Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Can you say "Baby Boomers?"
Carla you are a danger to yourself
How many baby boomers didn't retire and how many had to return to the work force?


You're welcome.
Valid link

Do you remember what you told me the last time I asked you for a link?
Where is your god damn link shit stain.
I already posted the link.

Why More Americans Are Working Past Age 65 - US News

The proportion of people age 65 and older in the workforce grew to 16.1 percent by 2010, up from 12.1 percent in 1990, according to a recent Census Bureau report.
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ah yes we'd be such a better country if we could replace our social programs for the poor with this:

Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


I didn't say a fucking word about "hand outs". I did say get an education that would make you employable above the minimum wage. If you can't do that (become more educated) then eventually you will have your hand out.

You ever look at the number of working people making MW or slightly above, that receive SNAP? Or is that your long term goal? Become SNAP eligible? Is that your career aspiration?

Interesting. I found your tone relative to 'picking up cans' to be a tad snobbish. If Obama voters picked up cans to pay for their cell phones, nights out etc, instead of me paying for it, they just might understand what self preservation is all about. Instead, its socially acceptable in the Leftist world to be unaccountable and perfectly acceptable to receive handouts instead of 'doing what it takes' to survive.

An yes, that includes picking up cans to pay for my internet bill

Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


Why? Don't they want their base to have meaningful employment?

I pick up (no pun intended) about 150 dollars a month for beer money by scrapping copper and aluminum. Nothing wrong with scrapping. But it's a tough way to make a real living off of. It is a good source of other income. For BEER.
Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


I didn't say a fucking word about "hand outs". I did say get an education that would make you employable above the minimum wage. If you can't do that (become more educated) then eventually you will have your hand out.

You ever look at the number of working people making MW or slightly above, that receive SNAP? Or is that your long term goal? Become SNAP eligible? Is that your career aspiration?

Interesting. I found your tone relative to 'picking up cans' to be a tad snobbish. If Obama voters picked up cans to pay for their cell phones, nights out etc, instead of me paying for it, they just might understand what self preservation is all about. Instead, its socially acceptable in the Leftist world to be unaccountable and perfectly acceptable to receive handouts instead of 'doing what it takes' to survive.

An yes, that includes picking up cans to pay for my internet bill


Well you dip shit. Obama voters are scrappers. You ever go to the poorer part of your town and find a aluminum can on the side of the road? Hell no. Matter of fact, you will find many vacant houses that have been stripped of the aluminum siding. The poor Obama voters scrap a lot.

But I can guarantee you that YOUR taxes are not paying for much in the way of benefits for the poor.
Your piddly ass tax bill goes to the wars. Feel better now?
Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


Why? Don't they want their base to have meaningful employment?

I pick up (no pun intended) about 150 dollars a month for beer money by scrapping copper and aluminum. Nothing wrong with scrapping. But it's a tough way to make a real living off of. It is a good source of other income. For BEER.

Yep......I still have a half dozen hitting students. I work a few weekend hours every week and use the cash to buy awesome Christmas and birthday presents for my family. I even get my students gifts with the money their parents pay me.

Is it how I earn my living? No. Hustling for dough is a nice romantic image in Nutterland.......but a job that pays a living wage is preferred.
Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


Why? Don't they want their base to have meaningful employment?

I pick up (no pun intended) about 150 dollars a month for beer money by scrapping copper and aluminum. Nothing wrong with scrapping. But it's a tough way to make a real living off of. It is a good source of other income. For BEER.

They fought against the 5 cent deposit here in NY 20 years ago or whenever it was, on behalf of the beverage industry,

with all sorts of gloom and doom claims of how it was going to destroy the industry.

Of course, it didn't.
Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


Why? Don't they want their base to have meaningful employment?

I pick up (no pun intended) about 150 dollars a month for beer money by scrapping copper and aluminum. Nothing wrong with scrapping. But it's a tough way to make a real living off of. It is a good source of other income. For BEER.

Yep......I still have a half dozen hitting students. I work a few weekend hours every week and use the cash to buy awesome Christmas and birthday presents for my family. I even get my students gifts with the money their parents pay me.

Is it how I earn my living? No. Hustling for dough is a nice romantic image in Nutterland.......but a job that pays a living wage is preferred.

Hunter Pence? What a weird swing to be so damned successful with it. You teach that swing? LOL.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
I'm not you.

Working PT for economic reasons:
Jan 2009 - 7,911,000
Sept 2014 - 6,990,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Unemployed isn't just part time, that's just one category.

If a Republican were President right now, you'd be in full hysteria mode over jobs. But it's a Democrat, so everything is great!!!! It still cracks me up how I kept trying to tell you in the beginning how "cynics" are cynical of the PTB and making fun of you for being cynical of anyone who questions the PTB, but it turned out that's what you actually meant.

Questioning government? What's up with that? You're totally cynical of anyone doing that. You should be Edthelemur.

Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks, wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.
They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.

You have to read the discussion
You have to post some hard data.

OK, I concede, the job market is great, you win. Happy?
Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


Why? Don't they want their base to have meaningful employment?

I pick up (no pun intended) about 150 dollars a month for beer money by scrapping copper and aluminum. Nothing wrong with scrapping. But it's a tough way to make a real living off of. It is a good source of other income. For BEER.

Yep......I still have a half dozen hitting students. I work a few weekend hours every week and use the cash to buy awesome Christmas and birthday presents for my family. I even get my students gifts with the money their parents pay me.

Is it how I earn my living? No. Hustling for dough is a nice romantic image in Nutterland.......but a job that pays a living wage is preferred.

Then apply risk and motivation.. considering 'preferred'

Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.

You have to read the discussion
You have to post some hard data.

OK, I concede, the job market is great, you win. Happy?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
The economy is better now than it was in January 2009. Bump this thread if you agree!

Loner Loser is a demented, brainless, piece of shit. Bump this thread if you agree!

And Obummer is STILL screwing up the economy.....ain't no way around that, hun.

Here's a clue, Ed, the economy sucks .wages are stagnant and fewer people have jobs. Come into the light and get around a bit, you won't melt. You will be shocked at what you find.

The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.

You have to read the discussion
You have to post some hard data.

OK, I concede, the job market is great, you win. Happy?

They are unbelievable, aren't they EconChick?

Libs are so desperate, they're starting to throw their own mothers under the bus so lies about the economy are par for the course, LOL

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