Don’t Let the DNC Fool You—Democrats Love Racism

Thanks…“Colonizer” is a very complimentary label.
Can you imagine America if evil whitey didn’t colonize this land?
Can you imagine America as one giant native reservation?
HOLY ginormous dysfunctional shithole!
I think America would be just fine if whitey had stayed in the rat infested European shitholes they ran away from.
Republicans display their white paternalistic racist attitudes every time they talk about us black folks and Democrats. They are mad because we don't leave the democratic party despite all the shit they try talking about the Democratic party that existed before any of these bitches were alive who supported the slavery they weren't alive to see, the slavery that they tell me I was never a part of, but that I must join the republicsan party because they freed the slaves none of them owned.

Being black, I have spoken to this often. We were republican for 100 years. What the fuck did we get? Plessy v. Ferguson and Jim Crow apartheid. Republicans compromised our freedom and equal rights at every turn, giving southern democrats what they wanted so they could help their corporate buddies. When the Civil Rights Act was passed, the republicans nominated a man who opposed the Civil Rights Act for president. That's how much they cared for blacks.

Voting rights bills have come to congress at least twice in the last 3 years and in all those votes, only 1 republican voted for voting rights. All the democrats did. So if democrats did nothing else, they support our right to be heard equally as citizens of this country. So fuck these racist republiKKlans.
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One where there is a political party comprised of nearly 90% white folks, mostly aging males, and another one where the racial and gender diversity of the populace is far better represented. The former folks are far more inclined to mount goon attacks on Congress when they lose an election.

Are you a Putin troll?
What state? You are misrepresenting America.
No one is talking about your family. You keep bringing them up but your family is irrelevant to the discussion about the overall success of the Jewish people. They been recipients of reparations and incredible amounts of American and international support. The same can hardly be said for black americans.
Success of the Jewish people was self funded. And I America doesn’t fund Israel. It is a military contract. I have an entire thread dedicated to it. Feel free to educate yourself.
Success of the Jewish people was self funded. And I America doesn’t fund Israel. It is a military contract. I have an entire thread dedicated to it. Feel free to educate yourself.
I have. Apparently you're unaware of the billions in reparations your people have recieved.
Republicans display their white paternalistic racist attitudes every time they talk about us black folks and Democrats. They are mad because we don't leave the democratic party despite all the shit they try talking about the Democratic party that existed before any of these bitches were alive who supported the slavery they weren't alive to see, the slavery that they tell me I was never a part of, but that I must join the republicsan party because they freed the slaves none of them owned.

Being black, I have spoken to this often. We were republican for 100 years. What the fuck did we get? Plessy v. Ferguson and Jim Crow apartheid. Republicans compromised our freedom and equal rights at every turn, giving southern democrats what they wanted so they could help their corporate buddies. When the Civil Rights Act was passed, the republicans nominated a man who opposed the Civil Rights Act for president. That's how much they cared for blacks.

Voting rights bills have come to congress at least twice in the last 3 years and in all those votes, only 1 republican voted for voting rights. All the democrats did. So if democrats did nothing else, they support our right to be heard equally as citizens of this country. So fuck these racist republiKKlans.
People are moving away from you. You do not get it. Blaming everyone else only goes so far. Voting for massive tax increases and dumbing down our education system and lowering the standards for the top jobs is not good. This is happening. And we are going to mandate "equity" as the norm. We are done. To do the things we do in high tech would cost several times more if we did it ourselves with no outside help. Admit these things and lets move on.
Is this fictional tale evidenced by data / statistics compiled in the predominantly dark shitholes in America?

Curried Goats
You know what's not fictional? The amount of white women who love black cock. According to census data white women are giving that pussy to almost everyone but white men. Your population is actually falling because of it, while mixed race babies are the largest growing demographic. Is this what's triggered your racism? Angry about getting cucked by black cock? Lol.
  • Funny
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You know what's not fictional? The amount of white women who love black cock. According to census data white women are giving that pussy to almost everyone but white men. Your population is actually falling because of it, while mixed race babies are the largest growing demographic. Is this what's triggered your racism? Angry about getting cucked by black cock? Lol.
hahaha…we’ve been discarding our filth to the negro for decades…we leave filthy fat white whores with no option…only the savage street beast will entertain their desire for sex. It’s all good homie…pound that trash.
That's a ridiculous claim to make. You telling me no jews have immigrated here from Europe?
My parents did. Zero reparations. Only direct Holocaust survivors received something and it was a pittance. The Jews that came here came here with nothing like my parents. Zero. Zippo. Nothing. Just the will to work. They didn’t even speak the language. So yeah you’re full of it.
You know what's not fictional? The amount of white women who love black cock. According to census data white women are giving that pussy to almost everyone but white men. Your population is actually falling because of it, while mixed race babies are the largest growing demographic. Is this what's triggered your racism? Angry about getting cucked by black cock? Lol.
There is a polite and cogent post. You’re an animal. As a father of two daughters, I find your post repulsive.
My parents did. Zero reparations. Only direct Holocaust survivors received something and it was a pittance. The Jews that came here came here with nothing like my parents. Zero. Zippo. Nothing. Just the will to work. They didn’t even speak the language. So yeah you’re full of it.
You keep bringing up your parents like they are relevant to this discussion. Lol. Does mommy and daddy know yourl post racist bullshit online?
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People are moving away from you. You do not get it. Blaming everyone else only goes so far. Voting for massive tax increases and dumbing down our education system and lowering the standards for the top jobs is not good. This is happening. And we are going to mandate "equity" as the norm. We are done. To do the things we do in high tech would cost several times more if we did it ourselves with no outside help. Admit these things and lets move on.
You are incorrect. What people are moving away from is you. This isn't about blame retard, this is about stating fact and speaking truth.

Truth your white ass can't face such as this thar comes from white owned and controlled McKinsey & Company.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”
hahaha…we’ve been discarding our filth to the negro for decades…we leave filthy fat white whores with no option…only the savage street beast will entertain their desire for sex. It’s all good homie…pound that trash.
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Not exactly how things go. I know that personally.

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