Don't Do Drugs!!!


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
I'm now watching the debate for a second time. I can't decide if Obama decided to puff on a fatty before the debate, or if this is just the perfect example of what happens when you compare the mind of a healthy drug free adult to one who spent his youth free-basing cocaine when he should have been going to the ethics classes he obviously skipped...

Maybe that is why nobody remembers him from school??!!!:eusa_shifty:
Obama never quite got around to sitting down in the middle of a busy six lane like some of his previous drug addled colleagues did a few years earlier, mistakenly thinking their little act wouldn't hurt them, but he got hit by a political eighteen wheeler last night.
According to the people that bought Romney's old house, Romney rented a U Haul truck and moved himself. When Barry moves into his new 35 million dollar digs the DNC reportedly bought for him in Hawaii, it'll be white glove movers all the way while Barry spends the entire move out on the golf course.
Like I said earlier. Blowing a doobie and having John Kerry "prep" you. A TOXIC cocktail.
Obama never quite got around to sitting down in the middle of a busy six lane like some of his previous drug addled colleagues did a few years earlier, mistakenly thinking their little act wouldn't hurt them, but he got hit by a political eighteen wheeler last night.
According to the people that bought Romney's old house, Romney rented a U Haul truck and moved himself. When Barry moves into his new 35 million dollar digs the DNC reportedly bought for him in Hawaii, it'll be white glove movers all the way while Barry spends the entire move out on the golf course.

Ann Romney said that Mitt is so frugal that he turns the water heater off every time they leave the house. The Romney's are so money conscious that they never had household help but assigned the five boys chores. Yes, I can see him getting his five sons together and renting a U-Haul truck to move.
Obama never quite got around to sitting down in the middle of a busy six lane like some of his previous drug addled colleagues did a few years earlier, mistakenly thinking their little act wouldn't hurt them, but he got hit by a political eighteen wheeler last night.
According to the people that bought Romney's old house, Romney rented a U Haul truck and moved himself. When Barry moves into his new 35 million dollar digs the DNC reportedly bought for him in Hawaii, it'll be white glove movers all the way while Barry spends the entire move out on the golf course.

Ann Romney said that Mitt is so frugal that he turns the water heater off every time they leave the house. The Romney's are so money conscious that they never had household help but assigned the five boys chores. Yes, I can see him getting his five sons together and renting a U-Haul truck to move.
Wasting money is good??????????
I know Obama admitted to drug use in his youth but until all the debates are finished, I have the sneakin' suspicion he may have been "sandbagging" everyone.

Don't "missunderestimate" Obama and his handlers because you know they aren't stupid.
I'm now watching the debate for a second time. I can't decide if Obama decided to puff on a fatty before the debate, or if this is just the perfect example of what happens when you compare the mind of a healthy drug free adult to one who spent his youth free-basing cocaine when he should have been going to the ethics classes he obviously skipped...

Maybe that is why nobody remembers him from school??!!!:eusa_shifty:


You think you have your life controlled, you're just having fun right? The truth is you are being controlled, manipulated by lying to yourself, hurting yourself and those around you. For all the people that are under the peer pressure or just find yourself wanting to see what its like to be on drugs, I assure you its not worth it. From a teen to another i’m telling you from my own stubborn experiences it really does change your life in a dramatic way. If you really do care about the people you love, for all the people who think doing drugs is harmless, it will change you and your relationships.

The peaceful silence of the middle of the night was brutally interrupted by the wailing of the ambulance rushing a young man to the hospital. Medics doing the best they can to help the fifteen year old boy who is passed out and hardly breathing, struggling to not lose his grasp on life. His father standing at the curb, watching in horror as his oldest son is being taken from him, each second separating them further from each other.

It was seventh grade when I first met Joey. it was art class fifth period, we were assigned seats next to each other and I noticed we had a few classes with each other and started talking to him about them, we had lots of things in common and became good friends after a while. As seventh grade progressed we met more friends and we ended up with a pretty big circle of people we knew. Joey and I got closer to a kid who had some pretty crazy relatives that introduced him to weed. Joey and I decided why not so we bought a sack. After that we decided we wouldn't abuse it like we always hear other people doing. It would be our once in awhile thing.

The first day of eighth grade came and we were all excited, happy to all see each other we spent the whole time before school talking to each other. The first month or two where great, Joey and I kept the weed thing to a once in awhile thing and not much changed in our lives. it actually seemed like our lives were much better having something else to talk about and once in awhile getting high and joking for entertainment. Unfortunately after a while, you get bored and you want something more, so we started drinking a little bit. That's when the real trouble began.

One day we decided instead of going to school we would go to my house drink a little and then walk to school (about three miles away), and be late and have an alcoholic buzz. But when we drank a little, and we drank a little more, and a little more until we were falling over. We decided to stick to the plan so we started walking to school, more like crawling to school as we kept falling over. About half way there we decided we were too drunk to go to school so we turned back and walked ‘till we came to a high school. At that point my friend fell over and couldn't get back up. At that point one of the teachers walked up to me trying to help my friend stand up and told us to follow him. I was so scared I turned around and ran as best I could back to my house, I already knew Joey was going to get caught, but maybe I had a chance to get away with it, I thought. So when I got home I took a shower to sober up and shortly after I heard a loud knocking on the front door. It was the police. I'm not going to go into detail about what happened next, let's just say I got into lots of trouble.

After that I learned my lesson and stopped with all the drugs and alcohol, but my friend didn't. At school when I saw him he unloaded stories of how he was so messed up the night before and although I tried to explain how it is not worth it, I didn't really have a reason other than getting in trouble to support my explanation, but unfortunately that wasn't good enough.

He eventually started seeking another high, and from inhalants to popping pills he'd stop at nothing to find the thrill of high. i'm not going to lie, sometimes I fell into the peer pressure of my best friend but my moral standards wouldn't let me go to far left, but he didn't have anything to hold him back. He was getting into a lot of trouble now, overdosing on pills multiple times, but was lucky enough to have the help needed to keep him alive.

He was addicted to pills in a month, and had to go to a teen rehab for a week, but even that didn't stop him. Eventually his mother had enough, she did everything she could and he still didn't change. She eventually brought him to New Mexico to stay with his father, his father promised he would straighten him out.

Joey got drunk and high for his last time there with his dad, his dad did the opposite of what he promised and let Joey drink all he wanted, he took pills as well. There’s a reason you're not supposed to take drugs with alcohol. Joey passed out and he went into a coma, the hospital did its best to wake him up but he never did wake, he was brought to the hospital too late.

So all you teenagers that feel the need to try drugs for whatever reason, try to ask yourself is it really worth taking over your life and hurting the people around you? it may not happen right away in my friends case it took a little over a year, slowly creeping up on him, but eventually it got the better of him. He paid for it with the ultimate price as well, not only did he completely crush his mother and younger brother from grief, the news also hurt every one of his close friends friends, and he wasn't even given another chance to win the fight against drugs. If you truly value your life and care about anyone around you, drugs can mess up your life, something as simple as a little bud can end up bad. Don't do drugs, don't try them and don't even feel the need to try them because they truly will take over.
If the democrats decide to prevent admitted or suspected former drug abusers from legally obtaining a firearm it means the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces would not be qualified to own a weapon.

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