Don't let Biden blame Putin for inflation

^^^ see how they ignore the facts and regurgitate the SPIN. According to this poster none of Biden and Dem's inflationary policies, EO, legislation, taxes are responsible for inflation. :cuckoo:

Big business is raising prices because they can. Their financial reports confirm this. Too many industries have little or no competition.
Biden and Dimocrats look incredibly stupid in their attempts to blame inflation and pump prices on Putin. They seem to conveniently forget that pump prices and inflation had already increased significantly before Putin invaded.

Big oil is to blame for this. They are keeping supplies low. It is shareholders not politicians that are keeping prices high.
You know the lie is big when even the demafascict propagandist at the Cuomo News Network call Xiden out for it

but the dembot cultist continue to still eat up the lies of Dear Leader
Big oil is to blame for this. They are keeping supplies low. It is shareholders not politicians that are keeping prices high.
then why aren’t gas prices high all the time? How was trump able to get them to keep it low?
Can't say they aren't productive!

1. The newest.....but certainly not the last....lie added to the Democrat Prevarication Production.....

"Biden blames PUTIN for soaring inflation, but even CNN admits that’s not true….

The inflation news out today for the Biden administration isn’t good, with reports that inflation has grown to nearly 8% over the past year:

CNBC – Inflation grew worse in February amid the escalating crisis in Ukraine and price pressures that became more entrenched.

The consumer price index, which measures a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, increased 7.9% over the past 12 months, a fresh 40-year high for the closely followed gauge, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The February acceleration was the fastest pace since January 1982, back when the U.S. economy confronted the twin threat of higher inflation and reduced economic growth.

Putin’s price hike? Gimme a break.

Rick Santelli mocks the administration, reminding everyone of all their prior excuses:

We're nearing 50-something Democrat lie that have been exposed and exploded.

But......mental incompetents are standing in like to scoop up the next lie.

I'll say it again. A buoyant economy low unemoyment and people spending after the virus, it was predicted. Tell me how Biden could have avoided that when all you did was persecute him for not doing it
You can't gave it both ways.

Inflation isn't hurting anyone. They haven't stopped buying petrol cigarettes and beer. Restaurants are booming.

A little bit more inflation and another dollar on petrol should cool the economy down.
Wall Street is seeing record profits as well. How can that happen if there is inflation.
not sure what you mean Wall Street…are you referring to the market in general? It’s been full volatility..

if you are referring to businesses in general..companies will adapted to govt action to save money and ensure profits to survive as long as they can
I'll say it again. A buoyant economy low unemoyment and people spending after the virus, it was predicted. Tell me how Biden could have avoided that when all you did was persecute him for not doing it
You can't gave it both ways.

Inflation isn't hurting anyone. They haven't stopped buying petrol cigarettes and beer. Restaurants are booming.

A little bit more inflation and another dollar on petrol should cool the economy down.
Inflation isn't hurting any one?


Big business is raising prices because they can, not because they have to. Many companies are seeing record profits.
so the economy is doing so great that business are able to raise prices and people are willing to pay because they are so flush with money…wow interesting spin
Just asking how you think Biden made prices go up all over the world? Should be easy for someone with all the answers.

This would NOT be happening under Trump with a Republican Congress. The US would be drilling and fracking and opening new federal leases that don’t take nearly 1-year to permit due to federal regulations. Much like removing restrictions to get COVID vaccines as quickly as possible, Trump would have remained pragmatic and got stuff done, especially if he didn’t have his hands tied by the petulant Democrats acting like children. Putin would NOT have invaded Ukraine. Iran would NOT be shooting at our US embassy. Nord Stream would not have been funded.(Protecting Germany from their own stupidity) We most certainly would not be renegotiating the Iran deal with Russia as our proxy.

TDS folks don’t like Trump because of his brash personality and “mean“ tweets. The reality is, his policies were affective. Biden comes across as a gentile, yet demeted grandfatherly figure. He seems nice. Unfortunately, that weakens us on the world stage and emboldens our enemies. Pragmatism is the most valuable quality of a leader. Democrats in the US and other lefties around the world are the absolute LEAST pragmatic people on planet earth. Leaders like Putin will run us over because while we worry about global warming raising the oceans by an inch, he thinks about controlling the world economy with fossil fuels that we need to survive.

There is obviously nothing anyone can say to Democrats who can’t see this. The years of brainwashing is too much to overcome. It kind of makes you wonder if Russia didn’t really lose the Cold War after all, they just decided to play the long game and infiltrate our schools and push green agendas, gay rights and all the other fluffy, cutsey stuff that affluent countries have the luxury to pontificate. Now many are now consumed by these agenda’s to a point where their priorities are backwards. Brilliant strategy as at last 50% of our populace (and growing due to education) fell for it.

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