Don't Visit Sanctuary Cities/Counties/States


I try to be civil;i swear I do.
but what kind of idiot makes a case that "the country is full of illegals" because they are rushing here to work in slave-like conditions???

unless of course they had even less opportunity back home OR
the slaughterhouse is just what they will put up with as their common-law wife drops a baby on American soil; collects WIC and SNAP for the baby, have several others workin under the table living in the same apartment,know exactly where to go to the non-profit agencies to get their utilitybills paid...etc
incredibly; the left's argument is "they do jobs Americans wont do" an that is what the Left uses to say they should be allowed to stay.
Black unemployment is TWICE White unemployment almost. are Black people the "lazy Americans" you left-wingers speak of? be honest, who are you referring to?
Those poor illegals.......give them welfare!! Food stamps!! and tax free cash jobs!! That way they can stay here, and send their money HOME to Mexico, Guatemala, etc...:lol:
I think that you guys are missing the point. The point is that the owners had to have known that their entire plant was operating with illegals. For crying out loud, there was only 2,300 people in town, and 400 worked for them and were illegal. It cost the government more than $5,000,000 to shut this operation down. It never would have existed, and the illegals would not have been there if the real criminals, the owners, where not exploiting them for their own profit. The problem is not illegals working in squalor. The problem is the owners of these businesses who exploit them and give them a reason to be here in the first place. As for this particular Postville case, it was in Iowa. I personally don't think that anyone in Iowa has voted democratic in decades. BTW, speaking of which, it is also obvious that everyone in town was aware of what was going on.
Sanctuary cities are all over the USA. And they aren't always cities. There are sanctuary counties and states as well. In fact, my own county, Hillsborough, in Florida, is a sanctuary county. Whether the new bill to refuse federal funding to sanctuary cities passes or not, we citizens can enact our own brand of punishment to sanctuary cities.

When we go on vacations, we can choose where to go (and spend our money) by whether the location has a sanctuary status. At the bottom of this text are 2 links to lists of sanctuary locations (cities, counties, states). When going traveling within the US, we can check these lists, and if a place being considered is on it, don't go there. Make them pay for their irresponsible behavior. Don't contribute to the sanctuary practice by supporting them with your vacation money. There's plenty of nice places to visit in America that are NOT sanctuary locations (and a lot safer too).

Note: There are locations listed on one link and not on the other, so for a more complete assessment, check BOTH links.

Sanctuary city sanctuary sanctuary cities sanctuary city list list of sanctuary cities list Ohio jobs OJJPAC justice illegal alien immigration amnesty undocumented ICE NYC IIRIRA Huston Chicago Phoenix Steve Salvi

Map Sanctuary Cities Counties and States Center for Immigration Studies

And stop going to sanctuary churches as well one would think you mean yeah?
What about Mexicans? Do you love them too? What if 250,000 illegal Mexicans showed up at the pub for a few pints, asking about work? Would that be OK?.

I am pretty sure that would be against the building code .
What about Mexicans? Do you love them too? What if 250,000 illegal Mexicans showed up at the pub for a few pints, asking about work? Would that be OK?.

I am pretty sure that would be against the building code .

Reminds me of an old National Lampoon joke:

Nine hundred million Chinese walk into a bar. They order a beer.

"We don't see many Chinese in here," says the bartender.

"And with running dog hedonistic individualism capitalistically exploiting the labor of the masses and
wasting the people's agricultural resources," they respond, "you won't see many more."
Have San Francisco Government officials been arrested yet? Probably not. They're being protected by the criminal in the White House. There is no justice.
There cannot be any justice in San Francisco until Government officials are arrested. Period, end of story.
Liberal logic: those poor illegals, we should do more to help them!!
I think that was Jesus actually.
Could you mention exactly where Jesus endorsed breaking the law?
Helping illegals is breaking the law? Care to show us where?

As for Jesus, he was big on helping those in need, something you wouldn't understand.

1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
n. Offensive
A person who is not legally authorized to live and work in a country.
Illegal - definition of illegal by The Free Dictionary

(əˈkɒmplɪs; əˈkʌm-)
1. a person who helps another in committing a crime
Accomplice - definition of accomplice by The Free Dictionary
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Liberal logic: those poor illegals, we should do more to help them!!
I think that was Jesus actually.
Could you mention exactly where Jesus endorsed breaking the law?
Helping illegals is breaking the law? Care to show us where?

As for Jesus, he was big on helping those in need, something you wouldn't understand.

1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
n. Offensive
A person who is not legally authorized to live and work in a country.
Illegal - definition of illegal by The Free Dictionary

(əˈkɒmplɪs; əˈkʌm-)
1. a person who helps another in committing a crime
Accomplice - definition of accomplice by The Free Dictionary

San Francisco Government officials need to be arrested. And so does the criminal in the White House.
Liberal logic: those poor illegals, we should do more to help them!!
I think that was Jesus actually.
Could you mention exactly where Jesus endorsed breaking the law?
Helping illegals is breaking the law? Care to show us where?

As for Jesus, he was big on helping those in need, something you wouldn't understand.

1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
n. Offensive
A person who is not legally authorized to live and work in a country.
Illegal - definition of illegal by The Free Dictionary

(əˈkɒmplɪs; əˈkʌm-)
1. a person who helps another in committing a crime
Accomplice - definition of accomplice by The Free Dictionary

Liberal logic: those poor illegals, we should do more to help them!!
I think that was Jesus actually.
Could you mention exactly where Jesus endorsed breaking the law?
Helping illegals is breaking the law? Care to show us where?

As for Jesus, he was big on helping those in need, something you wouldn't understand.
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.
n. Offensive
A person who is not legally authorized to live and work in a country.
Illegal - definition of illegal by The Free Dictionary

(əˈkɒmplɪs; əˈkʌm-)
1. a person who helps another in committing a crime
Accomplice - definition of accomplice by The Free Dictionary
Same question, where does it say it's illegal to help illegals?

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