DON'T Make Paul Ryan Speaker of the House


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I place a very high value on the reports of numbersUSA, one of the top organizations dealing with the issue of population control and immigration. They have done extensive investigation on every member of Congress, as well as "outsiders" who are currently running for president. They issue report card grades on all these people, with in depth reasons to back up the grades they give.

In Paul Ryan's case, I don't know what happened to him, but he suddenly went from excellent on immigration to terrible on it. Over 2013-2015, Ryan graded an A-. Now he is standing at a lowly D-. He gets an F- (lowest grade) on Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas, and F- on Challenge Status Quo, and a C on Reduce Amnesty Enticements.

Looks like Ryan has become just another RINO, which is just what the GOP needs to get away from, not have more of. Here's some quotes I found interesting, from some posters in the numbersUSA site >>

"Susie7475 of TX: Another organization dedicated to immigration control reports that Paul Ryan is trying to ram a pathway to citizenship for illegals through the House of Representatives. Surely he deserves and "F"."

"Michael0805 of WI: A stab in the back from Ryan, Voted for the Cromulus, Fully fund Obamas amnesty.. I am NOT HAPPY with the Dagger in my back!!"

Report Card | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
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Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas

Probably the greatest damage to the wages and working conditions of American workers comes from foreign nationals who are specifically imported to compete with Americans for jobs.
Although temporary importation of foreign workers does not in itself cause significant U.S. population growth, it usually does because the federal government has done almost nothing to ensure that workers go back home after their work visas expire.
Challenge Status Quo

The "Challenge Status Quo" grade is based on whether a Member attempts to challenge the status quo of each key immigration policy problem or chooses to ignore one or more of them. In most Congresses, it is possible for Members to just avoid doing anything about several immigration problems. Those who run Congress tend to 'protect' Members from having to cast a vote on immigration bills and amendments.
Thus, Members who do act in all the key immigration categories - and do so positively - are showing excellent overall leadership and get a high grade in this Leadership Subject. Members also earn positive points in this category by authoring (not simply co-sponsoring) reduction bills and by providing special leadership on committees and caucuses. Members who skip doing anything in some or most of the subjects are showing poor leadership by failing to challenge the status quo. This grade recognizes that simply avoiding taking negative actions is not enough because doing nothing at all is a support for the status quo. And status quo immigration policies monthly are adding large numbers of foreign competitors to unemployed Americans who are searching for jobs. The status quo policies also are adding millions of people each decade to the overloaded physical, social and environmental infrastructures of American communities.
In each of the six immigration areas listed in this Subject, there are clear actions needed that Members can take. If a Member takes no action, that is graded 0 of 3 points as a sign of lack of leadership in that Subject . Skipping votes, voting present and failing to co-sponsor positive legislation is not a sign of leadership.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements

Amnesties go farther than most incentives for illegal immigration because they make it impossible for illegal aliens to be forced to go back home. Amnesties reward the illegal alien with the pathway to U.S. citizenship.
Millions of illegal aliens have been made part of the permanent, legal population of America since 1986
If Immigrants are thrown out who will change your depends and help you into your hov around, or pick the food or do the jobs whitey t cracker won't do?
I say give it to his twin brother.
If Immigrants are thrown out who will change your depends and help you into your hov around, or pick the food or do the jobs whitey t cracker won't do?
I figured you could do that in return for your welfare...

Mow my yard while you're at it, Boy ... I'm not paying you to just sit around on your lazy ass.
They tried kicking out immigrants in'd that work out?
If Immigrants are thrown out who will change your depends and help you into your hov around, or pick the food or do the jobs whitey t cracker won't do?
The "jobs Americans won't do" line was obliterated YEARS AGO, but oblivious liberals walk around oblivious, because their media of omission omits all the information they need to know. In addition, they are programmed to call Fox News (where they would have gotten the information) "Faux News", so they never go there to find out the massive amounts of info they have been deprived of.

EARTH TO GUNO: 10 years ago, Center for Immigration Studies did an exhaustive study on hundreds of occupations that illegal aliens commonly work in, and found almost all had a majority of Americans working in them.

Also, take a look at the dirtiest and most dangerous occupations in America (coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in Afghanistan, etc) and you'll find AMERICANS working there, not foreigners. Welcome to the real world.

PS - hell of a display of racism and ageism, Mr. Bigot.
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I place a very high value on the reports of numbersUSA, one of the top organizations dealing with the issue of population control and immigration. They have done extensive investigation on every member of Congress, as well as "outsiders" who are currently running for president. They issue report card grades on all these people, with in depth reasons to back up the grades they give.

In Paul Ryan's case, I don't know what happened to him, but he suddenly went from excellent on immigration to terrible on it. Over 2013-2015, Ryan graded an A-. Now he is standing at a lowly D-. He gets an F- (lowest grade) on Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas, and F- on Challenge Status Quo, and a C on Reduce Amnesty Enticements.

Looks like Ryan has become just another RINO, which is just what the GOP needs to get away from, not have more of. Here's some quotes I found interesting, from some posters in the numbersUSA site >>

"Susie7475 of TX: Another organization dedicated to immigration control reports that Paul Ryan is trying to ram a pathway to citizenship for illegals through the House of Representatives. Surely he deserves and "F"."

"Michael0805 of WI: A stab in the back from Ryan, Voted for the Cromulus, Fully fund Obamas amnesty.. I am NOT HAPPY with the Dagger in my back!!"

Report Card | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

The report as written makes no sense.

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