Don’t get the flu shot

Got that?? METALLIC.......TOXINS.........

It's not like doctors and scientists were not trying to warn us off these poison clot shots. They tried and Gov't and gov't allies kept shutting them up and shutting them down. NOw these same gov't apparatchix are scooting away from their former authoritarianism and tyranny as fast as their fat little legs can carry them. NOW you're gonna be hearing about the potential health risks you're in for caused by the very people you trusted. DAMN am i glad i saw through this early on.
They are putting the poison jab in it too, or alone. liars. evil. murderers. Do not get it. btw heres a website message board with almost 2000, yes TWO THOUSAND pages of jabbed peoples personal side effects since the poison jab/s. 99.9 percent heavily regret it, whether 1 2 or 3.

Wow what deserted island yiu been on,I have known that fir at least over a year now.
You know what's coming don't you. they couldn't get Trump in this mar a lago raid so they're going to blame the vaxx on him. AS IF he developed it. Now don't forget...Birx admitted that she and fauci lied to President Trump. Don't forget that we found out that leftist elites had big pharma delay the vaxx rollout so that Trump could not celebrate it as a success during his term. Don't forget that Biden took credit for the vaxx as soon as he illegitimately took office. and don't forget...big pharma hates Trump and would double cross him in a New York Minute.

To no surprise the two trolls of usmb either laughed off these facts or put a thumbs down.
I posted the information. You resort to nothing but ad hominems because you cannot refute it. There is a mountain of documentation on this. And, they brought the exact same guy back that developed this to help push the covid vaccines. Also a documented fact

I know it hurts your feelings, but that's kind of tough shit if you can't deal with the truth.
Truth is a word he is allergic to same as penelope,they both have noses thst stretch miles across the country,they would put a bullet to thier head first before ever owning up to admitting they have been proven wrong and have nothing but babble.
To no surprise the two trolls of usmb either laughed off these facts or put a thumbs down.
The thing is i am most of the time pretty much done with their thumbs down. I don't care. they have given up seeing truth. they've no discernment. IF they had any sense they would take into account the coldness with which Fauci showed toward beagle pups for his experiments. It is said by criminal profilers that cold blooded serial killers started on animals...and then made their way up to humans. Fauci is nothing but a serial killer with some kind of degree that would enable him to engage in his favorite pasttime of torture and death without having to pay the price. A serial killer in a white lab coat...and note also his personal view of himself WHICH he has said openly and in interviews. psycopath, sociopath, narcissist. RED. FLAG.

perhaps some of our fellow vaxx nazis and fauci defenders would consider the fact that they got this so many more of their personal, societal, and political views are they also getting wrong. VERY VERY Wrong.
This, "True Intelligence", is undoubtedly the most important truth that ever existed. Those who know this intuitively are always going to be on the winning side of every battle. The best part is that, if you've got it, you've got it, and if you haven't got it, it can never even be explained to you.

Think of all the sorry losers on this board who simply iterate and reiterate their empty platitudes over and over and over.

You recognize them.

If you don't have it, lotsa luck.
The thing is i am most of the time pretty much done with their thumbs down. I don't care. they have given up seeing truth. they've no discernment. IF they had any sense they would take into account the coldness with which Fauci showed toward beagle pups for his experiments. It is said by criminal profilers that cold blooded serial killers started on animals...and then made their way up to humans. Fauci is nothing but a serial killer with some kind of degree that would enable him to engage in his favorite pasttime of torture and death without having to pay the price. A serial killer in a white lab coat...and note also his personal view of himself WHICH he has said openly and in interviews. psycopath, sociopath, narcissist. RED. FLAG.

perhaps some of our fellow vaxx nazis and fauci defenders would consider the fact that they got this so many more of their personal, societal, and political views are they also getting wrong. VERY VERY Wrong.
I personally love it when they give me a thumbs down,it proves they are getting triggered and they hate the truth being told.

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