Don't Need a Wall.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We just need to obey our established laws and do what Mexico does.

Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America Than the United States Does

Between October and April, Mexico apprehended 92,889 Central Americans. In the same time period, the United States detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” migrants, the vast majority from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Of course, their southern border is a lot smaller than ours. But, they don't fool around. There's only one thing the article didn't cover – how many immigrants get through due to greasing a few pockets or paying smugglers to get them across?

Read more @ Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America Than the United States Does John Hawkins Right Wing News
I agree with OP

but on top of what he says .... A BIG WALL is needed too .....

walls are good to keep scum out

like I always say lol....never underestimate the value of a good solid wall.
I agree with OP

but on top of what he says .... A BIG WALL is needed too .....

walls are good to keep scum out

like I always say lol....never underestimate the value of a good solid wall.
"Walls are EXCELLENT!!!"

- Nikita Kruschev (1961)
Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like a giant wall around the border, just like East Berlin....
Fumigation is another choice....but it would not be politically correct..ha LOL :eek:
Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.
Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

We just need to obey our established laws and do what Mexico does.

Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America Than the United States Does

Between October and April, Mexico apprehended 92,889 Central Americans. In the same time period, the United States detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” migrants, the vast majority from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Of course, their southern border is a lot smaller than ours. But, they don't fool around. There's only one thing the article didn't cover – how many immigrants get through due to greasing a few pockets or paying smugglers to get them across?

Read more @ Mexico Deports More Immigrants Back to Central America Than the United States Does John Hawkins Right Wing News
Sometime in 2005 I had that opportunity to participate with Gov. Arnold Z. regarding how to curb illegal immigration. Everyone had the chance to voice each own opinions and it got really nasty. But at high percentage (can't remember) suggested a better fences and more border agents. This is where we are now.
Mexico deports more immigrants back to Central America than US. Do what Mexico does. They don't mess around. Mexican government? That is a big JOKE it's a bs.
I've seen these borders. These border checkpoint are nothing but a formality sake. If Mexico deport an immigrant what is there to stop the flow. They can easily cross open farms. What is there to stop from them from making a U turn the same day? Stopping the flow of of immigrants going to Mexico is worst than stopping Niagara Falls with a bucket.
There is train called the Beast coming from south America that illegals used as a means of transportation. Mexican authorities doesn't even care to stop that. Deporting 92k is an enormous task of logistics and money so why does Mexican gov. even bother. The link was a joke.
A good wall not only keeps things on the outside, it also keeps things on the inside.

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Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

Not going to happen.
Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

Not going to happen.

Do you people see this? This person, right here, is telling you, me, and everyone else born in this country, that we can't enforce our own laws, and if we want to ship them back from whence they came, he says, and I quote, "Not going to happen!"

So there you have it folks, this is not our country, it is now their country, and they tell us what they will do, and what we can't do. Congratulations; I am sure the libs are proud as pie.

Oh, and by the way; keep paying those taxes so they can get freebies while discussing together what it is they can do, and what we can't do at their next Larasa meeting.
Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

Not going to happen.

Do you people see this? This person, right here, is telling you, me, and everyone else born in this country, that we can't enforce our own laws....

No, this person right here is NOT saying that, you damn fool.
Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

Not going to happen.

Do you people see this? This person, right here, is telling you, me, and everyone else born in this country, that we can't enforce our own laws....

No, this person right here is NOT saying that, you damn fool.
Oh, that wasn't you! So sorry, someone must have boosted your account. Forgive me. I checked it, and I see you copied what we said, and then........and I quote, said......"Not going to happen." Did I misquote you? Or maybe I misinterpreted the meaning. If so, sorry.
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Land of the free doesn't mean land of the "free for all". Countries have borders and immigration laws for good reason. Our own citizens would no longer be free without both of the above in place. It's ridiculous to compare the Berlin wall to a potential wall on only the most porous areas of our southern border. The former was to keep their own citizens in and the latter would be to keep unwanted and uninvited foreigners out. This is neither a right nor a left issue it is an American issue.

The leftists know this Glory, they just continue to try to muddy the waters. Thy are hoping by putting something provocative like that on there, their PC indoctrination will cause people to run ad shut up.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Until the unemployment rate for our citizens is below 5%........with a participation rate of 85%, n more legal, or illegal aliens, and those here start getting shipped back.

Not going to happen.

Do you people see this? This person, right here, is telling you, me, and everyone else born in this country, that we can't enforce our own laws....

No, this person right here is NOT saying that, you damn fool.
Oh, that wasn't you! So sorry, someone must have boosted your account. Forgive me. I checked it, and I see you copied what we said, and then........and I quote, said......"Not going to happen." Did I misquote you? Or maybe I misinterpreted the meaning. If so, sorry.

He has a habit of posting things and then trying to claim it wasn't him. Haven't you figured that out yet?

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