Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Annnnnnnnnnnnd. The Cult of Kill Trump raises it's head from the cesspool yet again

Shouldn't you be out in your pajamas protesting Sinema or Manchin somewhere?
Saturday Night Live poked fun at Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis...

The episode’s cold open first hinted that the president’s Covid-19 bout wouldn’t be off-limits comedically, and anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che spent much of their segment humorously covering the news.

“This news was a lot for us to process a day before we came back on the air after four months off. And it all happened so fast. I woke up yesterday and heard the president had mild symptoms and four hours later he was getting medevaced to a hospital in what looked like the last chopper out of Vietnam,” Jost said.

“I gotta say, it’s a bad sign for America that when Trump said he tested positive for a virus, 60 percent of people were like, ‘Prove it.’ And it’s been very weird to see all these people who clearly hate Trump come out and say ‘We wish him well.’ I think a lot of them are just guilty that their first wish came true.”

Che added, “While in the hospital, the president isn’t allowed to see any guests, but he is expected to be visited by three ghosts. Probably one from his past, one from his… Okay, look this is weird.”

“Because a lot of people on both sides are saying there’s nothing funny about Trump being hospitalized with coronavirus, even though he mocked the safety precautions for the coronavirus, and those people are obviously wrong,” Che continued.

“There’s a lot funny about this. Maybe not from a moral standpoint, but mathematically, if you were constructing a joke, this is all the ingredients you need. The problem is it’s almost too funny. Like it’s so on the nose. It would be like if I were making fun of people who wear belts and then my pants just immediately fell down.”

Che later clarified, “Look, I don’t want the president to die, obviously. Actually, I wish him a very lengthy recovery.”

Jost then noted, “I will point out that if the situation was reversed and it was Biden who got sick, Trump would 100 percent be at a mask-less rally tonight getting huge laughs doing an impression of Biden on a ventilator. Just saying.”
It tells me that unemployment hit 14.5% after the initial scare and as we learned more about it, some people did go back to work. It had no other place to go than down. But when Dementia took over it was at 6.2% and took seven months for it to hit 5.2% Had he not went along with his party and not sign that bill with the extra unemployment, it would have went down much faster.
Lol well either way the unemployment rate went down faster under Biden than it did Trump.
Sure, low paying jobs that people can reject now.

Red state governors ended the enhanced unemployment benefit for their poor red Guinee pigs during spring and summer last year. The cutoff didn't lead to gains in in those jobs.

Correct, there were no gains in jobs and there are none today either. But the jobs went unfulfilled and people are slowly going back to them.
Lololol..... The 45% that covid-19 handed Biden you mean? Come on now you can't be that desperate. Absolutely nobody is going to pay attention to that boloney.
No, everyone is paying attention to that number.
Lol well either way the unemployment rate went down faster under Biden than it did Trump.

Not really. Lol. In January of 2020 it hit 14.5 and when he left office in January 2021, it was down to 6.4%. I believe it was the biggest drop in history.
Correct, there were no gains in jobs and there are none today either. But the jobs went unfulfilled and people are slowly going back to them.
People are taking those jobs when their getting better pay and/or benefits, not because your version of Pottersville is happening.
Not really. Lol. In January of 2020 it hit 14.5 and when he left office in January 2021, it was down to 6.4%. I believe it was the biggest drop in history.
I believe that once again you're full of shit ray. Listed below is the unemployment rates by month 2021.

Not really. Lol. In January of 2020 it hit 14.5 and when he left office in January 2021, it was down to 6.4%. I believe it was the biggest drop in history.
Um no that’s
Not really. Lol. In January of 2020 it hit 14.5 and when he left office in January 2021, it was down to 6.4%. I believe it was the biggest drop in history.
Uh no that’s complete bullshit. As my source stated, the economy gained 5.8 million jobs in one year. And yeah, that number refers to actual people filling those positions. Overall, the economy grew faster than any year since 1984.
It tells me that unemployment hit 14.5% after the initial scare and as we learned more about it, some people did go back to work. It had no other place to go than down. But when Dementia took over it was at 6.2% and took seven months for it to hit 5.2% Had he not went along with his party and not sign that bill with the extra unemployment, it would have went down much faster.
Statistics from red states prove that wrong.
Um no that’s

Uh no that’s complete bullshit. As my source stated, the economy gained 5.8 million jobs in one year. And yeah, that number refers to actual people filling those positions. Overall, the economy grew faster than any year since 1984.

Of course it did. Again store shelves are empty. Used cars have hit their highest value in history because you have to wait a while to get a new car and people desperate for any car are willing to pay the price. It's going to take a lot of time to replenish those warehouses. As I mentioned earlier, my cousin who owns his own remodeling business told me all his window jobs are 10 weeks behind. He can't get good windows if his life counted on it.
What are you thanking him for? He's the one that caused all the problems in the first place. Giving him credit is like giving an arsonist credit for putting out a house fire he started.
Because the American people were getting ready to throw the orange bum out and did.

So far, early data suggests that cutting the benefits given to Americans who lost their jobs during the covid-19 pandemic has not led to a big pickup in hiring. The 20 states that reduced benefits in June had the same pace of hiring as the mostly Democrat-led states that kept the extra $300-a-week unemployment payments in place, according to state-level data from the Labor Department. Survey data from the Census Bureau and Gusto’s small-business payroll data show similar results.

So, the denial was punitive to red state residents.

By pouring cold water on the economy, you mean...

Trump: 1.0%
Biden: 5.7%

Trump: -3 million
Biden: +6 million

Trump: +36%
Biden: -39%

Biden licks goats asses while enjoying caviar.
Hey, you believe all that other horesehit you posted above...why not this too ???
Of course it did. Again store shelves are empty. Used cars have hit their highest value in history because you have to wait a while to get a new car and people desperate for any car are willing to pay the price. It's going to take a lot of time to replenish those warehouses. As I mentioned earlier, my cousin who owns his own remodeling business told me all his window jobs are 10 weeks behind. He can't get good windows if his life counted on it.
See all you can do is deflect from what I am saying at this point. Your argument quickly loses credibility that way.
Of course it did. Again store shelves are empty. Used cars have hit their highest value in history because you have to wait a while to get a new car and people desperate for any car are willing to pay the price. It's going to take a lot of time to replenish those warehouses. As I mentioned earlier, my cousin who owns his own remodeling business told me all his window jobs are 10 weeks behind. He can't get good windows if his life counted on it.

On the other side, the idiot you are arguing with is laughing hysterically as they feed obvious nonsense, lies and propaganda, and cunservatives are willingly drawn into their web, stomp their feet in anger in a desperate fruitless attempt to educate them..... over and over and over.

Stay focused on the clown show on the forum...and NEVER on those things where you could really make some difference. :spinner:
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

I totally agree BL.
But I also think they are quite the willing dumbasses themselves, arguing with these far left paid trolls day in and day out, and I'm beginning to think they are getting EXACTLY what they deserve.

Here's a man funding their demise...and they never even think about him......or will ever do anything about him. Just come here and cry 24/7
Jobs and job growth are two different things. New jobs makes zero sense as industries were either shutting down or greatly doing without sufficient labor. Jobs being there with nobody to work them due to fear and safety makes so much more sense.
What a bunch of nonsense. I recognize those as words it they make zero sense put together in that nonsensical way
On the other side, the idiot you are arguing with is laughing hysterically as they feed obvious nonsense, lies and propaganda, and cunservatives are willingly drawn into their web, stomp their feet in anger in a desperate fruitless attempt to educate them..... over and over and over.

Stay focused on the clown show on the forum...and NEVER on those things where you could really make some difference. :spinner:

I don't take it quite that seriously. I come here for enjoyment. I don't sit here seething and in many cases laugh a lot. Tells you what kind of exciting life I have. :badgrin:

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