
It was Lincoln who did it first you know. Even the Bible says that slaves are okay, and he was the first to implement an income tax.
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

Indeed. Obama has solidified the coalition of Mega Banks, Mega Corps, Entitlement Recipients, and Career Government Employees into the biggest Cronyism-Rent Seeking scheme in the history of human kind.

The parasites are consuming the host. It's just a matter of time until the entire system collapses under its own weight.
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

That has been his plan all bring the United States down to the level of third world countries.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

Indeed. Obama has solidified the coalition of Mega Banks, Mega Corps, Entitlement Recipients, and Career Government Employees into the biggest Cronyism-Rent Seeking scheme in the history of human kind.

The parasites are consuming the host. It's just a matter of time until the entire system collapses under its own weight.


Its just worth repeating.
If you think all this shit started or just happened under Oblama then go ahead and live in denial.
First off, get corporations, bankers and business out of our govt. and stop the PAC funds and private donations.
Doomed I tells ya.

[ame=]The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Marvin - YouTube[/ame]
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

Please, it started long ago and both the democrats and the republicans have contributed to our downfall.

The pace to doom has picked up under doubt about that..

Obama/Democrats motto "vote for me and I'll give you free stuff"....income redistribution = communism & doom
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[ame=] - YouTube[/ame]
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(
Moral collapse? And what does this mean? Should the government be in charge of morality? And if so, how can the smaller, less intrusive government advocated by the modern American Conservative correct that?
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

"We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"

I seriously doubt that, on reflection, that scum in the White House right now could have made it any more clearer than he did........
Takes more than one man and one party to destroy America. Here's a little perspective:

Takes more than one man and one party to destroy America. Here's a little perspective:


You are correct. It DOES take more than one man and one party to destroy America. It takes several generations of apathy from the populace, which gives one man and one party the belief that their time has finally come. In the meantime, America sits at home and watches American Idol.
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

I'm afraid it is worse than you think........

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

Please, it started long ago and both the democrats and the republicans have contributed to our downfall.

The pace to doom has picked up under doubt about that..

Obama/Democrats motto "vote for me and I'll give you free stuff"....income redistribution = communism & doom

How much did you get?
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

I'm afraid it is worse than you think........

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

As long as we don't have frogs raining down upon us we're okay.

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