Don’t call them tariffs. Call them what they are....taxes.

After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
Amazing to see.
Where is your proof that China doesn't?
I don't think any one disputes the importer pays the tariffs. Or do you dispute that?
Yes I do. Prove your point or retract it.

Wait, the importer? What are you talking about? If we place tariffs on Chinese goods our people will see an increase in costs but China has to pay for it or their goods don't come in.
Jesus. Thicker than two short planks yet will still bloviate away about things of which you are completely ignorant. You must be a Trump supporter. You don't work for Boeing too, do you?

Explainer: Who pays Trump's tariffs - China and other exporters or U.S. customers?
A tariff is a tax on imports. The CBP typically requires importers to pay the duties within 10 days of their shipments clearing customs.

So the tariffs are paid to the U.S. government by importing companies. Most importers of Chinese-made goods are U.S. companies, or the U.S.-registered units of foreign companies that import goods from China.
The US govt does not pay its own tariffs. You said the importer. You were meaning COUNTRY not company.

You lose.
Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN

Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show that American consumers and producers take on most of the burden.


Let’s quit calling them tariffs, call them what they are, taxes.


Trump economists quit en masse after reports showing farmers hurt by tariffs

The reports shone a light on how Trump’s tariffs have led to a decline in farm income, which the economists noted has already fallen by 50 percent since 2013. Another report showed that Republican tax cuts only benefited the wealthiest farmers.


I thought Republicans hated taxes? Only the wealthy escape. Only the wealthy.

straight jacket (1).jpg
I have never seen a republican that didn't like to increase taxes...Like when Bush Sr(Ol' Wimpy) said, "read my lips...No....New....Taxes....(aside) we'll just raise the existing ones"...
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
Flooding in the federal coffers? They might as well just raise the taxes since these tariffs are exactly that, a raise in taxes.
We saw how dumb you fuckers were
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of curiosity. Accepting Individual1's assertion that tariffs on imports bring wealth to a country reinforces that notion.
Your lack of intelligence is showing because China which has been putting Tariffs on US goods sure did seem to get quite wealthy. So what is good for China should be good for the US? Or you just dont like the US?
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
Flooding in the federal coffers? They might as well just raise the taxes since these tariffs are exactly that, a raise in taxes.
Don’t you like high taxes??
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
queer youth.jpeg
Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN

Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show that American consumers and producers take on most of the burden.


Let’s quit calling them tariffs, call them what they are, taxes.


Trump economists quit en masse after reports showing farmers hurt by tariffs

The reports shone a light on how Trump’s tariffs have led to a decline in farm income, which the economists noted has already fallen by 50 percent since 2013. Another report showed that Republican tax cuts only benefited the wealthiest farmers.


I thought Republicans hated taxes? Only the wealthy escape. Only the wealthy.
If a tariff is a tax why did we create the word tariff?...because its not a tax like we have on income or economic fact A tariff is a specific tax on specific imported goods. They help protect domestic industries by making imports more expensive....tariffs are not something to fear...they are necessary for creating a stable economy within our nation...tariffs have been around a long time...mostly they have been used against us while our so called leaders just looked the other way...Trump says those days are over...the world can do business with us fairly or we will use tariffs to protect our selves...plain and simple...that is no different than any other nation...why should we be the one to get screwed?...why do you libs want us to always be on the short end of the stick? sound like a Chinese negotiator...
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
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Look, Queenie, I guarantee your closet door is locked from the inside, and you're holding the key. If you really, really put your mind to it, you'll manage to escape.

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