Don't let them take your guns.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Based on what we know about biology, Nikolas Cruz and his brother must have had biological parents. But there is no mention of them anywhere. It’s as if they don’t exist and never existed. That’s a pretty important detail to leave out considering that Cruz just killed seventeen people. We here about foster parents but the two people who actually conceived Cruz are off the radar and that’s probably by design. Were they legal citizens? Were they criminals? Don’t hold your breath waiting to find out.

All the way back in 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a democrat, Assistant Secretary of Labor and a trained sociologist, warned that expanding the welfare state would create a dangerous, dependent underclass. He was promptly criticized, marginalized and ostracized by the ideological architects of the new left that were busy constructing the pyramids of the War on Poverty and the Great society.

Beginning in the 1970’s marriage rates dropped precipitously, Out-of-wedlock births exploded and single motherhood wildly propagated seeding a bumper crop of crime and drug use unprecedented in the US that manifests itself today as a widespread opioid crisis. As government programs began multiplying by cellular division, the socialist-born concept of central planning metastasized into a bureaucratic juggernaut of income redistribution.

Moynihan was the last reasonable voice to speak out against what has led to the cultural breakdown of society in the United States. By replacing traditional families with a paper check, the gullible, underhanded leftist aristocracy has unleashed the emotionally and psychologically starved orphans of central planning into our communities. Some, like abused animals, predictably react to the vacancy of a nurturing childhood by striking out at society with mass killings.

Having been robbed of the guidance of flesh and blood traditional families some of the traumatized victims of government love are cast into the rapids of life with no rudder and no moral compass. Nikolas Cruz was shell shocked by the ill-conceived War on Poverty.

Now the subterfuge of blaming the guns is in full swing. Like going into schools and stretching condoms over cucumbers or using the human sacrifice of late term abortions, the real criminals embedded in the status quo are selling the snake oil of a quick fix.

These are the same traitors that have been selling us out to their global ideological cohorts across the oceans. Don’t let them take your guns. Listen to the founders.

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