
Takes more than one man and one party to destroy America. Here's a little perspective:


Okay then...establishment (rino) Republicans helped out..the bastards.

American's are just as at fault in everything that is happening. If a Republican gets elected next time around, he/she will continue with the same policies as George Obama and the American's who voted him/her in will fervently defend everything he/she is doing.

American's are too stupid and/or busy with the latest Kardashian episode to really pay attention to whats happening in this country. For if they did 99.9% of them would be pissed off and hold whoever was in office accountable.

Only thing that ever happens in America is the script gets flipped.
Takes more than one man and one party to destroy America. Here's a little perspective:


Okay then...establishment (rino) Republicans helped out..the bastards.

American's are just as at fault in everything that is happening. If a Republican gets elected next time around, he/she will continue with the same policies as George Obama and the American's who voted him/her in will fervently defend everything he/she is doing.

American's are too stupid and/or busy with the latest Kardashian episode to really pay attention to whats happening in this country. For if they did 99.9% of them would be pissed off and hold whoever was in office accountable.

Only thing that ever happens in America is the script gets flipped.

I compliment your wisdom...but if a true principled conservative statesman and leader was elected your theory would be surely tested.

As it is now the gimme-gimme baby boomers and the newest free ride generation are complicit in leading America down the path to doom.
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Economic and moral collapse has more to do with lack of education, lack of work ethic, obesity, voter apathy etc. than one man, one party......
Economic and moral collapse has more to do with lack of education, lack of work ethic, obesity, voter apathy etc. than one man, one party......

I've noticed that when Democrats are mostly to blame they get all inclusive and shit..just sayin
Okay then...establishment (rino) Republicans helped out..the bastards.

American's are just as at fault in everything that is happening. If a Republican gets elected next time around, he/she will continue with the same policies as George Obama and the American's who voted him/her in will fervently defend everything he/she is doing.

American's are too stupid and/or busy with the latest Kardashian episode to really pay attention to whats happening in this country. For if they did 99.9% of them would be pissed off and hold whoever was in office accountable.

Only thing that ever happens in America is the script gets flipped.

I compliment your wisdom...but if a true principled conservative statesman and leader was elected your theory would be surely tested.

As it is now the gimme-gimme baby boomers and the newest free ride generation are complicit in leading America down the path to doom.

Excuse me? I'm one of those Baby Boomers that you are blaming. Please, tell me EXACTLY what I am asking from the government? You mean the thousands and thousands of dollars that I paid into MY Social Security from 1963 to 2011?? Is THAT what you are condemning me for? What? I shouldn't hold the government to THEIR end of the contract?

Free Ride?

Or is it the pension from the Military that I EARNED by getting shot (3 times), shrapnel in my thigh, years of being in foreign countries working for our military? Giving the government of the United States the best years of my life?

Oh, I get it! It's the pension I receive every month from the Teamsters for 25 years of work AFTER I retired from the wait, THAT pension isn't funded by anyone other than other Teamsters....

So it MUST be the idea that I get Social Security from the government of the United States because of a LAW that was implemented in the 30s, right? What, I should give it BACK to Uncle Sugar so he can squander it on your lazy ass?

You're pissed off because the people YOU send to DC have stolen the very money that is owed to YOU and now you want your grandparents to give theirs up so you can profit by it in YOUR old age.

Go to hell.
American's are just as at fault in everything that is happening. If a Republican gets elected next time around, he/she will continue with the same policies as George Obama and the American's who voted him/her in will fervently defend everything he/she is doing.

American's are too stupid and/or busy with the latest Kardashian episode to really pay attention to whats happening in this country. For if they did 99.9% of them would be pissed off and hold whoever was in office accountable.

Only thing that ever happens in America is the script gets flipped.

I compliment your wisdom...but if a true principled conservative statesman and leader was elected your theory would be surely tested.

As it is now the gimme-gimme baby boomers and the newest free ride generation are complicit in leading America down the path to doom.

Excuse me? I'm one of those Baby Boomers that you are blaming. Please, tell me EXACTLY what I am asking from the government? You mean the thousands and thousands of dollars that I paid into MY Social Security from 1963 to 2011?? Is THAT what you are condemning me for? What? I shouldn't hold the government to THEIR end of the contract?

Free Ride?

Or is it the pension from the Military that I EARNED by getting shot (3 times), shrapnel in my thigh, years of being in foreign countries working for our military? Giving the government of the United States the best years of my life?

Oh, I get it! It's the pension I receive every month from the Teamsters for 25 years of work AFTER I retired from the wait, THAT pension isn't funded by anyone other than other Teamsters....

So it MUST be the idea that I get Social Security from the government of the United States because of a LAW that was implemented in the 30s, right? What, I should give it BACK to Uncle Sugar so he can squander it on your lazy ass?

You're pissed off because the people YOU send to DC have stolen the very money that is owed to YOU and now you want your grandparents to give theirs up so you can profit by it in YOUR old age.

Go to hell.

I'll read it later, busy...but you do seemed pissed..:eusa_doh:
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

I'm afraid it is worse than you think........

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize your neighbourhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

[Into maniacal laugh, in deep echo]

And, it'a all Obama's fault..
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

I'm afraid it is worse than you think........

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize your neighbourhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

[Into maniacal laugh, in deep echo]

And, it'a all Obama's fault..

Thank You're ama-zing....:thup:
I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

You've "believed" a lot in the short time I've been here. I "believe" you've been wrong time and again. You were certain Obama would lose were you not?

All got me..what now?
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I believe Obama and Democrats have doomed the country to economic and moral collapse.

It's just a matter of time..:(

You've "believed" a lot in the short time I've been here. I "believe" you've been wrong time and again. You were certain Obama would lose were you not?

All got me..what now?

Now nothing...much like evidence of this impending collapse you "believe".
I compliment your wisdom...but if a true principled conservative statesman and leader was elected your theory would be surely tested.

As it is now the gimme-gimme baby boomers and the newest free ride generation are complicit in leading America down the path to doom.

Excuse me? I'm one of those Baby Boomers that you are blaming. Please, tell me EXACTLY what I am asking from the government? You mean the thousands and thousands of dollars that I paid into MY Social Security from 1963 to 2011?? Is THAT what you are condemning me for? What? I shouldn't hold the government to THEIR end of the contract?

Free Ride?

Or is it the pension from the Military that I EARNED by getting shot (3 times), shrapnel in my thigh, years of being in foreign countries working for our military? Giving the government of the United States the best years of my life?

Oh, I get it! It's the pension I receive every month from the Teamsters for 25 years of work AFTER I retired from the wait, THAT pension isn't funded by anyone other than other Teamsters....

So it MUST be the idea that I get Social Security from the government of the United States because of a LAW that was implemented in the 30s, right? What, I should give it BACK to Uncle Sugar so he can squander it on your lazy ass?

You're pissed off because the people YOU send to DC have stolen the very money that is owed to YOU and now you want your grandparents to give theirs up so you can profit by it in YOUR old age.

Go to hell.

I'll read it later, busy...but you do seemed pissed..:eusa_doh:

read it or don't. You've been shown to be an idiot, yet again.
Economic and moral collapse has more to do with lack of education, lack of work ethic, obesity, voter apathy etc. than one man, one party......

I've noticed that when Democrats are mostly to blame they get all inclusive and shit..just sayin

All inclusive.

As in: blaming the country's problems on one President? That does sound like shit, just saying.
Okay then...establishment (rino) Republicans helped out..the bastards.

American's are just as at fault in everything that is happening. If a Republican gets elected next time around, he/she will continue with the same policies as George Obama and the American's who voted him/her in will fervently defend everything he/she is doing.

American's are too stupid and/or busy with the latest Kardashian episode to really pay attention to whats happening in this country. For if they did 99.9% of them would be pissed off and hold whoever was in office accountable.

Only thing that ever happens in America is the script gets flipped.

I compliment your wisdom...but if a true principled conservative statesman and leader was elected your theory would be surely tested.

As it is now the gimme-gimme baby boomers and the newest free ride generation are complicit in leading America down the path to doom.

You are probably right, Lumpy. But speaking for myself I don't see any of those around these days.
There is no doubt about it. You need to dig a bunker under your house and stock it full of ammo, guns, water and food...and Bibles, of course! There is no hope. The collapse started in 1970 with disco music, and the end times are now upon us!

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