Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

What do you mean the wrong reason? Not working is the liberal objective.

Wait! You said the above! I think I as wrong about you being intelligent. Is it too late to take it back?
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE

Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Hey comon now, EC is working on her doctorate in Economics, so she says.

I mean, isn't that obvious?

Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.
No, both sides skated, but Obozo is abusing the letter of the law by monkeying with the system.

He hasn't done anything to the 'system'. The BLS operates on its own.

And you must believe in Unicorns as well.
No one outside the specific program office at BLS has any kind of access to the raw or pre-release data of that program. There are strict rules and laws governing the handling of statistical data.
No, that has changed.

Now explain which policies Obama signed that changed that?

From what I see he's done nothing but hold back the improvements and caused some factors to worsen, essentially giving us a slower recovery. Not of his own choice. What he had in mind was much worse.

Ah see, classic derangement.

Give you a good number, it can't have anything to do with Obama.

Give you a bad number, and it's all Obama.

No, both sides skated, but Obozo is abusing the letter of the law by monkeying with the system.
What "monkeying" are you claiming and what is your evidence?

Relaxing standards for disability for one.

I do wish you would pay attention.
It was St Ronnie who relaxed relaxed the standards for disability, long before Obama.
Yeah, and he also advertized on the internet from the grave, making everyone aware of how easy it was to apply. :lame2:

You people keep wearing out the same excuses. Everything always has origins in another administration. Obama never does anything wrong. He never makes anything worse. It's always Bush or Reagan forcing him to abuse the system he's currently abusing.
I estimate that approximately 2/3rds of the people in this thread don't have clue as to what the participation rate really is.
It is hovering around 60%.

Which means 40% of those who should be working choose to live off the other 60% who do work.

Before long, there will be two non-workers for every worker.

The Obama vision, free the people from the tyranny of work.
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Hey comon now, EC is working on her doctorate in Economics, so she says.

I mean, isn't that obvious?


She had to slow down on that because the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been calling on her to help them out. Or was it the Federal Reserve? Or the Bank of England. Maybe it was the Rothschild's that needed her. I forget. But she is in really high demand. For shits and grins that is.
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this

I estimate that approximately 2/3rds of the people in this thread don't have clue as to what the participation rate really is.
It is hovering around 60%.

Which means 40% of those who should be working choose to live off the other 60% who do work.

Before long, there will be two non-workers for every worker.

The Obama vision, free the people from the tyranny of work.

And every one of those 40% not working are lazy ass Republicans like you two.

I have 5 people in my family. One is a full time student. The other four of us have been working every single day that Obama has been in office. We are tired of carrying you lazy ass Republicans. Get a JOB.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
I'm not you.

Working PT for economic reasons:
Jan 2009 - 7,911,000
Sept 2014 - 6,990,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
I estimate that approximately 2/3rds of the people in this thread don't have clue as to what the participation rate really is.
It is hovering around 60%.

Which means 40% of those who should be working choose to live off the other 60% who do work.

Before long, there will be two non-workers for every worker.

The Obama vision, free the people from the tyranny of work.

And every one of those 40% not working are lazy ass Republicans like you two.

I have 5 people in my family. One is a full time student. The other four of us have been working every single day that Obama has been in office. We are tired of carrying you lazy ass Republicans. Get a JOB.
Why would I get a job?

I have been retired for 8 years.

And, FYI, I am not even a Republican, I am a registered Libertarian.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.

You have to read the discussion
You have to post some hard data.
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


I didn't say a fucking word about "hand outs". I did say get an education that would make you employable above the minimum wage. If you can't do that (become more educated) then eventually you will have your hand out.

You ever look at the number of working people making MW or slightly above, that receive SNAP? Or is that your long term goal? Become SNAP eligible? Is that your career aspiration?
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

Now why would the republicans want to push the idea the UE rate hasn't fallen? Why push the idea that the economy is so much worse than it could have been? Why do those things?
Cause that's all the Republicans have to run on. No success to point to. No ideas to explore.

But plenty of bullshit about how awful things are. It's what Republicans do (bitch, lie and complain) because that's all they've got.

On a different note. I read this am where econchick QUIT her great paying job to further the efforts of the Republican parties fantasy division. By posting bullshit on a message board. And there are millions out there like her working for the betterment of the USA. LMAO.

In other words, she got fired and can't find anyone stupid enough to hire her.

Indeed. It will continue to fall as well. Soon there will only be 101,567 jobs and quite unremarkable is the fact they are 100% filled. Success. 0% UE


I take it you still don't have a job? Maybe some schooling to make you more employable above MW.
Or do you have a MW job and are being paid what you are worth? And education is for those pansy liberals. Right?

You would rather collect cans from the side of the road than be educated and have a good paying job. You do have your own standards to keep.

winner-winner chicken dinner. I agree with your assessment in part. I would pick up cans if I had too. BTW, I do collect them so I can cash in the CRV. and do my part to be 'green. Anyway, yes, I would pick up cans before I would hold out my hand for a handout. The left could learn from this


Ironically, conservatives have tended to fight against the bottle/can return laws.


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