Don’t get the flu shot

Calypso Jones you know billo Reilly has now joined the ranks of penelope as the biggest troll poster on these boards.he is a hypocrite.the proof in thst is he calls trump a conman when trump is the first president in my lifetime who did what he said he would do yet he is a conman plus he won’t talk about how Obama is the biggest conman president thst ever lived how he lied to the people on reversing bush’s policys and was not even born in the states,talk about a conman,billo only voted for him because he is a homosexual same as him. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Calypso Jones you know billo Reilly has now joined the ranks of penelope as the biggest troll poster on these boards.he is a hypocrite.the proof in thst is he calls trump a conman when trump is the first president in my lifetime who did what he said he would do yet he is a conman plus he won’t talk about how Obama is the biggest conman president thst ever lived how he lied to the people on reversing bush’s policys and was not even born in the states,talk about a conman,billo only voted for him because he is a homosexual same as him. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Dumbass billo has proven to the entire world he doesn’t even know what a conman is,a conman is not someone who does what he said he would do,I just proved in spades that Obama was the biggest conman president that ever lived yet he voted for him TWICE when every patriot in the states as myself,did not vote fir him the second time as we did the first time when he lied about what he said he would do. :uhoh3: You would think by his posts that he is a Demonrat but he said he did vote for Reagan twice so that’s not it,thats how we know it’s true thst he only voted for Obama twice because he is a homo like him.:rofl:
The fact the left wants covid forgiveness/covid amnesty with NO APOLOGY, and NO ACCOUNTABILITY says...they knew all along...and they did. Maybe the democrat hoi polloi didn't but the ringleaders did.

After all, the writer pleads, there really was no intended harm. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, confessed to lying and manipulating data for the American public.

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines,” Birx said.

She and her friends in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with President Joe Biden, told Americans that the vaccine protects against the spread of the illness. They also claimed it would keep people from catching it. Birx later admitted in her new book that she manipulated data and quietly altered CDC guidance without authorization to hide information from Donald Trump.

Birx’s friend, the infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci, was also accused of lying to Congress and the American people. A report found Fauci initially resisted a Trump-era order to cancel a controversial research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology even though he claimed otherwise.

Fauci has also denied his involvement with school closures. However, his own statements suggest otherwise. On at least six occasions, he unequivocally advocated for these shutdowns.

The impacts of the response to COVID will be felt for generations and far more deeply than the actual disease. In this case, the cure may have been far worse than the disease.
The fact the left wants covid forgiveness/covid amnesty with NO APOLOGY, and NO ACCOUNTABILITY says...they knew all along...and they did. Maybe the democrat hoi polloi didn't but the ringleaders did.

After all, the writer pleads, there really was no intended harm. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, confessed to lying and manipulating data for the American public.

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines,” Birx said.

She and her friends in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with President Joe Biden, told Americans that the vaccine protects against the spread of the illness. They also claimed it would keep people from catching it. Birx later admitted in her new book that she manipulated data and quietly altered CDC guidance without authorization to hide information from Donald Trump.

Birx’s friend, the infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci, was also accused of lying to Congress and the American people. A report found Fauci initially resisted a Trump-era order to cancel a controversial research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology even though he claimed otherwise.

Fauci has also denied his involvement with school closures. However, his own statements suggest otherwise. On at least six occasions, he unequivocally advocated for these shutdowns.

The impacts of the response to COVID will be felt for generations and far more deeply than the actual disease. In this case, the cure may have been far worse than the disease.

They knew all along.

WE need to throw a party for them.

Wonder what color necktie they like.


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