Don't Pontificate to me Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt


May 23, 2014

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?
Great commentator

No wonder conservatives hate him

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

You listen to Donald Trump, who was born into wealth and shits in a gold toilet in a massive tower in mid-town Manhattan that he built with his Daddy's money. I don't see the difference here.

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with
Yeah, well I’d like to see how all you would have turned out had you been raised in Gloria Vanderbilt Designer Jeans that strangled and unduly warmed your nutsacks like poor Coop. There but for the grace of God and all that...

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

I know right? Kind of like Little Donny Drumpf. Whose daddy gave him over $400 million and bailed him out of his many business failures in the 1990s. Who shits on a gold plated toilet at the top of Trump tower.

You think Donny has ever set foot in a trailer, worked in a factory, fought in a war, or did anything to help build this nation? Other than being a slumlord in NYC?

You're funny, bless your heart.

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is.

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

We've had a few chats. You seem like an intelligent and sensible young man. Think about the bullshit you're buying into here. Trump gins up all of this outrage to distract you from the people who really are screwing you over - the American corporate consortium. Even the opiods which are addiction Americans are coming from BIG PHARMS, not the Mexican Cartels, as Trump claims.

Notice how, in this pandemic, where the PEOPLE are truly hurting, the focus from Trump and the Senate is to get money to the corporations. To save the corporations. To keep the economy from being hurt. THE PEOPLE ARE DYING, THE POOR ARE BROKE, HAVE NO MONEY OR SUPPORTS AND HAVE TO WORK, AND THEY'RE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS FOR DOING SO. The people need a bailout first.
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You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

right there --you are out of your mind !!!!!!!!!!
..I heard that same shit on NPR--whites discriminating--and you specify the religious right !!! hahahhahahahahahah
...the MSM/social media has fked your mind up!!!

hahahah Obama sent his BLACK kids to private schools!!!!!!!!!to mostly WHITE schools!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahhahaha = you fked up!!!!!!!

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

We've had a few chats. You seem like an intelligent and sensible young man. Think about the bullshit you're buying into here. Trump gins up all of this outrage to distract you from the people who really are screwing you over - the American corporate consortium. Even the opiods which are addiction Americans are coming from BIG PHARMS, not the Mexican Cartels, as Trump claims.

Notice how, in this pandemic, where the PEOPLE are truly hurting, the focus from Trump and the Senate is to get money to the corporations. To save the corporations. To keep the economy from being hurt. THE PEOPLE ARE DYING, THE POOR ARE BROKE, HAVE NO MONEY OR SUPPORTS AND HAVE TO WORK, AND THEY'RE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS FOR DOING SO. The people need a bailout first. black people usually send their kids to the private white schools--not to poor black schools black people don't want to live in all black hoods
..I guess the Obamas and those blacks are racist???!!!

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

right there --you are out of your mind !!!!!!!!!!
..I heard that same shit on NPR--whites discriminating--and you specify the religious right !!! hahahhahahahahahah
...the MSM/social media has fked your mind up!!!

hahahah Obama sent his BLACK kids to private schools!!!!!!!!!to mostly WHITE schools!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahhahaha = you fked up!!!!!!!

Obama sent his children to a private school, not a religious school. Big difference. Religious schools only became a thing in the USA after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of forced busing. I've had American parents tell flat our that their children attend church schools so they don't have to go to school with blacks.

The alarming things about many of these church schools is they teach Creationism, and that the earth is 6000 years old, and climate change is a hoax. These church schools are designed to turn our good little right wing Christian soldiers who are basically raised and educated in a right wing bubble where liberalism is the equivalent of embracing Satan. This isn't education, its the kind of indoctrination that the right wingers are always accusing the left of doing.

The danger here is that the American education scores in math and science continue to decline versus the rest of the world, and American is in danger of falling behind scientifically and economically. It's already happening with the Paris Accord. Americans aren't being given access to the economic benefits of scientific developments in clean energy generation or production.

I have a strong suspicion that Donald Trump wanted the USA to pull out of the Paris Accord so that Americans would not have to contribute their research to the global pool and the USA could retain all of the economic benefits of American research. Now that other nations are taking the lead and reaping the profits of Paris Accord technology, Trump is hedging his bets by not withdrawing completely as previously stated.

There are always different angles of looking at situations and problems, and Trump always choses to frame his decisions around others "taking advantage" of America. But nearly all of his decisions to "get better deals for America" involve rewriting American bi-lateral trade deals into documents which unilaterally benefit Americans. That other nations are resisting this bullshit, is hardly surprising.

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

right there --you are out of your mind !!!!!!!!!!
..I heard that same shit on NPR--whites discriminating--and you specify the religious right !!! hahahhahahahahahah
...the MSM/social media has fked your mind up!!!

hahahah Obama sent his BLACK kids to private schools!!!!!!!!!to mostly WHITE schools!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahhahaha = you fked up!!!!!!!

Obama sent his children to a private school, not a religious school. Big difference. Religious schools only became a thing in the USA after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of forced busing. I've had American parents tell flat our that their children attend church schools so they don't have to go to school with blacks.

The alarming things about many of these church schools is they teach Creationism, and that the earth is 6000 years old, and climate change is a hoax. These church schools are designed to turn our good little right wing Christian soldiers who are basically raised and educated in a right wing bubble where liberalism is the equivalent of embracing Satan. This isn't education, its the kind of indoctrination that the right wingers are always accusing the left of doing.

The danger here is that the American education scores in math and science continue to decline versus the rest of the world, and American is in danger of falling behind scientifically and economically. It's already happening with the Paris Accord. Americans aren't being given access to the economic benefits of scientific developments in clean energy generation or production.

I have a strong suspicion that Donald Trump wanted the USA to pull out of the Paris Accord so that Americans would not have to contribute their research to the global pool and the USA could retain all of the economic benefits of American research. Now that other nations are taking the lead and reaping the profits of Paris Accord technology, Trump is hedging his bets by not withdrawing completely as previously stated.

There are always different angles of looking at situations and problems, and Trump always choses to frame his decisions around others "taking advantage" of America. But nearly all of his decisions to "get better deals for America" involve rewriting American bi-lateral trade deals into documents which unilaterally benefit Americans. That other nations are resisting this bullshit, is hardly surprising.

hahahahahahah--you are contradicting yourself!!!!!!!!!!
this is what you said:
'''discriminate on the basis of race'''

You act as a propaganda tool for the Democratic Party every night. Don't talk down your nose to us please Mr. Vanderbilt. You don't know common trash like us. Our families started in trailers, worked in factories and steel mills, fought wars in the ranks, built this nation. So...little gay boy of Gloria Vanderbilt why should I care what you say?

......he's a '''victim'' gayman...they always whine and cry --like the other ''victim'' groups ...he REVEALS his intolerance by HATING everything he disagrees with

I didn't realize that Trump is gay. Your description fits Trump perfectly.

I have never seen or heard Anderson Cooper express hatred of anything. He's a very positive, uplifting, and looking for solutions to problems. He's has never whined about being a "victim" and has always acknowledged what a wonderful and privileged life he has lead.

"Unfair" is one of Trumpy Bear's favour words. The media is so unfair to him. He should have his presidential term extended because it's unfair that he spent the first two years fending off investigation. Other countries have treated American unfairly in their trade deals. Everything with Trump is unfair. NATO is unfair.

Trump feuds with all of his enemies. Always has, even before he became President. Anyone who criticizes him is an enemy and he lashes out at enemies on a daily basis.

In Trump's world, the richest, most powerful nation is the world is treated unfairly in trade, in military, by the WTO (which was set up by Americans to favour Americans), the UN. Just everybody treats America so badly.

Trump and America, The ultimate victims. The USA is the richest country most powerful nation in the world. But everyone screws you over in trade and military deals. What a fucking crock that is. are so full of shit...the gays/blacks/etc SCREAM all the time about about being victims......they are obsessed must be a dumbass if you don't know the world fks the US over
....example: Japan selling all kinds of stuff in the US for decades, but we couldn't sell rice over there
...PLUS, our jobs go out of the country and immigrants come here for jobs by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS--plus work visas
...why do YOU hate America so much?

The religious right is working itself into a frenzy because they're not being allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. They're building religious schools so their children don't have to go to schools with blacks or gays, or non-Christians. It also allows them to control the cirriculum on science and technology, which is putting the USA in a poor position to compete in the world economy

The religious right are the ones who are screaming the loudest about how their rights are being violated, because they're being forced to treat gays, blacks, and non-Christians with respect. Worst of all, they're actively electing people who will strip the rights of gays, Muslims, blacks and women, to suit their religion and attempting to inflict their biased view of morality, on the rest of the nation.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you believe being gay is wrong, chose not to be gay, or to live celebate, if you are. If you think birth control makes women "immoral", don't take it. The rest of us, who don't believe as you do, will make our own choices, based on our beliefs, not yours.

You're going through life with blinders on if your think the it's the rest of the world who is screwing over the American people because it's not. It's AMERICAN CORPORATIONS who are screwing you over.

American corporations made the decision to switch to robotic manufacturing in the USA, and offshore their low skill manufactuing to third world countries with no environment or labour laws. The government rewarded them with tax breaks for doing so, and the American media applauded the low prices. And American consumers lapped up the cheap goods with a fork and spoon.

Donald Trump is using visas to bring hotel maids and cooks from Mexico because cheap labour. You voted for and support a man who until the Washington Post caught him doing it, was openly and knowingly employing hundreds illegal workers at his golf courses and clubs, because he could exploit them for cheap labour, while selling you on the idea that these people are stealing your jobs.

It is not the immigrants who are stealing your jobs, it's your corporations who are employing them. They're the ones who are inviting illegals to come, and they're the ones who are paying them to stay. When raccoons overrunning our property, living under our deck, and coming into the house throught the dryer vent, we discovered our third floor tenant was putting food out for them on her back deck. I told her if I caught her feeding these vermin again, we'd have her evicted. She stopped leaving food out, and the racoons stopped coming around. Threaten to shut the doors on any company caught hiring illegals, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they stop coming.

You can't sell your rice in Japan because you use chemicals to grow rice which are banned in Japan, Europe and Canada. The USA allows a LOT of stuff in your food that the rest of the world has banned. It's why you can't sell most of your dairy or milk in Canada. Or your vegetables in Europe. Look at how fat and unhealthy your own people are. We don't want your flavourless, tasteless, nutritionless Monsanto factory food. Grow something natural and healthy, and we'll buy it.

Again I say, if the rest of the world is "fucking you over", how did the USA become the richest, most powerful nation in the world? 6 of world's 15 largest corporations are publically owned American corporations. The only other country with multiple companies in the top 10 are China with 3, and Great Britain with 2, and all of the Chinese corporations are government owned energy companies.

right there --you are out of your mind !!!!!!!!!!
..I heard that same shit on NPR--whites discriminating--and you specify the religious right !!! hahahhahahahahahah
...the MSM/social media has fked your mind up!!!

hahahah Obama sent his BLACK kids to private schools!!!!!!!!!to mostly WHITE schools!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahhahaha = you fked up!!!!!!!

Obama sent his children to a private school, not a religious school. Big difference. Religious schools only became a thing in the USA after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of forced busing. I've had American parents tell flat our that their children attend church schools so they don't have to go to school with blacks.

The alarming things about many of these church schools is they teach Creationism, and that the earth is 6000 years old, and climate change is a hoax. These church schools are designed to turn our good little right wing Christian soldiers who are basically raised and educated in a right wing bubble where liberalism is the equivalent of embracing Satan. This isn't education, its the kind of indoctrination that the right wingers are always accusing the left of doing.

The danger here is that the American education scores in math and science continue to decline versus the rest of the world, and American is in danger of falling behind scientifically and economically. It's already happening with the Paris Accord. Americans aren't being given access to the economic benefits of scientific developments in clean energy generation or production.

I have a strong suspicion that Donald Trump wanted the USA to pull out of the Paris Accord so that Americans would not have to contribute their research to the global pool and the USA could retain all of the economic benefits of American research. Now that other nations are taking the lead and reaping the profits of Paris Accord technology, Trump is hedging his bets by not withdrawing completely as previously stated.

There are always different angles of looking at situations and problems, and Trump always choses to frame his decisions around others "taking advantage" of America. But nearly all of his decisions to "get better deals for America" involve rewriting American bi-lateral trade deals into documents which unilaterally benefit Americans. That other nations are resisting this bullshit, is hardly surprising.

.......but blacks CAN go to those schools......WTH are you talking about? and blacks DO go those schools
I can relate to the OP. In my case I don't limit it to Anderson Cooper though. Nor to any particular political stance. First became aware that being lectured to politically wasn't my taste during the early months of Rush Limbaugh being on the air. Also don't enjoy political humor by late night comedians all that much. I do enjoy reading the comments of individuals here on the boards and engaging in slinging the bull politically.

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