Don't Mess With Them...

I'll never understand people who get off seeing government authority used violently against citizens
I'll never understand people who get off on using violence against cops.
That may or may not be the case, it's only a picture, but likely the guy tried something stupid.
The cop wasn't having it.
In this instance, a picture doesn't show 1000 words.
Answer this. What were the Good American Patriots going to do when they got their hands on the elected officials? What was their intent?

Well, the "Good American Patriots", were not intent on doing anything, they were still in the street and not on capitol property.
On the other hand, the traitor, Tumpaciles reaction to the police would be a good indicator.
They carried zip ties, pepper spray, brass knuckles, tasers, a crowbar and had a noose and a guillotine ready.

Didn't look as though they were there to bring them lunch.
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