Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Blaming Obama and pretending the numbers are rigged is more fun!
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

Can you say "Baby Boomers?"
Carla you are a danger to yourself
How many baby boomers didn't retire and how many had to return to the work force?


You're welcome.
Valid link

Do you remember what you told me the last time I asked you for a link?
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Blaming Obama and pretending the numbers are rigged is more fun!

There's drugs you can take for those delusions you keep having.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Blaming Obama and pretending the numbers are rigged is more fun!

There's drugs you can take for those delusions you keep having.

You ought to know.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

You do realize why I'm bumping, don't ya limmies?
Because you are an egomaniac?

Oh look, it's one of my favorite liberal propagandists.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, except if you're fucking wrong all the time. Which you libs are.

You're being PUMMELED in the polls, darling. Pummeled.
I'm not being pummeled in any polls. Funny that you think I only vote for Democrats but not surprising as you are incredibly predictable.
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535
Do you know every time unemployment falls the opposition, be them Republican or Democrat come up with the same crap, people have given up looking for a job. The fact is many of those people included in the survey don't want a job because there're going back to school, or retiring, or starting a family, starting a business, working in two parttime jobs, etc, etc... Labor participation rates peaked 15 years ago. This trend started long before Obama took office.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

Because that is a major reason, dingbat. We all knew it was going to happen. All except for you low information, Fox News viewers.
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535
Do you know every time unemployment falls the opposition, be them Republican or Democrat come up with the same crap, people have given up looking for a job. The fact is many of those people included in the survey don't want a job because there're going back to school, or retiring, or starting a family, starting a business, working in two parttime jobs, etc, etc... Labor participation rates peaked 15 years ago. This trend started long before Obama took office.

You obviously don't know the subject of economics.

You're implying Bush and Obama are exactly the same. You seem to have no grasp on the many variables that go into the calculus.

Please wake up. I like your avatar too much.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

Because that is a major reason, dingbat. We all knew it was going to happen. All except for you low information, Fox News viewers.

Blah blah blah. I've run circles around you dumb ass libs with both my hands tied behind my back.

Read some polls dummy.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

Because that is a major reason, dingbat. We all knew it was going to happen. All except for you low information, Fox News viewers.

The more you type, the dumber I realize you are. See my last post to Flopper.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

Because that is a major reason, dingbat. We all knew it was going to happen. All except for you low information, Fox News viewers.

Blah blah blah. I've run circles around you dumb ass libs with both my hands tied behind my back.

Read some polls dummy.

Wowza, that's some debating skills you've got.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.

What is it with you old flakey hippy chicks and your inability to do math?

So you think retiring baby boomers are the only reason the Labor Participation Rate is dropping?

Because if you do, you might as well climb back under the blankees and cover your head back up.

No one said it was the ONLY reason.

Then why is that the only thing she mentioned in her analysis?

Never mind. I'm sure that went over your head.

Because that is a major reason, dingbat. We all knew it was going to happen. All except for you low information, Fox News viewers.

The more you type, the dumber I realize you are. See my last post to Flopper.

I saw it, and it's just as ignorant as the last 19 pages of your nonsense.

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