Don't Despair Donny Trump: Coal DOES Have A Place In US Jobs/Energy..

America has a serious problem, or rather american style capitalism has a serious problem. There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit. That's why we leverage the military to go into other countries and exploit their resources and capital. That's why we destablize other regions of the world and then occupy them. One must understand the the pathology that "discovered" the "new world" had to, it had left Europe in too ravaged a state.
"There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit"

Its called space genius , it is huge and if we are exploiting other countries we must be the shittest exploiters in history. We spend way more building these nations than we take from so called exploitation. maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation. Now those guys have thousands of years of experience in this area.

"... maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation."

That is exactly where we came from and where we came by it. Looking forward to Newt's moon colony.
America has a serious problem, or rather american style capitalism has a serious problem. There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit. That's why we leverage the military to go into other countries and exploit their resources and capital. That's why we destablize other regions of the world and then occupy them. One must understand the the pathology that "discovered" the "new world" had to, it had left Europe in too ravaged a state.
"There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit"

Its called space genius , it is huge and if we are exploiting other countries we must be the shittest exploiters in history. We spend way more building these nations than we take from so called exploitation. maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation. Now those guys have thousands of years of experience in this area.

"... maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation."

That is exactly where we came from and where we came by it. Looking forward to Newt's moon colony.
The US hasn't been European for sometime now.
America has a serious problem, or rather american style capitalism has a serious problem. There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit. That's why we leverage the military to go into other countries and exploit their resources and capital. That's why we destablize other regions of the world and then occupy them. One must understand the the pathology that "discovered" the "new world" had to, it had left Europe in too ravaged a state.
"There is no "new world" to go "discover" and exploit"

Its called space genius , it is huge and if we are exploiting other countries we must be the shittest exploiters in history. We spend way more building these nations than we take from so called exploitation. maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation. Now those guys have thousands of years of experience in this area.

"... maybe we should take a page from the best the world has ever seen, every European Nation."

That is exactly where we came from and where we came by it. Looking forward to Newt's moon colony.
The US hasn't been European for sometime now.

It is the same preceptual reality and america still behaves across the globe as a 19th century authoritarian empire.
No, THEY say so. Watch the videos.

You think we have enough oil to last 1000 years? :lmao:I'll bet the sun will be shining in 1,000 years...

People have been screaming that our oil production has least a dozen times.....

We are sitting on more reserves now than we ever have.
Yep!!! We have about 400 years of cheap oil.....

Envirofascists are killing America and Trump is ending's refreshing....
Some of our misguided enviro friends don't seem to understand that everything is a commodity, even human beings.

They can change things by running for office.

They just need to let go of the tree they are hugging first.

No, they cannot, and that is what the public at large needs to awaken to. Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the financial "services" sector/central bankers are always present in every administration, "both" parties, and your entire political process. By controlling the economic system they don't need to concern themselves with the political system, that is for the unsubstantial people to become distracted with.
Former democrats are celebrating Trumps actions,,,.refreshing....
Former democrats are celebrating Trumps actions,,,.refreshing....
Well unfortunately Trump has the reins for now. And if he's going to form an energy policy and promised in his campaign to put coal miners back to work, why not as producing fuel for backup for solar thermal fresnel in our sunny regions?

When, and not "if" fracking triggers the New Madrid Fault to rupture...Trump had better hope he's out of Office. You thin Hurricane Katrina caused problems... That Fault sends shockwaves far far further than California's locked up and rocky substrate....which dampens the spread of the energy. The Midwest & flood plain regions (you know, where all the cities are there and major settlements) sit atop a wide pancake of soft crumbly. That allows massive energy from an 8.0 or greater (which the New Madrid is famous for) to travel far and wide...really wide...

Trump could be the first president to really champion hybrid energy systems using solar thermal and coal...making everyone happy left and right....except BigOil. But then again, if BigOil's lazy moguls just switched their monopoly and assets, they could be making out like bandits too.

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