Don't let Biden blame Putin for inflation

so the economy is doing so great that business are able to raise prices and people are willing to pay because they are so flush with money…wow interesting spin

Apparently they are using credit cards as well. Worth noting that I am flush with cash but I refuse to pay these higher prices. I am still flush with cash. Companies are still raising prices because they can. The rich are very flush with cash as well. Maybe we should raise taxes to soak up some of that cash.
You apparently are not. Industries with the least competition are seeing the biggest price hikes. Go ask ranchers about Big Beef and they will give you a mouthful. That is what happens when there is little or no competition in an industry.
IF, I SAID IF, what you state contained a single iota of truth, why has this rampant, destructive inflation NOT occur since the depressing years of the Carter administration?
You apparently are not. Industries with the least competition are seeing the biggest price hikes. Go ask ranchers about Big Beef and they will give you a mouthful. That is what happens when there is little or no competition in an industry.
Here in Virginia I’ve got about 200 cattle ranches within a hundred mile radius of me. I know some of them personally.

Tell me about this conspiracy of them all getting together and fixing prices. Never mind the tens of thousands of ranches across the nation, focus on my region
This has nothing to do with laws and government regulations. The government did not make companies raise prices. Companies did those.
Nothing to do with laws and regulations? Do you really believe that nonsense or are you that desperate?

Why? Is your ego so fragile that you refuse to even consider common sense reasons rather than chugging down more Kool Aid.
The pandemic lowered prices not Trump. Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to lower oil production. Prices have risen since that. There are still some 150 or so oil wells that were running pr-pandemic that still have not been re-opened.
Are you proud of being so ignorant on the subject? Why? If you can't find the information proving you are wrong in two minutes or less perhaps you could get a nine year old kid to help you?
The pandemic lowered prices not Trump. Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to lower oil production. Prices have risen since that. There are still some 150 or so oil wells that were running pr-pandemic that still have not been re-opened.
February 2020 I paid $1.68 a gallon. Pandemic had not kicked in and impacted gas prices yet.
It's clearly on Biden through his incompetent foreign and domestic policy. This has nothing to do with Russia. We have a worthless leader who hates this country.

I don’t see him calling Putin and Kim his best buddies

That would be Trump
I don’t see him calling Putin and Kim his best buddies

That would be Trump
Biden is responsible for the government dumping money into the economy. Any 9th grade economics class student knows the end result is inflation.
Show me any American below age 50 who has been educated.
There no educated. Only the indoctrinated.
They believe what their masters tell them to believe.
How could they possibly understand that what comes out of government printing press has any value?
No its not all on Putin, Its the greedy money grubbing super rich & corporations making money off of a bad situation
You apparently are not. Industries with the least competition are seeing the biggest price hikes. Go ask ranchers about Big Beef and they will give you a mouthful. That is what happens when there is little or no competition in an industry.
I’m still waiting to hear how ranchers conspire to raise prices and why I paid $1.68 for gas in February 20 if Putin’s to blame.

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