Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Bush had really good employment rates at one point.
Bush also used "slight of hand" and moved 10+ million workers to the not in labor force group to get those temporary good rates, which didn't last. And he didn't have Boomers retiring!!!
Funny Bush's "slight of hand" produced "really good employment rates at one point" though never as good as Clinton's rates, But Obama using less "slight of hand" if you adjust for retiring Boomers has really bad UE rates. :cuckoo:
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.
Not hardly constant!

For example, in Bush's first 5 years he averaged 1,496,493 retirees per year and in Obama's first 5 years he averaged 2,704,585 retirees per year, an average of 1,208,092 more retirees leaving the labor force per year than Bush. So in Obama's first 5 years he had over 6 million more Boomers retiring then Bush's average.
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

Who's fooled? Certainly not me.

UE is actually at around 12%.
And Bush's actual UE was over 25%.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
Then they're not definition. Discouraged means they want a job.
But why are you saying that someone who actually does want a job, and could accept one if offered, lie to the Census and say they don't really want a job?
The Right lies about everything so they ASSUME everyone is a liar like them.

April 22, 2008
CALLER: Amen. I would like to comment that probably the people that I dislike more than the Democrats, are the pollsters, and I sure would not tell them the truth when I answered their poll. And if I crossed over, I would answer their poll.

RUSH: You mean you would lie to a pollster?

CALLER: Well, for greater good.

RUSH: (laughing) You would lie to a pollster for the greater good.
Have already done that in many posts over many threads and you know it. :)

That's not what this thread is about. Go read my other threads and the long list of others' threads if you want to know policies.
Ok, let's talk about this thread. Your claim is that "Obama has used slight of hand....he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller. How has he done that? Are you saying that, under another President, the same survey results would have shown more unemployed but Obama has done something contrary to previous practice?

The survey is conducted. The answers are aggregated. What exactly do you think Obama has to do with that process?

He's come from the same Ivy League schools that have promulgated that bullshit!!!! He's too stupid, as are most liberal question the whole methodology!
That's a non answer. What specifically are you claiming Obama has done that would constitute "sleight of hand," and what specifically are you claiming he has done to make the count of unemployed smaller?

I've got to run but are you seriously asking me how Obama has mislead the public on the state of the economy and jobs???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The truth is hidden behind the U-3 numbers. The U-3 number is misleading!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He goes out and trumpets the misleading stat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Lord.

What stat did Bush use?
Bush used the U-3 rate after moving 10+ million workers into the "not on labor force" group.
Ah see, classic derangement.

Give you a good number, it can't have anything to do with Obama.

Give you a bad number, and it's all Obama.

No, both sides skated, but Obozo is abusing the letter of the law by monkeying with the system.

He hasn't done anything to the 'system'. The BLS operates on its own.

And you must believe in Unicorns as well.
No one outside the specific program office at BLS has any kind of access to the raw or pre-release data of that program. There are strict rules and laws governing the handling of statistical data.
When Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month.

I guess you have some stupid argument that that condition hasn't improved either.

No, that has changed.

Now explain which policies Obama signed that changed that?

From what I see he's done nothing but hold back the improvements and caused some factors to worsen, essentially giving us a slower recovery. Not of his own choice. What he had in mind was much worse.

Ah see, classic derangement.

Give you a good number, it can't have anything to do with Obama.

Give you a bad number, and it's all Obama.

No, both sides skated, but Obozo is abusing the letter of the law by monkeying with the system.
What "monkeying" are you claiming and what is your evidence?

Relaxing standards for disability for one.

I do wish you would pay attention.
It was St Ronnie who relaxed relaxed the standards for disability, long before Obama.
I invite the OP to develop her own formula for determining the actual unemployment rate. Put it here and plug in the numbers.

Then...we will use it to determine that the unemployment rate is lower now than it was in. January of 2009. And...that it was higher in January 2009 than it was in January 2000.

The only question left will be whether or not the OP admits her abject failure.

It's between 12 and 13%, dolty.

Is it really that hard to figure out?
Down from Bush's 25% to 30%. :biggrin:
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

My visual is quite simple. I look at the people I know. Last month I knew one person who was unemployed. He now is employed in a full-time position with benefits. I currently do not personally know anyone who is unemployed. Also, I keep hearing how difficult it is for teenagers to find employment, yet my 17 year old son has two part-time jobs. He's working close to 40 hours per week. Now I'm not denying that there are people not working, but things really have gotten much better over the past couple of years. BTW, I live in an area where the unemployment rate usually is worse than the rest of the country.
Over 40% aged 55 or older are working or looking for work
Retirement age is 65, NOT 55.

Why More Americans Are Working Past Age 65 - US News

The proportion of people age 65 and older in the workforce grew to 16.1 percent by 2010, up from 12.1 percent in 1990, according to a recent Census Bureau report.
Since I was in my 30's, people have been talking about the declining birth rate and what will happen when the Baby Boomers retire and predicting that with increased longevity, we could reach a point where there would be more people retired than working. Well, the Boomers are retiring, in droves, and the population bulge that is the Baby Boomers, which has skewed the demographics numbers throughout its lifetime, is now reducing the numbers of people working.

This wasn't unexpected, but trust Fox and other conservatives outlets to act like this hasn't been predicted for 30 years and oh woe is us - it's all Obama's fault! You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to swallow the notion that this President, or any President for that matter, is responsible for the declining percentage of people working.

But then we are talking about conservatives - the gang who swallowed the Birther story whole.
The Right knows exactly what you posted and they quoted the SAME projections when they wanted to privatize Social Security at the start of Bush's second term!
Over 40% aged 55 or older are working or looking for work
Retirement age is 65, NOT 55.

Why More Americans Are Working Past Age 65 - US News

The proportion of people age 65 and older in the workforce grew to 16.1 percent by 2010, up from 12.1 percent in 1990, according to a recent Census Bureau report.
BABY BOOMER the word you love to use so much
Baby boomer are those who were born between 1946 and d a lot of people retire at age 55
Now shit stain you're done and dismissed
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

Can you say "Baby Boomers?"
Carla you are a danger to yourself
How many baby boomers didn't retire and how many had to return to the work force?


You're welcome.
Valid link

Do you remember what you told me the last time I asked you for a link?
Where is your god damn link shit stain.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
If by "jumped higher" you mean DROPPED by close to 1 million then you would be right, otherwise you are wrong.

You made that up, you'd know that if you ever left your parents basement and went out into the real world.
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Do not want. The question is "Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?"

And a lot of discouraged workers answer no to that question.
That's just wishful thinking with no hard data to support it.

You have to read the discussion
Kaz............take this however you wish......I'm aware that you aren't asking for input.

You are abrasive and unfriendly........but a decent enough person, I think.

The recent tendency that you have to pipe in with support for the absolute horse shit that EconChic is serving........comes off as really negative.

You are intelligent enough......I am almost know that the UE rate has dropped at a fairly good clip since it peaked in 2010......and that the reason for this drop is NOT an increase in people giving up hope of finding a job.

Why not say so? I could almost understand it if the bitch was anywhere close to being as wonderful as advertised.....but it's clear that she's a fraud and a simpleton. Let go already.

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