Don't let Biden blame Putin for inflation

Meanwhile our elected weenies in Congress want to make sure they don't suffer from Biden's inflation.

The $1.5T bill passed this week provides a 21% raise for the Members Representational Allowance (MRA). The MRA funds the House office budgets for lawmakers, including staff salaries.
"this bill includes several of the provisions I fought for as Chairman of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee, including a 21% MRA increase to ensure lawmakers can best serve their constituents, funding to expand recruitment and retention of staff, and vital investments to provide Capitol Police with the resources needed to protect our nation's Capitol. These robust investments will help make Congress work better for the American people."

House Passes Government Funding Legislation
Meanwhile our elected weenies in Congress want to make sure they don't suffer from Biden's inflation.

The $1.5T bill passed this week provides a 21% raise for the Members Representational Allowance (MRA). The MRA funds the House office budgets for lawmakers, including staff salaries.
"this bill includes several of the provisions I fought for as Chairman of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee, including a 21% MRA increase to ensure lawmakers can best serve their constituents, funding to expand recruitment and retention of staff, and vital investments to provide Capitol Police with the resources needed to protect our nation's Capitol. These robust investments will help make Congress work better for the American people."

House Passes Government Funding Legislation
Who woulda thunk printing up $1.5T and dumping it into the economy would cause inflation?
Who woulda thunk printing up $1.5T and dumping it into the economy would cause inflation?
Democrats and RINOs are so fucking stupid.

They don't understand that the definition of inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods.

Putting more borrowed dollars into the economy is just going to make a bad situation worse.

By the way, embedded in that filthy bloated spending bill are tons of destructive climate change bullshit and even some anti right to keep and bear arms crap. Yet 36 Republican shitheads joined all the dumbass Democrats to pass it in the House.
Can't say they aren't productive!

1. The newest.....but certainly not the last....lie added to the Democrat Prevarication Production.....

"Biden blames PUTIN for soaring inflation, but even CNN admits that’s not true….

The inflation news out today for the Biden administration isn’t good, with reports that inflation has grown to nearly 8% over the past year:

CNBC – Inflation grew worse in February amid the escalating crisis in Ukraine and price pressures that became more entrenched.

The consumer price index, which measures a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, increased 7.9% over the past 12 months, a fresh 40-year high for the closely followed gauge, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The February acceleration was the fastest pace since January 1982, back when the U.S. economy confronted the twin threat of higher inflation and reduced economic growth.

Putin’s price hike? Gimme a break.

Rick Santelli mocks the administration, reminding everyone of all their prior excuses:

We're nearing 50-something Democrat lie that have been exposed and exploded.

But......mental incompetents are standing in like to scoop up the next lie.


Former Obama staffer says inflation was well on its way before the Putin invasion, and Joe Biden owns it all.

Rattner has no clue what he is talking about. Companies are raising prices because they can not because they have to. Oil companies are withholding oil from the market to keep supplies low.
Those who are infected with stupid don't want to see facts.

You certainly do not want to use facts. Financial statements are fact. When companies are making record profits, they clearly are raising prices far above what their costs are. CEOs are bragging about the fact they can raise prices.
then why aren’t gas prices high all the time? How was trump able to get them to keep it low?

The pandemic lowered prices not Trump. Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to lower oil production. Prices have risen since that. There are still some 150 or so oil wells that were running pr-pandemic that still have not been re-opened.
Can't say they aren't productive!

1. The newest.....but certainly not the last....lie added to the Democrat Prevarication Production.....

"Biden blames PUTIN for soaring inflation, but even CNN admits that’s not true….

The inflation news out today for the Biden administration isn’t good, with reports that inflation has grown to nearly 8% over the past year:

CNBC – Inflation grew worse in February amid the escalating crisis in Ukraine and price pressures that became more entrenched.

The consumer price index, which measures a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, increased 7.9% over the past 12 months, a fresh 40-year high for the closely followed gauge, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The February acceleration was the fastest pace since January 1982, back when the U.S. economy confronted the twin threat of higher inflation and reduced economic growth.

Putin’s price hike? Gimme a break.

Rick Santelli mocks the administration, reminding everyone of all their prior excuses:

We're nearing 50-something Democrat lie that have been exposed and exploded.

But......mental incompetents are standing in like to scoop up the next lie.

Did you notice Biden has blamed a variety of factors. Putin/war, Covid, and gas gouging by oil companies, and I already gave the reason for oil companies contributing to inflation. None of which is on Biden;
The whole world is being price gouged right now, not just the US, explain how Biden is responsible for that?
He's not. The reasons are so easy, even a cave man could understand it. Too bad Trump cultists won't even pass for that;
The pandemic lowered prices not Trump. Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to lower oil production. Prices have risen since that. There are still some 150 or so oil wells that were running pr-pandemiclower that still have not been re-opened.
they were lower before the pandemic…they were lower during the obama admin, bush admin too…so why aren’t they always high if the oil companies are to blame?
The pandemic lowered prices not Trump. Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to lower oil production. Prices have risen since that. There are still some 150 or so oil wells that were running pr-pandemic that still have not been re-opened.
why can’t xiden get a deal with OPEC?
not sure what you mean Wall Street…are you referring to the market in general? It’s been full volatility..

if you are referring to businesses in general..companies will adapted to govt action to save money and ensure profits to survive as long as they can

There are3 no government actions to adapt to. It is plain greed.
Are you serious?

You apparently are not. Industries with the least competition are seeing the biggest price hikes. Go ask ranchers about Big Beef and they will give you a mouthful. That is what happens when there is little or no competition in an industry.
Wall Street is Americans. Everyone who has a retirement savings is Wall Street. No shock you hate working Americans.

You are so full of bullshit. Wall Street partied during the pandemic while working people struggled. That is why income inequality is soaring. You are the one who hates working Americans.
Isolationism the new normal?

Looky Looky!

Speculation that Xiden will "sanction" China if it helps Russia. Yup! He'll shut down Chinese inports so you DEFINITELY won't have most of the products you take for granted. New cars? Better get a horse. Without Chinese microchips to make cars with today's mandated safety features run you're going to need one.

But you can bet your ass export of Hunter's paintings to China won't be outlawed! Not that they'd want to buy any if their puppt suddenly slipped free of his strings!
What’s that have to do with Biden printing up and dumping a trillion dollars into the economy to cause this record inflation?

Because Biden helping struggling working people did not cause inflation. The pandemic aid ran out last summer. The child tax benefits ran out last year. You would blame working people for inflation while ignoring the fact that the rich benefitted and are still benefitting greatly from the pandemic. Companies are raising prices because they can, not because of increased costs. That is the reason for the higher inflation.
why is wall street to blame? they don’t make laws and govt regulations

they merely respond to them

This has nothing to do with laws and government regulations. The government did not make companies raise prices. Companies did those.

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