country.

You WILL be stopped. Mark my words.
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?

I can't tell if you are a liar or a fiction writer. You ever heard of a "filibuster". How about "super majority".

Look em up and find out how the Republican party made full use of both for 6 long fucking years... Educate yourself. Maybe someone would give you a job with an education. Probably a Democrat. But that's ok. A pay check from a Democrat is better that no paycheck at all. Right?

And stand behind my "party". I sure ain't no Democrat. You ever read what I write? Hell just the other day I was wanting to get rid of both the EIC and the Home interest deduction. How democrat is that?

But I do like to party. But I still can't tell what you are.

You're factually wrong and you didn't even read my post, I addressed your opening points already. And another liberal who isn't one, that's quite clever, I mean it's only been done by how many dozens of liberals on the board? How did you think of it?
Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?
Well the economy really sucks when you don't have a job eh econchicky? Get a fucking job. You to iceweasel.
Get a job doing something productive. Earn a paycheck. Things won't look so bad then.

Oh, there are plenty of jobs for skilled people, there always are. I got a six figure one year contract yesterday. I also own my own business. I'm a go getter. You can celebrate, I'll be around less when I start in a couple weeks.

It's the lower end who can't get jobs and the ones they do get pay for shit. We get lots of candidates for every opening, we're always telling people we're not hiring. It's the ones who need jobs the most your messiah is doing dick for.


Those of us that worked our asses off to get marketable skills always do well. I do well regardless of which president is in office.

I'm concerned about THE COUNTRY. I'm concerned about my neighbors. I'm concerned about my relatives. I'm concerned about everyone's job.

That's why I spent so many years studying economics.

But your point is exactly spot on: Obama's policies aren't doing anything for the middle class and the unskilled.

Everyone knows it. Even the lying libs. LOL

They'd be hysterical with the job market if a Republican were President right now. Watch if a Republican wins in 2016, suddenly the economy will be a disaster and it'll be the Republican's fault. The liberal media will be setting themselves on fire in Lafayette Park.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
I'm not you.

Working PT for economic reasons:
Jan 2009 - 7,911,000
Sept 2014 - 6,990,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Unemployed isn't just part time, that's just one category.
Obviously YOU have no idea what YOU post!
YOU said UNDERemployed was higher, not unemployed which is also lower, so you are still wrong even after moving the goal posts.

Yes, I already told you that underemployment is not just part time like you think it is. It's also people who are working full time outside their field for lower wages. That is where the biggest pain is. I did not move the goal posts, you didn't grasp what they are.

This fact makes our little friends' heads at BLS explode. Oh nooooooooooos, we can't stuff that into a category so it does not compute.



Kaz, go back and get your doct and then go take over BLS, would ya???? :)
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Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?

That's so clever. We want less government and lower taxes. But we don't have jobs. You are a liberal who wants government handouts for people who don't work. We don't want them. And we don't work.

That's quite an argument zeke, touche.
Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?

You mean the six figure jobs we both just told you we have, shit for brains??? LMAO. Did you ever pass third grade reading class????
Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!


You mean you have subjected others to your bullshit for years? Poor them. I can barely stand the few weeks you've been posting here. But YEARS from you? Good god. Get a job.

Awww, poor little insecure dumbass lib. I've been making six figures for many many years, shit for brains. I'm here because I'm tired of how you fucking liberal socialists are trying to destroy my country.

You WILL be stopped. Mark my words.

Sure you have honey sure you have. Just come out and say it. You got fired from your last job. And no one wants to hire the dipshit you are. And it wouldn't take a prospective employer long to figure out what a loser you are and how harmful you would be to have as an employee. 100k for years. Yea sure. And you QUIT a 100k a year job to pontificate on a message board. LMAO. You are an idiot if you think people will believe that bullshit.
Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?

That's so clever. We want less government and lower taxes. But we don't have jobs. You are a liberal who wants government handouts for people who don't work. We don't want them. And we don't work.

That's quite an argument zeke, touche.

So what kind of job you got? Be quick if you can. I got to go to work. I've wasted about all the time I have to waste fucking with you people.

What is your JOB Kaz?
The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!


You mean you have subjected others to your bullshit for years? Poor them. I can barely stand the few weeks you've been posting here. But YEARS from you? Good god. Get a job.

Awww, poor little insecure dumbass lib. I've been making six figures for many many years, shit for brains. I'm here because I'm tired of how you fucking liberal socialists are trying to destroy my country.

You WILL be stopped. Mark my words.

Sure you have honey sure you have. Just come out and say it. You got fired from your last job. And no one wants to hire the dipshit you are. And it wouldn't take a prospective employer long to figure out what a loser you are and how harmful you would be to have as an employee. 100k for years. Yea sure. And you QUIT a 100k a year job to pontificate on a message board. LMAO. You are an idiot if you think people will believe that bullshit.

Still with the line that we oppose government handouts, so obviously we're unemployed. The level of illogic of liberals, wow.

I like how the idea of six figures is so impressive to you that you can't even contemplate it. It's sad that my real life exceeds your imagination.

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