Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.
Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?

That's so clever. We want less government and lower taxes. But we don't have jobs. You are a liberal who wants government handouts for people who don't work. We don't want them. And we don't work.

That's quite an argument zeke, touche.

So what kind of job you got? Be quick if you can. I got to go to work. I've wasted about all the time I have to waste fucking with you people.

What is your JOB Kaz?

1) I own a business

2) The contract I just got is doing program management.

Each pays me six figures.

If you are in the Triangle of North Carolina like I am and have decent management skills, six figure jobs are all over. It took me two weeks to get a contract and I only applied for two positions.
The economy sucks you say? That's because of Republicans. Wages are stagnant you say. That to is on Republicans. And fewer people have jobs you say. And that's on Republicans as well.

You hit the trifecta.

Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority. But it's still the Republicans.

Grow up, zeke and stand behind what your party is doing. The Democrats are running the show. Even when the Republicans took the house, you bitch slapped them into submission on the budget giving them zero.

You are a pathetic loser. Grow a pair and man up to your record. Who would you blame if it wasn't the ... minority ... party? Leprechauns?


Dag, I love your posts, Kaz!

I've been writing long substantive posts across the internet for 4 years now and it's hard to keep doing it over an I just summarize....but I hope you can keep these great ones coming for just 6 more days!!


You mean you have subjected others to your bullshit for years? Poor them. I can barely stand the few weeks you've been posting here. But YEARS from you? Good god. Get a job.

Awww, poor little insecure dumbass lib. I've been making six figures for many many years, shit for brains. I'm here because I'm tired of how you fucking liberal socialists are trying to destroy my country.

You WILL be stopped. Mark my words.

Sure you have honey sure you have. Just come out and say it. You got fired from your last job. And no one wants to hire the dipshit you are. And it wouldn't take a prospective employer long to figure out what a loser you are and how harmful you would be to have as an employee. 100k for years. Yea sure. And you QUIT a 100k a year job to pontificate on a message board. LMAO. You are an idiot if you think people will believe that bullshit.

I'm a consultant, you dumb ass. I work when I want, shit for brains. You'd fall out of your chair with shock if you knew what I command per hour. There is no happier person on this planet than I am. Except for shoving you Socialists back into your holes.......and that goal is about to be realized in 6.....5......4...........3..........

And hate to break it to ya, zeeeky weeeeky.....this is only one of many places I can be seen on the internet RUBBING YOU LIBS' NOSES IN YOUR OWN SHIT.

You libs are idiots, you lack character, you lack courage, you lack intelligence, and you smell. Time to go.
Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.

You said both of us.

Here you go moron.

Face it. If you don't have a job you either don't have a skill set to market. Or you have such a shitty employment history that no one will hire you. Or you are over 50. Or you can't pass a piss test. Or you are retarded. There is work out there. But you got to be employable.

Which group do you fall in Kaz and Econchicky?
Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.

Awww, ZekeyWeeeky, you're coming unglued, aren't ya? Is it because you've never made more than $30,000 in your life?????

Get off your ass and go back to school like Kaz and I have. Or start your own business like Kaz and I and Iceweazel have.

Or just work really hard instead of looking how to get OUT of work you lazy POS.
Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority.
The Right has nothing but the lies! Actually only about 6 months, not 2 years. But facts mean nothing to the Right after their MessiahRushie Limbola has fed them a lie to mindlessly parrot, here is the truth:

When Obama was inaugurated Spector had not switched Parties yet and was still a Republican and the GOP were challenging Frankin's victory, blocking his appointment and so he was not sworn in yet, thus no GOP filibuster proof super-majority. Spector switched April 2009 and Frankin was sworn in on July 8, 2009 giving the Dems a super-majority for the first time which lasted less than 2 months when Kennedy died on August 25, 2009. Kennedy's seat remained empty until September 24, 2009 when Kirk was appointed to take his place until the special election. GOP Scott Brown won and was sworn in Feb 4, 2010 permanently ending the Democratic super-majority. The Dems had a GOP filibuster proof super-majority for under 6 months.

August 18, 2011
RUSH: Barack Obama had supermajorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency,
Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority.
The Right has nothing but the lies! Actually only about 6 months, not 2 years. But facts mean nothing to the Right after their MessiahRushie Limbola has fed them a lie to mindlessly parrot, here is the truth:

When Obama was inaugurated Spector had not switched Parties yet and was still a Republican and the GOP were challenging Frankin's victory, blocking his appointment and so he was not sworn in yet, thus no GOP filibuster proof super-majority. Spector switched April 2009 and Frankin was sworn in on July 8, 2009 giving the Dems a super-majority for the first time which lasted less than 2 months when Kennedy died on August 25, 2009. Kennedy's seat remained empty until September 24, 2009 when Kirk was appointed to take his place until the special election. GOP Scott Brown won and was sworn in Feb 4, 2010 permanently ending the Democratic super-majority. The Dems had a GOP filibuster proof super-majority for under 6 months.

August 18, 2011
RUSH: Barack Obama had supermajorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency,

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

Own it. This mess is Obama's and you dummies' who voted for him.
Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority.
The Right has nothing but the lies! Actually only about 6 months, not 2 years. But facts mean nothing to the Right after their MessiahRushie Limbola has fed them a lie to mindlessly parrot, here is the truth:

When Obama was inaugurated Spector had not switched Parties yet and was still a Republican and the GOP were challenging Frankin's victory, blocking his appointment and so he was not sworn in yet, thus no GOP filibuster proof super-majority. Spector switched April 2009 and Frankin was sworn in on July 8, 2009 giving the Dems a super-majority for the first time which lasted less than 2 months when Kennedy died on August 25, 2009. Kennedy's seat remained empty until September 24, 2009 when Kirk was appointed to take his place until the special election. GOP Scott Brown won and was sworn in Feb 4, 2010 permanently ending the Democratic super-majority. The Dems had a GOP filibuster proof super-majority for under 6 months.

August 18, 2011
RUSH: Barack Obama had supermajorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency,

Fair enough it wasn't two years, but it was over a year before he was sworn in. And Democrats delayed it to ram Obamacare through.

Republicans have still been the minority party for six years only controlling the House and only for less than four of the six. To blame after that the economy on the Republicans is, well, normal for the party that is never accountable for your own actions.
Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.

Awww, ZekeyWeeeky, you're coming unglued, aren't ya? Is it because you've never made more than $30,000 in your life?????

Get off your ass and go back to school like Kaz and I have. Or start your own business like Kaz and I and Iceweazel have.

Or just work really hard instead of looking how to get OUT of work you lazy POS.

Un glued by trading insults with a couple of assholes on the Internet? You really are fucking stupid. LMAO.

Great thing about the internet. You CAN BE all you ever thought you were gonna be. :Like you all believe you have something IMPORTANT to say. And you are all bidness owners and consultants. Instead of just being lying assholes, I can see where you'd make things up about the jobs you have and how successful you are.

Fantasy lives are hard to give up.
Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.

Awww, ZekeyWeeeky, you're coming unglued, aren't ya? Is it because you've never made more than $30,000 in your life?????

Get off your ass and go back to school like Kaz and I have. Or start your own business like Kaz and I and Iceweazel have.

Or just work really hard instead of looking how to get OUT of work you lazy POS.

Un glued by trading insults with a couple of assholes on the Internet? You really are fucking stupid. LMAO.

Great thing about the internet. You CAN BE all you ever thought you were gonna be. :Like you all believe you have something IMPORTANT to say. And you are all bidness owners and consultants. Instead of just being lying assholes, I can see where you'd make things up about the jobs you have and how successful you are.

Fantasy lives are hard to give up.

Guess what, shit for brains.


Ain't gonna ever happen again.

First of all, the dumbasses that bought your lies are pissed at you libtards. Secondly, the internet is no longer your propaganda vehicle.

We've watched you POS liars try it day in and day out on this site for example. Guess what? You've been blunted, you lying idiots.

You're being blunted everywhere.

Kaz you dumb fuck. it was your butt buddy econchicky that was TRYING to impress with her supposed 100 k jobs. Dumb bitch. learn to read.

Awww, ZekeyWeeeky, you're coming unglued, aren't ya? Is it because you've never made more than $30,000 in your life?????

Get off your ass and go back to school like Kaz and I have. Or start your own business like Kaz and I and Iceweazel have.

Or just work really hard instead of looking how to get OUT of work you lazy POS.

Un glued by trading insults with a couple of assholes on the Internet? You really are fucking stupid. LMAO.

Great thing about the internet. You CAN BE all you ever thought you were gonna be. :Like you all believe you have something IMPORTANT to say. And you are all bidness owners and consultants. Instead of just being lying assholes, I can see where you'd make things up about the jobs you have and how successful you are.

Fantasy lives are hard to give up.

But by all means....keep bumping the thread. I keep telling you liberal dumdums what convenient tools you are for me and you still haven't figured out why. LOL. It cracks me up.

And Obama is STILL messing up the economy as we speak.
Obama has been President for six years, he had the Senate that whole time and dictatorial powers for the first two as he had both houses and a filibuster proof majority.
The Right has nothing but the lies! Actually only about 6 months, not 2 years. But facts mean nothing to the Right after their MessiahRushie Limbola has fed them a lie to mindlessly parrot, here is the truth:

When Obama was inaugurated Spector had not switched Parties yet and was still a Republican and the GOP were challenging Frankin's victory, blocking his appointment and so he was not sworn in yet, thus no GOP filibuster proof super-majority. Spector switched April 2009 and Frankin was sworn in on July 8, 2009 giving the Dems a super-majority for the first time which lasted less than 2 months when Kennedy died on August 25, 2009. Kennedy's seat remained empty until September 24, 2009 when Kirk was appointed to take his place until the special election. GOP Scott Brown won and was sworn in Feb 4, 2010 permanently ending the Democratic super-majority. The Dems had a GOP filibuster proof super-majority for under 6 months.

August 18, 2011
RUSH: Barack Obama had supermajorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency,

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

Own it. This mess is Obama's and you dummies' who voted for him.
Facts are nothing but "blah" to the Right!
Ed the liar I thought it was your argument that baby boomers retired however she never gave a link dumb ass
So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.

They do "not want a job" or they gave up looking for a job? Those are not the same thing. Also, while the labor participation rate has dropped 3%, it's worse than that because the underemployed has jumped higher as well and you are counting them as employed.
Because they are employed. But how are you defining underemployed and how are you measuring them?

Defining? Um...people who are working part time or in a low wage job because they can't get a job in their profession. I'm not clear how else you would define it, any suggestions?
Gallup defines it as "respondents are employed part time, but want to work full time, or they are unemployed." Gallup Daily U.S. Employment
And I have seen people refer to those working part time for economic reasons as underemployed and BLS's U6 measure of under utilization as an underemployment rate.

An important consideration is what you want to measure. Many fields have few options at less than a graduate degree...or the field doesn't really require a degree (all the performance arts, for example) And then there are people who choose part time over full time for family reasons, or preparing for the next level of education. And some people don't like their field and choose a job in another...sometimes paying higher, sometimes lower. How do you specifically define "underemployed" given all of that?

These are real, serious, considerations that economists and statisticians have to take into account to get any meaning.

Measuring? That's my point, they are not. But if are claiming you don't know that is a lot more common now that before the recession and I have to prove it, then I'm calling you a liar, you do know that.
It's too subjective. The best research I could find was Are Recent College Graduates Finding Good Jobs? and that uses 2012 as most recent data.
While stories about recent college graduates’ struggles to find a good job have become increasingly common over the past few
years, we show that this experience is not a new phenomenon, nor one that can be ascribed simply to the Great Recession
and the ensuing weakness in the labor market. Our analysis demonstrates that new college graduates typically take some
time to transition into the labor market and find jobs that utilize their education.

And as for older workers....again, it's too subjective...there are many reasons that have nothing to do with the labor market or job conditions that could cause someone to take a job lesser than their qualifications on paper.

So do I know that it's worse now and for labor market reasons? No. Is it most likely true? Of course...but by how much or how serious? Too hard to tell.
Carla you are a danger to yourself
How many baby boomers didn't retire and how many had to return to the work force?


You're welcome.
Valid link

Do you remember what you told me the last time I asked you for a link?
Where is your god damn link shit stain.
I already posted the link.

Why More Americans Are Working Past Age 65 - US News

The proportion of people age 65 and older in the workforce grew to 16.1 percent by 2010, up from 12.1 percent in 1990, according to a recent Census Bureau report.
Ed the liar I thought it was your argument that baby boomers retired however she never gave a link dumb ass
All but 16.1 % retired by age 65.
And again, I posted the link so she didn't have to.
Can you say "Baby Boomers?"
Carla you are a danger to yourself
How many baby boomers didn't retire and how many had to return to the work force?


You're welcome.
Valid link

Do you remember what you told me the last time I asked you for a link?
Where is your god damn link shit stain.

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, you are mental.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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