Double Standard: Black/'woke' privilege compared to Patriots


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
When a BLM activist allegedly tried to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate--he shot and grazed the man's sweater--his BLM comrades immediately bailed him out of jail.

GoFundMe that cut off crowdsourced donations to nonviolent Canadian truckers and nonviolent Jan. 6 defendants allows all such BLM fund raisers no matter how violent the crime.

"Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Nonviolent Canadian truckers also are vilified, refused crowdfunding, have their bank accounts frozen and their small-fry donors doxxed.

No one has doxxed the donors to BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund, like they did the people who donated to the Canadian truckers or to Kyle Rittenhouse. The Washington Post didn’t go phoning BLM donors asking them to explain themselves, like they did the trucker donors."

These are by no means the only glaring examples of gross double standard and injustice imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the surrogate media to the Democrats.

What I can't understand is why nobody on the left cares or sees anything wrong with this. Can somebody enlighten me?

When a BLM activist allegedly tried to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate--he shot and grazed the man's sweater--his BLM comrades immediately bailed him out of jail.

GoFundMe that cut off crowdsourced donations to nonviolent Canadian truckers and nonviolent Jan. 6 defendants allows all such BLM fund raisers no matter how violent the crime.

"Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Nonviolent Canadian truckers also are vilified, refused crowdfunding, have their bank accounts frozen and their small-fry donors doxxed.

No one has doxxed the donors to BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund, like they did the people who donated to the Canadian truckers or to Kyle Rittenhouse. The Washington Post didn’t go phoning BLM donors asking them to explain themselves, like they did the trucker donors."

These are by no means the only glaring examples of gross double standard and injustice imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the surrogate media to the Democrats.

What I can't understand is why nobody on the left cares or sees anything wrong with this. Can somebody enlighten me?

Because at their core, leftists are mini-tyrants with an ends justify the means mentality that enable them to compartmentalize their misconduct as necessary & excuse conduct when committed in furtherance of their own delusions that they loudly vilify if used by perceived ideological opponents .
When a BLM activist allegedly tried to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate--he shot and grazed the man's sweater--his BLM comrades immediately bailed him out of jail.

GoFundMe that cut off crowdsourced donations to nonviolent Canadian truckers and nonviolent Jan. 6 defendants allows all such BLM fund raisers no matter how violent the crime.

"Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Nonviolent Canadian truckers also are vilified, refused crowdfunding, have their bank accounts frozen and their small-fry donors doxxed.

No one has doxxed the donors to BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund, like they did the people who donated to the Canadian truckers or to Kyle Rittenhouse. The Washington Post didn’t go phoning BLM donors asking them to explain themselves, like they did the trucker donors."

These are by no means the only glaring examples of gross double standard and injustice imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the surrogate media to the Democrats.

What I can't understand is why nobody on the left cares or sees anything wrong with this. Can somebody enlighten me?

What the hell do Canadians have to do with US media?
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Don't you all ever get tired of whining?
Don't you ever get tired of derailing threads? How much were you paid for that post?

Please re-read the OP and make a relevant post if you can.


Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Complete and total lie. What law bans anyone from raising funds for someone's bail?
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Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Complete and total lie. What law bans anyone from raising funds for someone's bail?
I didn't say that particular issue had anything to do with the law. Dispute if you can that GoFundMe didn't do that though. (That should keep you busy for the rest of the week.)

Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Complete and total lie. What law bans anyone from raising funds for someone's bail?
She's doing her best MaryL imitation. Some go fund me type sites will not raise funds for people accused of violent crimes.
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I didn't say that particular issue had anything to do with the law. Dispute if you can that GoFundMe didn't do that though. (That should keep you busy for the rest of the week.)

Why would I do that? That would simply be nothing more than a whine about GoFundMe and hence my first reply.

Republican politicians can raise millions. The GOP can raise millions but something stops the raising of funds for bail?

No, it's just a whine.
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She's doing her best MaryL imitation. Some go fund me type sites will not raise funds for people accused of violent crimes.

Which of course in no way stops people from raising these funds.
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Why would I do that? That would simply be nothing more than a whine about GoFundMe and hence my first reply.

Republican politicians can raise millions. The GOP can raise millions but something stops the raising of funds for bail?

No, it's just a whine.
Sorry you haven't been able to divert the discussion to GoFundMe and fund raising which was not the point made in the OP at all. Sometimes these efforts to derail thread are so pathetic.

Now something like this would be relevant:
Don't you all ever get tired of whining?
Hahaha….oh the irony. Your party exists because it “whines”, the entire Democrat constituency runs on grievances and identity politics. Why does it suck for you when the other side finally engages in the same practices?
Why won’t Conservatives love illegals?
Why won’t Conservatives accept our faggots?
Why won’t Conservatives believe that chicks with dicks are great for a society?
Why won’t Conservatives pretend black people are Americas greatest assets?
Why won’t Conservatives hate cops?

Come on man!
Sorry you haven't been able to divert the discussion to GoFundMe and fund raising which was not the point made in the OP at all. Sometimes these efforts to derail thread are so pathetic.

Now something like this would be relevant:

It was something that was going to get covered. Stop your whining about that.

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