Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand

Unless Americans feel the positive impact of these stats, they really don't matter. If the labor participation rate wasn't so low and the food stamp participation weren't so high, I would say Americans would feel optimistic and good about jobs.

In any case, stats don't matter. How the American voter feels does matter.
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.
And discouraged workers have been dropping, while the number, and percent of the population, that don't want a job has been going up.
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.

You can find the discouraged workers # at the bottom of the following chart:

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted

As you can see it is down from a year ago. Not up.
In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.
How are you claiming Obama has done this? Are you claiming that under previous presidential administrations those who have left the labor force would still be counted?
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

So what you're telling us is that we shouldn't have been fooled by the sub 5% UE rates we saw under Bush in 2006 and 2007,

because they were really just a Bush sleight of hand, since the participation rate was falling.
That`s right. Americans stopped looking for job. So they left the ranks of the economically active population, which is counted in official unemployment statistics. The number of "missing workers" has increased in August (for example) to 5.91 million people. As a result, the level of economic activity had fallen to 62.8%, becoming the lowest level in past 3,5 decades...Turns out that these indicators are incorrect. We are headed in the right direction))
"Don't Be Fooled by the Unemployent Rate - Obama's Slight of Hand"

Yes, let's ignore the facts and just go with how we 'feel.'
Well don't forget, she let us know that Jesus was a capitalist...

You libs wreak of desperation. I have no idea what you're talking about.

But by all means, keep making shit up. The electorate has had it with you liars. Like your lies about jobs.

See the thread about how angry voters are? You libs will be missing parts of your asses after the election.
More of that college degree oozing...
Here's an interesting graph....using BLS data through the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tool, I compared the percent of the population in the labor force with the percent of the population Not in the labor force that does not want to work. (there is a small percent of the population that say they want a job but are not in the labor force because either they are not currently looking for work or they are currently unavailable to work, or both)


So, when the Recession started, Labor Force Participation was 66%, and 32% of the population did not want a job. As of September 2014, the Labor Force Participation has dropped to 63%, but the % of the population that doesn't want to work has increased to 35%.
In other words, the drop in the Labor Force Participation has been all voluntary....the percent of those "not counted" hasn't changed. CORRECTION: Looking at the data to the first decimal place, those Not in the Labor Force, want a job now, has gone from 2% of the Population in Dec 2009 to 2.6% in Sep 2014. So, "Mostly voluntary" I will correct myself.
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As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

Who's fooled? Certainly not me.

UE is actually at around 12%.
As has been explained on this board dozens of times....and as everyone knows..... the reason the Unemployment Rate has been dropping is for the WRONG REASON.

It's not dropping because Obama's policies have generated so many has dropped because so many people have dropped out of the pool of people COUNTED.

In other words, Obama has used slight of hand. It can be a little complicated to follow but he's basically dropped the number UNEMPLOYED by making the pool of those counted smaller.

The Labor Participation Rate has dropped to its lowest level in over 30 years.

Here is a visual:

View attachment 33535

Who's fooled? Certainly not me.

UE is actually at around 12%.
Only if you completely redefine unemployed to include people who have jobs...including some with full time "unemployed."
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.
And discouraged workers have been dropping, while the number, and percent of the population, that don't want a job has been going up.

Baloney. You've proven in thread after thread you don't know how to accurately capture "discouraged worker" data.
If you retire, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you become a stay at home mom, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

If you go to school, you are no longer counted in the labor force and the participation rate drops accordingly.

The 3 scenarios you point to are constants and to be expected. There is one that you left out: when now stops looking for work due to no jobs. The discouraged worker is an economic term and stat used in tracking health of the job market.

You can find the discouraged workers # at the bottom of the following chart:

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted

As you can see it is down from a year ago. Not up.

Nobody BUYS the stats the big spending, liberal, Keynesian trained economists that work for the government put out.

Even Loner Loser himself said "most economists are liberals." I got the same major dose of Liberal, Keynesian indoctrination they got. Why? Because over 95% of all colleges and universities have that bias in their economic departments.

That's why I know their stats are messed up.

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