Dopey overtly racist white sorority video pulled

just like I said, Correl has infested my thread w/ his serial posting. He doesn't "get it" that quality is better than quantity.

Moronic non sequitur.

I like that you admitted that "White People being white" is racist in your mind.

It really makes you, and to the extent that you are acting so much like LIbs in generally, just more openly, look like the racist jerks you are.

Your various "points" such as supposedly being worried about "education" have been well crushed by others before I got here.

Could you take another swing at explaining what about this is racist to you?

I think maybe he's gay or something. :D

Well, I have run into some odd misogyny from gay men in the past.:flameth:
Hmmm... Has it escaped everyone's notice there is a black guy in the video?



The young man would be Kenyan Drake, stand-out running back for the Crimson Tide who you will undoubtedly be hearing more about in the future. He suffered a broken leg last season and during his rehab, had time to hang out with cute white chicks and shoot sorority recruiting videos and such.... is THAT what the "racist" complaints are about? :dunno:

You know what, DotCom... it's perfectly okay in 2015 for black guys to hang out with white chicks. You shouldn't let those kinds of images bother you.

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