Don't look for Mitt's name on this list

No redistribution is forced by the government, if rich people want to give it away, that's their call, it's called pro choice....look into it

But you'll find Romney gives quite a bit to charity.

What I want to know is how many of these guys are gonna ponny up the extra cash for government? I'm suprised democrats arent on board for that bill.........oh that's right because they wont pay and dont want to look like hypocrits....too late
luddly troll fails again

of course he is not on the list...he is not a billionaire.

what the hell is going on with the radical left? One day they get in what ever pleasure mode they are capable of when the stock market goes up and the next day they think successful business people are evil.
and the troll doesn't realize...this isn't a one time fork over half your simply is a pledge to give X dollars over the next several decades or you can give half now...which is highly unlikely, because the way this orgs, you donate X billions and it is not spent in one year, it is given out over a period of time.
The most telling fact in this story is they are not giving it to the government and trusting them to spend it wisely. Even they recognize that government is inefficent and not trustworthy, it's further evidence that the private sector can do it better.
That's nice of them. Perhaps they should follow Jon Huntsman Sr. example. He plans to die in poverty.

Oh and Romney doesnt broadcast his charity.
How about this... They give up 99% of their wealth... I mean, they own everything they could ever want and they STILL have tens of billions of dollars left over... So giving up half of your "wealth" and still having tens of billions in the bank and things like million dollar house(s), car(s), jets, random building(s) and whatever the fuck else they accidently bought along the way is like brushing the crumbs off the table so the dog can eat it off the floor after you stocked the pantry, refrigerator, bomb shelter, 5 of your friends house, a cargo container and just stuffed yourself with as much as you can eat...

It’s like a PR campaign… “Like me, I gave up money that I can’t possibly spend and left myself just enough that I still couldn’t possibly spend it all.” Sure, it’s their money, go ahead and give it away… But to mistaken their “charity” for being sacrifice is stupid. Sell all their hundreds of millions of dollars worth of chit, give all their money away and buy a middle class home in a nice area with a few million in the bank to retire on and I’ll believe they believe in some shared sacrifice. Until then all they are doing in buying their way into how history will remember them.
luddly troll fails again

of course he is not on the list...he is not a billionaire.

The Luddite's posts have really improved since he got off the Rep System haven't they? :D

don't know...wasn't really posting much then

but imagine he is afraid of rep, because i remember when he first was on here, his rep was negative....i rep matters to him
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates' 'Giving Pledge' Gets 11 More Billionaires To Pledge Half Of Wealth

Not just Mittens' but none of his friends will be on this list either.

Is THIS what the 1% mean by "redistributing" ...?


Make no mistake - if Mittens wants to sit on his money, its his to do that with. But cut the CRAP about millionaires with integrity and a social conscience.

What a dip, you are comparing Romney to billionaires? Lol!

Giving money away is one thing, the government taking from you is another.

According to his tax returns, Romney gave away 16% of his income to charity, in just over six year, Romney will give 100% of his wealth to charity.

Which is probably more of his wealth than you give of your own,.

Your thread is a FAIL!

No wonder you ducked out on it.
luddly troll fails again

of course he is not on the list...he is not a billionaire.

The Luddite's posts have really improved since he got off the Rep System haven't they? :D

don't know...wasn't really posting much then

but imagine he is afraid of rep, because i remember when he first was on here, his rep was negative....i rep matters to him
Poor Ludes, he can't take the negativity, lol
I'm suprised democrats arent on board for that bill.........oh that's right because they wont pay and dont want to look like hypocrits....too late

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