Don’t call them tariffs. Call them what they are....taxes.

We saw how dumb you fuckers were
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of curiosity. Accepting Individual1's assertion that tariffs on imports bring wealth to a country reinforces that notion.
Your lack of intelligence is showing because China which has been putting Tariffs on US goods sure did seem to get quite wealthy. So what is good for China should be good for the US? Or you just dont like the US?
I find wilful stupidity and ignorance offensive.
After decades of gleeful support for "starve the beast", Trumpletons have been ordered to be happy about hundreds of billions in revenues flooding into federal coffers.

Trumpletons, as is their habit, happily comply. Subservience breaks consistency every single time.
View attachment 260210

Look, Queenie, I guarantee your closet door is locked from the inside, and you're holding the key. If you really, really put your mind to it, you'll manage to escape.
Sorry, I just posted what I thought was more important than taxes to liberal scum. Didn't mean to trigger anyone.
We saw how dumb you fuckers were
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of curiosity. Accepting Individual1's assertion that tariffs on imports bring wealth to a country reinforces that notion.
Your lack of intelligence is showing because China which has been putting Tariffs on US goods sure did seem to get quite wealthy. So what is good for China should be good for the US? Or you just dont like the US?
I find wilful stupidity and ignorance offensive.
do you always offend yourself?
We saw how dumb you fuckers were
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your lack of curiosity. Accepting Individual1's assertion that tariffs on imports bring wealth to a country reinforces that notion.
Your lack of intelligence is showing because China which has been putting Tariffs on US goods sure did seem to get quite wealthy. So what is good for China should be good for the US? Or you just dont like the US?
I find wilful stupidity and ignorance offensive.
do you always offend yourself?
No, only when I behave in a wilfully ignorant and stupid manner.
Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN

Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show that American consumers and producers take on most of the burden.


Let’s quit calling them tariffs, call them what they are, taxes.


Trump economists quit en masse after reports showing farmers hurt by tariffs

The reports shone a light on how Trump’s tariffs have led to a decline in farm income, which the economists noted has already fallen by 50 percent since 2013. Another report showed that Republican tax cuts only benefited the wealthiest farmers.


I thought Republicans hated taxes? Only the wealthy escape. Only the wealthy.

You know this is something I do a lot when shopping and see where it was made...

If Mexico or Central America or Canada or U.S. I would most likely buy it over China even if it cost a little more...


Why support a suppressive government that limit the freedom of it people and also manipulates it currency and make threats of to destabilize the Asian and Pacific region...

Funny part is Obama was actually very tough with China and never once did you complain but Trump being tough with them you whine constantly...

China is a international threat from cheaply made products to supporting the cartels in Mexico, so I am alright with hitting them hard and let me be clear even Bill Clinton was tough on them, so you should pick your battles because China is not our friend and should be treated like the enemy they are...
Why support a suppressive government that limit the freedom of it people and also manipulates it currency and make threats of to destabilize the Asian and Pacific region...
Should one accept Trump lies while doing so?
Why support a suppressive government that limit the freedom of it people and also manipulates it currency and make threats of to destabilize the Asian and Pacific region...
Should one accept Trump lies while doing so?

Is China our ally because you hate Trump?

China has been an issue for decades but when Trump does something it is wrong and China is the victim.

We should focus on better relations with Mexico, Central and South America, and countries in Africa and get away from China and it wish to become the dominant Super Power...
Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN

Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show that American consumers and producers take on most of the burden.


Let’s quit calling them tariffs, call them what they are, taxes.


Trump economists quit en masse after reports showing farmers hurt by tariffs

The reports shone a light on how Trump’s tariffs have led to a decline in farm income, which the economists noted has already fallen by 50 percent since 2013. Another report showed that Republican tax cuts only benefited the wealthiest farmers.


I thought Republicans hated taxes? Only the wealthy escape. Only the wealthy.

You know this is something I do a lot when shopping and see where it was made...

If Mexico or Central America or Canada or U.S. I would most likely buy it over China even if it cost a little more...


Why support a suppressive government that limit the freedom of it people and also manipulates it currency and make threats of to destabilize the Asian and Pacific region...

Funny part is Obama was actually very tough with China and never once did you complain but Trump being tough with them you whine constantly...

China is a international threat from cheaply made products to supporting the cartels in Mexico, so I am alright with hitting them hard and let me be clear even Bill Clinton was tough on them, so you should pick your battles because China is not our friend and should be treated like the enemy they are...
Funny part is Obama was actually very tough with China
TPP sure was tough on China.....More jobs were going overseas than staying in the US...real tough...
Trump winning brings out the deranged lol
What did he win?
You are obviously terrified we’re going to win this trade war lol how can you not get behind him on this major deal that will benefit all Americans??

It’s terrifying to see Trumpets like you happy to see prices of commodities will sky rockets.
Since when paying at the counter at higher prices acceptable?
Trade war biggest losers are you and me. Don’t forget that.
Trump is nothing but a liar wrecking ball.
Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN

Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show that American consumers and producers take on most of the burden.


Let’s quit calling them tariffs, call them what they are, taxes.


Trump economists quit en masse after reports showing farmers hurt by tariffs

The reports shone a light on how Trump’s tariffs have led to a decline in farm income, which the economists noted has already fallen by 50 percent since 2013. Another report showed that Republican tax cuts only benefited the wealthiest farmers.


I thought Republicans hated taxes? Only the wealthy escape. Only the wealthy.
If a tariff is a tax why did we create the word tariff?...because its not a tax like we have on income or economic fact A tariff is a specific tax on specific imported goods. They help protect domestic industries by making imports more expensive....tariffs are not something to fear...they are necessary for creating a stable economy within our nation...tariffs have been around a long time...mostly they have been used against us while our so called leaders just looked the other way...Trump says those days are over...the world can do business with us fairly or we will use tariffs to protect our selves...plain and simple...that is no different than any other nation...why should we be the one to get screwed?...why do you libs want us to always be on the short end of the stick? sound like a Chinese negotiator...

Then name me one well known or unknown economist or any industries in US that supports Trump wrecking ball trade war. Or any GOP?

Last time I heard Trump is very good negotiator??? So why punish the American people? Remember these prices will not come down. Not only commodities but health insurance, services, car repairs, hospitals etc etc etc across the boards will increase.
Why support a suppressive government that limit the freedom of it people and also manipulates it currency and make threats of to destabilize the Asian and Pacific region...
Should one accept Trump lies while doing so?

Is China our ally because you hate Trump?

China has been an issue for decades but when Trump does something it is wrong and China is the victim.

We should focus on better relations with Mexico, Central and South America, and countries in Africa and get away from China and it wish to become the dominant Super Power...

Then explain why your boy is making his products from China?
That’s what they call it lying hypocrite. Isn’t it?
Where we stand across this planet? We are no longer the dominant power but a laughable country and a total joke.
Trump winning brings out the deranged lol
What did he win?
You are obviously terrified we’re going to win this trade war lol how can you not get behind him on this major deal that will benefit all Americans??

It’s terrifying to see Trumpets like you happy to see prices of commodities will sky rockets.
Since when paying at the counter at higher prices acceptable?
Trade war biggest losers are you and me. Don’t forget that.
Trump is nothing but a liar wrecking ball.
Sorry I’m a Patriot I’m
Willing to sacrifice in this war to protect this new trade deal .. if you aren’t you are a coward
Trump winning brings out the deranged lol
What did he win?
You are obviously terrified we’re going to win this trade war lol how can you not get behind him on this major deal that will benefit all Americans??

It’s terrifying to see Trumpets like you happy to see prices of commodities will sky rockets.
Since when paying at the counter at higher prices acceptable?
Trade war biggest losers are you and me. Don’t forget that.
Trump is nothing but a liar wrecking ball.
Sorry I’m a Patriot I’m
Willing to sacrifice in this war to protect this new trade deal .. if you aren’t you are a coward

This has nothing about cowards and bravery. Patriotism is way off.
This is about money in your pocket. You do make for a living. Right?
You are just a Trump licker what difference does it make? What do you know about economics? Right or wrong do you know the difference? Lying or not do you even know the difference when this POTUS pathological liar is making a speech?

Since when paying more at the counter is acceptable?
Trump winning brings out the deranged lol
What did he win?
You are obviously terrified we’re going to win this trade war lol how can you not get behind him on this major deal that will benefit all Americans??

It’s terrifying to see Trumpets like you happy to see prices of commodities will sky rockets.
Since when paying at the counter at higher prices acceptable?
Trade war biggest losers are you and me. Don’t forget that.
Trump is nothing but a liar wrecking ball.
Sorry I’m a Patriot I’m
Willing to sacrifice in this war to protect this new trade deal .. if you aren’t you are a coward

This has nothing about cowards and bravery. Patriotism is way off.
This is about money in your pocket. You do make for a living. Right?
You are just a Trump licker what difference does it make? What do you know about economics? Right or wrong do you know the difference? Lying or not do you even know the difference when this POTUS pathological liar is making a speech?

Since when paying more at the counter is acceptable?
And I know if we win this battle I make more money
god forbid we disrupt supply chains and $7.99 walmart electric mixers

how many threads are on this subject ?
at least this one the op doesnt sound like he copied and pasted something directly from the screw America chamber of commerce.... a small town bank manager who thinks everyone should learn to code:20: .... buzzfeed writers excluded of course ...cause its dehumanizing or so ive been told ...derp

here ya go you geniuses with business degrees and crystal balls ....derp

The goal of trade talks, according to this school, is for each side to agree to give up its particular special interests in exchange for its partners giving up theirs. Multilateral trade negotiations, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, often do the exact opposite: Each country’s special interests invariably have veto power over the entire agreement.

Consequently, multilateral trade agreements tend to be shot through with exceptions that undercut free trade. Nye points to the European Union as an example of such an arrangement.

This pattern of “free trade for thee, but not for me” is repeated through successive rounds of trade negotiations. The result is that all the increased competition from free trade falls on the least favored sectors of the economy, while all of the protection is concentrated in the most favored sectors.

Bilateral negotiations disrupt this pattern. Negotiators can use talks as a source of external pressure to break the power of internal special interests.

Again, bilaterialist theory is quite complex, and I’m not arguing that Trump is putting it into practice. When I asked Nye whether he believed that Trump was acting according to his theory, he demurred. Probably not, Nye said. But Trump might have “a businessman’s instinct that something is not quite right here,” he said.

The ultimate question is whether Trump’s approach will replace the status quo in trade agreements with something better. On that, Nye confessed, he had no idea. Unfortunately, for the U.S. economy and global markets, neither does anyone else.

whats that you say disruption ...gee someone said it 12 times
what that? stop with the predictions of total doom cause it could go bad ? ....or not
see ya on the other side
go monkey wrench! go merica!

Karl W. Smith, a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, is a former assistant professor of economics at the University of North Carolina’s school of government.

dangerous right wing extremist source confirmed !just an opinion from a left leaning economics professor

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Trump said on Twitter on Friday that the U.S. will use its money from the tariffs to buy American agricultural products “in larger amounts than China ever did” and send it to “poor & starving countries” for humanitarian aid. The president indicated potential purchases of $15 billion from farmers. Soybean and grain futures held mostly steady after the announcements.

President Trump Says U.S. Will Buy American Farmers' Crops to Offset China Trade Losses


Are you seeing Trump on the news? He says he will take the money from the tariffs and create give a ways to farmers AND OTHERS IN POOR AND STARVING COUNTRIES. Whaaaaat????

Where the fuk is this money coming from?


It's about time Republicans admit this guy has no idea what he's doing?
It’s so weird that Republicans would think it’s a great idea when Trump said that he would take the money he got from tariffs and use it to feed “poor and starving” countries.

The tariffs are being paid by trumps base, not China. How come they don’t get that?

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