Don't Make a Deal with the Devil

Another person who perished after making a deal with the Devil. Jim Morrison. Here's his story:
Jim Morrison, superstar of the Doors, who died "mysteriously" on July 3, 1971 was deeply involved in the occult . Morrison married his wife at a Wicca wedding standing in a pentagram and drinking each others blood.


The backcover of the Doors album "13", shows the group gathered around a bust of Aliester Crowley.
Morrison admitted that Satan was the source of his music:

"I met the Spirit of Music. . . . An appearance of the devil in a Venice canal. Running, I saw a Satanor Satyr, moving beside me, a fleshly shadow of my secret mind, . . ."
(The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison, p. 36-38)
Ray Manaxrek of the Doors, says of Morrison:

"He was not a performer. He was not an entertainer. He was not a showman. He was a shaman. He was possessed."

"While [Jim Morrison] he was staying at the Chateau Marmont, he spent a few wild nights with a buxom neighbor . . . once waking up in a tangle of bloody sheets after they shared champagne glasses of each other's blood."
(Pamela Des Barres, Rock Bottom, p. 208)

Many other rock artists "studied" Crowley such as: Marc Bolan, David Bowie, Graham Bond, Sting, Daryl Hall, King Daimond, Bruce Dickinson, Stiv Bators, et al.
How sad is that?
Here is another person whose soul is in great danger today. Satan is a master deceiver. Don't make a deal with the devil - you'll come out the loser. Every single time.

Now after the viewer examines the story of Carlos Santana - please look at this video and note the similar language / terms / descriptions on how JK Rawlings came to write Harry Potter. Warning to parents - do not let your children read Harry Potter books or view Harry Potter films - I would also advise buying Christian videos for your children and avoid television cartoons completely - it's all steeped in witchcraft, witchcraft symbolism - how to do incantations - Sabrina the Witch - My Pony - all of it is trash and should not be permitted into your home. These people are putting curses on what they write, publish, produce so that when your children read it / watch it they get an unexpected gift - a demon. Keep the devil out of your home and do not permit anything of this nature in.
Hollywood has no creativity.

Faux controversy cooked up to hype a crappy movie...


There's no controversy, just conspiracy.

Whatever it is, it won't be enough to make this a decent movie...

I looked at the rating 1 star and a half. I think 5 stars is the highest rating so this one was a total flop. Guess the Movie producers who made a deal with the devil got robbed too, eh?

I think the plot with the cab driver - Satanist - preying on unknowing victims - was meant to recruit copycats. Who knows. anyone's guess......
I read an article about the Exorcist being full of misogynist and xenophobic messages.

it reflects the paranoia of a Western male-dominated society resisting changes that increasingly include the voices of those previously unheard: women, young people and members of our larger global world. When that paranoia is exorcised, the film might lose its power over viewers. But for now, its continuing popularity suggests that even in our allegedly post-feminist, post-racial world, that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.

What the Ever-Popular 8220 Exorcist 8221 Says About Female Sexuality
Granny says, "Dat's right - it's a bitch all over...

Cuba’s Santeria priests predict mass migration, social upheaval this year
Mon, Jan 04, 2016 - Priests offering New Year’s prophecies from Cuba’s Afro-Cuban religion forecast an explosion in migration and social unrest worldwide this year.
Many on the Caribbean island eagerly wait for guidance from the Santeria religion’s annual forecast. Santeria, with roots in West African tradition brought to Cuba by slaves, is practiced by millions of Cubans. This year, the island’s official association of priests, known as babalawos, predicted an “explosion” of migration and “social unrest provoked by desperation.” The yearly reading is for Cuba and the world at large, but the babalawos did not state which predictions, if any, apply to Cuba specifically. “The predictions of Ifa [divination system] warn world leaders that if no action is taken, we might lead our people to a massive migration provoked by different things, desperation among them,” priest Lazaro Cuesta told a news conference in Havana.

Cuesta said war, economic hardship, political conflict and terrorism are sparking worldwide migration. He did not give specifics about the priests’ social unrest prediction, but offered a metaphor: “When you are in your room and it’s really hot, desperation makes you run out of the room. If we give you an air conditioner, you stay put.” “I can be living in a hot room and I don’t leave running, because it’s my room,” Cuesta said. “I’m living alongside everyone else in Cuba and I’m not leaving.”

Based on this year’s forecast, the babalawos recommend “establishing favorable accords with respect to migration policy,” and “reaching a balance between salaries and the high cost of basic necessities.” Earlier this week, Cuban President Raul Castro told the Cuban National Assembly, the country’s single-chamber parliament, that an economic slowdown is expected this year. Food prices have increased more than 50 percent on the island over the last four years, according to official media. The average salary throughout the island is less than US$30 a month. “A person who economically considers himself incapable of living in the place where he is is going to look for a better future somewhere else,” Cuesta said.

Cuba’s Santeria priests predict mass migration, social upheaval this year - Taipei Times

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