Don't Visit Sanctuary Cities/Counties/States

Sea Cow, Sea Lion, Giant Smelly Otters who wont stop belching/farting/yelping,, its all the same family that invades San Fran's piers.
What is racist about requiring immigrants to sign the guest book and come through the front door?
To liberals, everything is racist, and then they start taking a few things off the list.

Hang on I live in Ireland. If an American was living here illegally we would treat him a lot better than you would. We do have Americans living in Ireland and we don't condemn them or ridicule them.

We usually ask them why would they like to stay in Ireland and how do you want to support yourself... Nearly all the time we let them stay.
SeaCow {See-Cow} any member of ocean speices that looks like a manatee/sea lion, weighs 400 pounds,smells like the back alley of an asian restaurant in San-Fransisco and looks exactly like Al Sharpton.
SeaCow {See-Cow} any member of ocean speices that looks like a manatee/sea lion, weighs 400 pounds,smells like the back alley of an asian restaurant in San-Fransisco and looks exactly like Al Sharpton.
Didn't I specifically ask you to leave Kosher out of this thread?
Hey, it's your idea, why don't you tell us?
No, it's not my idea to avoid the places you showed on a map, marked in red. I don't even know what they are supposed to represent, or the hell you're talking about, and I suspect you don't either.

It's a map of the US population (sorry Alaska/Hawaìi -- contiguous states only).
I started reading your insipid list of Places Where the Sky is Falling
and it was so fucking long I figgered, let's just cut to the chase.

As far as the idea of avoidance, what are the first two words in the title of this thread?
It's funny when you read people like Colbert. Not so funny when illegal aliens live up to Trump's worst possible assessment. This subject isn't humorous in a million years.
What is racist about requiring immigrants to sign the guest book and come through the front door?
To liberals, everything is racist, and then they start taking a few things off the list.

Hang on I live in Ireland. If an American was living here illegally we would treat him a lot better than you would. We do have Americans living in Ireland and we don't condemn them or ridicule them.

We usually ask them why would they like to stay in Ireland and how do you want to support yourself... Nearly all the time we let them stay.

What about Mexicans? Do you love them too? What if 250,000 illegal Mexicans showed up at the pub for a few pints, asking about work? Would that be OK?

We have 12 MILLION of them.....
The attached link explains exactly why the country is full of illegal immigrants. This is the Postville, Iowa meat packing raid, which was employing about 400 illegals, in sweatshop conditions, even including child labor violations and sexual harassment of the employees. While lower and middle management people were prosecuted, the owners were never convicted.

"The raid had a significant impact on the Postville community. The town, with a census population of only 2,273,[11] lost a large percentage of its population due to the arrests.[12] As a result of the difficulties Agriprocessors faced after the raid, the plant stopped slaughtering cattle in October 2008, and filed for bankruptcy on November 5, 2008.[13] The City Council declared Postville a humanitarian and economic disaster area, but federal officials said the town didn't qualify for help.[14]"

Postville Raid - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
anyone dying to eat in a local restaurant knowing all of the prep is being done by illegals who really dont care about keeping things clean in the kitchen?

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