Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

Because the American people were getting ready to throw the orange bum out and did.

So far, early data suggests that cutting the benefits given to Americans who lost their jobs during the covid-19 pandemic has not led to a big pickup in hiring. The 20 states that reduced benefits in June had the same pace of hiring as the mostly Democrat-led states that kept the extra $300-a-week unemployment payments in place, according to state-level data from the Labor Department. Survey data from the Census Bureau and Gusto’s small-business payroll data show similar results.

So, the denial was punitive to red state residents.
It was Punitive to no one. Firstly it is not the duty of the Federal Government to provide was a humane gesture to be sure but certainly not one done by any obligatory mandate and probaly not even a wise move. Your cursory conclusions about hiring betray a lack of depth about the actual mechanics of the shut down that occurred and the simultaneous damage done to the economy by synthetically propping up the masses and interrupting the normal flow of consequences that otherwise keep the balance of the aggregate demand ( yeah that's right Keynes) in the positive numbers. The cutoff of the dead beat funds was absolutely the correct thing to do and it will yet show its effect when the rest of the normal operations that are standard procedure such as evictions and foreclosures come back online. This has not yet happened.

The fiat explosion done by quantitative easing is now just beginning to take its bite from the wallets, pocketbooks, bank accounts and retirement savings of all Americans. You ain't seen nuthin' yet bub. We are staring down the barrel of a massive collapse...will they stave it off for a bit with more Marxology and Banking chicanery? Perhaps....but in the final analysis the ship's floor continues to be shaved away and will eventually have nothing left to shave. At that point the ship will sink so quickly that it will make the global money corrections of 2008 look like a may day party. The states that kept the additional financial help will have the same experience and deeper since they continued the economic abuse far longer. The total destruction of local business infrastructure has yet to be determined but it is almost assuredly going to be more severe when it hits simply by virtue of population density and local need levels for food, energy and the basics of daily functioning.

Trump had the correct approach....enable the job creators and you will ultimately succeed. Taking the workforce out to lunch for two years...was stupid and will take at least a decade to correct...if ever.

It was Punitive to no one. Firstly it is not the duty of the Federal Government to provide was a humane gesture to be sure but certainly not one done by any obligatory mandate and probaly not even a wise move. Your cursory conclusions about hiring betray a lack of depth about the actual mechanics of the shut down that occurred and the simultaneous damage done to the economy by synthetically propping up the masses and interrupting the normal flow of consequences that otherwise keep the balance of the aggregate demand ( yeah that's right Keynes) in the positive numbers. The cutoff of the dead beat funds was absolutely the correct thing to do and it will yet show its effect when the rest of the normal operations that are standard procedure such as evictions and foreclosures come back online. This has not yet happened.

The fiat explosion done by quantitative easing is now just beginning to take its bite from the wallets, pocketbooks, bank accounts and retirement savings of all Americans. You ain't seen nuthin' yet bub. We are staring down the barrel of a massive collapse...will they stave it off for a bit with more Marxology and Banking chicanery? Perhaps....but in the final analysis the ship's floor continues to be shaved away and will eventually have nothing left to shave. At that point the ship will sink so quickly that it will make the global money corrections of 2008 look like a may day party. The states that kept the additional financial help will have the same experience and deeper since they continued the economic abuse far longer. The total destruction of local business infrastructure has yet to be determined but it is almost assuredly going to be more severe when it hits simply by virtue of population density and local need levels for food, energy and the basics of daily functioning.

Trump had the correct approach....enable the job creators and you will ultimately succeed. Taking the workforce out to lunch for two years...was stupid and will take at least a decade to correct...if ever.

Ayn Rand is dead.

Your economic bullshit is hilarious. Does Das Kapital describe this "Marxology" or was he being a Maoist who is under the control of the Bilderberger's?
Ayn Rand is dead.

Your economic bullshit is hilarious. Does Das Kapital describe this "Marxology" or was he being a Maoist who is under the control of the Bilderberger's?

OH? Tell me empty man who responds with no numbers, no theory and no relevant much to you pay for a pound of steak these days?

I will gladly debate this issue in detail with you....if you have the stomach.

lets go. You have already committed yourself to a two dimensional analyses of something that has a dozen dimensions to it.

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OH? Tell me empty man who responds with no numbers, no theory and no relevant much to you pay for a pound of steak these days?

I will gladly debate this issue in detail with you....if you have the stomach.

lets go.

Okay jo, is the economy on sound footing now?

What kind of cut of steak?
OH? Tell me empty man who responds with no numbers, no theory and no relevant much to you pay for a pound of steak these days?

I will gladly debate this issue in detail with you....if you have the stomach.

lets go. You have already committed yourself to a two dimensional analyses of something that has a dozen dimensions to it.

Did you support tariffs?
Did you support tariffs?
The Real Question is this....Do you support slavery, air pollution, intellectual theft and near total lack of any kind of hygienic oversight in your product flow? Because unless you think the EPA, FDA, OSHA and a few other US government agencies can cross the pacific and start punishing the CCP....Tariffs is the only plausible control effort that has any chance at all of dealing with it.
The Real Question is this....Do you support slavery, air pollution, intellectual theft and near total lack of any kind of hygienic oversight in your product flow? Because unless you think the EPA, FDA, OSHA and a few other US government agencies can cross the pacific and start punishing the CCP....Tariffs is the only plausible control effort that has any chance at all of dealing with it.
It’s a tax on us. Didn’t slow imports, just increased prices. Kinda like inflation.
Not sign the pork bill that led to the labor shortage and thus the supply shortage and thus the inflation we have today. He would have threatened to increase fuel production if OPEC didn't back off. He would have kept the Keystone open. He would have had our agencies investigate who was behind the hacking of our largest gasoline pipeline.
Ultimately it's either Carter or Reagan's fault. LOL.
I do have trouble getting what I need unless I go shopping all over the city and get lucky. Amazon seems to be the best when it comes to items. What did I say that didn't have factual information? Everything I stated was 100% fact. Pick one or two and we'll go from there.
You know what I can't get at Home Depot?


Idiots were getting $7 from me for it. They told me to get it online for $2.98 rather than order it so the next time I come they have it. Lazy Americans.
The only bullshit here is the post above these words.

Unemployment at 4% is a complete and total lie.
It's closer to 20%.

Stock market numbers have absolutely nothing to do with the typical main Street paychecks. In fact they're probably inversely proportional.

Gross domestic product is synthetically inflated by the inflation of the currency which has lost 30% of its buying power in the last 12 months.

Please do not make any more financial posts the next one may actually injure your brain which apparently is already beyond recuperation.
You sound like Trump just before he won the presidency. He said unemployment wasn't real. Then he got in and it went down .0001% and he said he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Better to blacks than Lincoln was.

Explain how you were doing GREAT under Trump but today you're a loser again like you were under Obama?

To the brain-dead cult, 6.9% GDP and 3.9% unemployment is a disaster.

The truth is -- it's a disaster for conservatism.
Trump gave Veggie Joe a GDP avg for the last two quarters he was in office of over 17%.

Veggie Joe fucked it up.
Lol you definitely know how. Yeah supply is a problem. No shit. However as I will say for the millionth time, every other economic metric is better under Biden than Trump.

Is inflation better? Is the supply chain better? Is the workforce better? Is the immigration problem better with 2 million more illegals in this country last year taking jobs from Americans?

Every other metric like what, the unemployment rate dropping at a slow pace? Even the people who have money to spend can't do it because they can't find the items they wish to purchase.

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