Don't get a terrorist head wet--BUT deliver Walked Guns to Mexican Drug Lords


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In an operation--linked below--it appears that under Eric Holders direction--and while "American's" were being accused of delivering semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug lords--(which btw--no weapons are legal in Mexico)--it turns out that our own ATF was supplying Mexican drug lords under the direction of our current Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder--which of course HE is DENYING any knowledge of this--to see where these thousands of weapons ended up? Well--they did find one after it killed a US border agent.

This a project known as Walked guns--and as we know--99% of these weapons comes from the United States. Keep in mind--we were accused by several in this administration of supplying these weapons to these violent drug lords.

24,000 people, including Mexican militia--police--and innocent civilians--including US citizens mistaken or caught in the cross-fire have been killed along our borders. And we find out that this ADMINISTRATION lead by Barack Obama--who refuses to get a terrorist's head wet in order to save lives--has under the direction of his mini-me Eric Holder has authorized thousands of semi-automatic weapons to head south across the border--to slaughter anyone in it's path. We have bullet holes in government buildings-across the bridge in El Paso, Texas.

In Mexico--what one young man dies for-- another will pick up for 10 bucks-- Apparently another thing that our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President EVER--didn't know.

How's all that Hopey and Changey workin for Ya?

Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico - CBS News
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This is bad stuff and it isn't getting nearly enough media concern. The ATF became gun runners for some obscure reason not made clear to the Americans who pay their salaries. If it is proved that the A.G. signed on to the plot to sell illegal weapons to Mexico, one of which killed a Border Patrol agent than everyone involved should be indicted for manslaughter.
This is bad stuff and it isn't getting nearly enough media concern. The ATF became gun runners for some obscure reason not made clear to the Americans who pay their salaries. If it is proved that the A.G. signed on to the plot to sell illegal weapons to Mexico, one of which killed a Border Patrol agent than everyone involved should be indicted for manslaughter.

Hell NO it's not getting any coverage--the whole FREAKIN left stream aka LAME stream media in this country is OUT TO PROTECT Barack Obama and his administration. Crap I can remember Hillary Clinton when she accused the American "public" was delivering these weapons to these drug lords. And when she said it- I immediately thought to myself--Bull--s...t.

Our freaking ATF--under Obama--and Eric Holder have been doing it. THOUSANDS of innocent people have died along our borders because of these TWO MORONS.

Yet-get anyones hair wet--in an effort to "save" lives--and you're freakin screwed with this administration.
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No no no guy.....just look over here, yeah, over here...see, did we remind you how bad Bush was? And do you see how cool it is that we have a black president? You don't hate black people do you? Didn't think so. So....lets just put to rest this silly gun issue, besides, it happened in Mexico, who cares!!!

Ok, enough sarcasm. My belief? I think they'd love to find some American made guns in the hands of gangs shooting it out with border state cops, then, blame the gun stores and gun shows. Ooops!!! Plan backfired.
So are you guys admitting that the United States conducted a False Flag operation against it's own people?

Do you guys think that this is the only time in history that this has happened?

False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.
Do you realize this opens the door for 9/11 Truthers?
In an operation--linked below--it appears that under Eric Holders direction--and while "American's" were being accused of delivering semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug lords--(which btw--no weapons are legal in Mexico)--it turns out that our own ATF was supplying Mexican drug lords under the direction of our current Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder--which of course HE is DENYING any knowledge of this--to see where these thousands of weapons ended up? Well--they did find one after it killed a US border agent.

This a project known as Walked guns--and as we know--99% of these weapons comes from the United States. Keep in mind--we were accused by several in this administration of supplying these weapons to these violent drug lords.

24,000 people, including Mexican militia--police--and innocent civilians--including US citizens mistaken or caught in the cross-fire have been killed along our borders. And we find out that this ADMINISTRATION lead by Barack Obama--who refuses to get a terrorist's head wet in order to save lives--has under the direction of his mini-me Eric Holder has authorized thousands of semi-automatic weapons to head south across the border--to slaughter anyone in it's path. We have bullet holes in government buildings-across the bridge in El Paso, Texas.

In Mexico--what one young man dies for-- another will pick up for 10 bucks-- Apparently another thing that our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President EVER--didn't know.

How's all that Hopey and Changey workin for Ya?

Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico - CBS News

it was obie wan's backdoor way of trying to control guns in the USA it backfired on his dumbazz..
This is bad stuff and it isn't getting nearly enough media concern. The ATF became gun runners for some obscure reason not made clear to the Americans who pay their salaries. If it is proved that the A.G. signed on to the plot to sell illegal weapons to Mexico, one of which killed a Border Patrol agent than everyone involved should be indicted for manslaughter.

Hell NO it's not getting any coverage--the whole FREAKIN left stream aka LAME stream media in this country is OUT TO PROTECT Barack Obama and his administration. Crap I can remember Hillary Clinton when she accused the American "public" was delivering these weapons to these drug lords. And when she said it- I immediately thought to myself--Bull--s...t.

Our freaking ATF--under Obama--and Eric Holder have been doing it. THOUSANDS of innocent people have died along our borders because of these TWO MORONS.

Yet-get anyones hair wet--in an effort to "save" lives--and you're freakin screwed with this administration.

It gets coverage on Fox News.

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