Don't Start Feeling Sorry For These Liberals


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Conservatives tend to be fair and kind caring people, but we can't be fair and kind to the Liberals because they will take advantage of our fairness and see our kindness as a weakness.

Right now the Liberals are throwing their temper tantrums, but soon they will change to their pity moods and try to get us to feel sorry for them just like the children they are.

We must always remember what these liberals tried to do to America and keep our boots on their necks until liberals are wiped out
I'll never forget. I think they should all be rounded up and put on an island somewhere.
Conservatives tend to be fair and kind caring people, but we can't be fair and kind to the Liberals because they will take advantage of our fairness and see our kindness as a weakness.

Right now the Liberals are throwing their temper tantrums, but soon they will change to their pity moods and try to get us to feel sorry for them just like the children they are.

We must always remember what these liberals tried to do to America and keep our boots on their necks until liberals are wiped out
I just put this on another thread but it bears repeating.

Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)? Know the Signs, Spot the Symptoms, Save a Life
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme butthurt.
Signs and Symptoms:
People with Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again. Individual sufferers often display signs of paranoia and delusion; in acute cases psychotic episodes have been observed. Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is different from being upset about the results of the 2016 presidential election; People with TARD are unwilling or unable to accept reality, despite irrefutable evidence.
According to the DSM-V, individuals with TARD exhibit most or all of the following symptoms:
Telling others they are moving to Canada
Fixated on fantasies about the Electoral College
Protesting an election no credible source contests the outcome of
Exclamations that “Someone” should do “Something”
Sudden weight gain
Acute change in demeanor from pompous and arrogant to fearful and combative
Claim that anyone who disagrees with them is some combination of Racist, Sexist, Bigoted, Homophobic, and Actually Hitler
Causes and Mechanisms:
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder was directly caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite in such ill health she got chucked into the back of a van like a kidnap victim.
Research is ongoing, but TARD appears to correlate closely with the following environmental and behavioral factors:
Membership in the Democratic party
Identifying as a Feminist
Currently enrolled in college, and/or
Possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
Massive student debt
Spotty or non-existent work history
Diagnosis of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is straightforward. Ask the patient if Donald Trump is going to be the Next President of the United States of America. Some patients will become agitated, and may attempt to deflect. It’s critical you press them on the issue, even if they start babbling about ‘muh triggers’. A sufferer of TARD will begin to ramble incoherently, often displaying three or more of the symptoms within a short period of time.
Co- morbidity:
A diagnosis of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is highly comorbid with Paraphilic Infantilism, Emotional Eating, Bush Derangement Syndrome, and adult bed wetting.
The only known effective treatment is exposure therapy. The patient must be repeatedly exposed to reality, and should wear a Make America Great Again hat as long as they are able to tolerate it. Each exposure should increase in length, after a week the patient should be encouraged to be seen in public wearing the MAGA hat. Coach the patient to refer to Donald Trump as President-Elect Trump.
Patients with TARD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.
If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TARD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge, and Make America Great Again!
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is a pattern of pathologically dissociate and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme butthurt.
Conservatives tend to be fair and kind caring people, but we can't be fair and kind to the Liberals because they will take advantage of our fairness and see our kindness as a weakness.

Right now the Liberals are throwing their temper tantrums, but soon they will change to their pity moods and try to get us to feel sorry for them just like the children they are.

We must always remember what these liberals tried to do to America and keep our boots on their necks until liberals are wiped out
Conservatives are fruitcakes and nut cases.

Nothing nice about them.

All they want is more tax cuts for the rich, more oil drilling everywhere, less environmental protection, more payroll taxes on the non-rich, and more wars.

Witness GW Bush, GHW Bush, and Reagan.

Note however that Trump is NOT a conservative -- he is merely a RINO.
How can anybody feel sorry for people like this?
I can't! :dunno:

To me, if a person is not willing to try and make up for whatever they are guilty of, they are not really sorry to begin with. Talk is cheap when actions are what say it all.

God bless you always!!!

Conservatives tend to be fair and kind caring people, but we can't be fair and kind to the Liberals because they will take advantage of our fairness and see our kindness as a weakness.

Right now the Liberals are throwing their temper tantrums, but soon they will change to their pity moods and try to get us to feel sorry for them just like the children they are.

We must always remember what these liberals tried to do to America and keep our boots on their necks until liberals are wiped out
Conservatives are fruitcakes and nut cases.

Nothing nice about them.

All they want is more tax cuts for the rich, more oil drilling everywhere, less environmental protection, more payroll taxes on the non-rich, and more wars.

Witness GW Bush, GHW Bush, and Reagan.

Note however that Trump is NOT a conservative -- he is merely a RINO.
Libtards are the nut cases, talk about fruit loops.

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