Double Standard: Black/'woke' privilege compared to Patriots › c › termsGoFundMe Terms of Service

A. not to use the Services to raise funds or establish or contribute to any Fundraiser with the implicit or explicit purpose of promoting or involving;

  1. the violation of any law, regulation, industry requirement, or third-party guidelines or agreements by which you are bound, including those of payment card providers and transaction processors that you utilize in connection with the Services.
8.User Content that reflects, incites or promotes behavior that we deem, in our sole discretion, to be an abuse of power or in support of terrorism, hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorist financing or intolerance of any kind reflects an abuse of power relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disabilities or diseases;

9. The legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes;

Too fucking bad.
Witch organization tried to overthrow the US government?
Teabaggers keep trying to compare the two incidences, when there isn't one.
The FBI overthrew the US government in the 2020 election. The J6 protest was NOT an "insurrection".

The FBI overthrew the US government in the 2020 election. The J6 protest was NOT an "insurrection".

View attachment 757083
The FBI ?
They went out and purchased Trump's Chinese made trinkets?
Of course they did, just to make Trump look bad?
Like he needed any help.

Which incident is a protest?

Which is an attempted insurrection?


Protest are protest.
Violence during a protest, isn't protesting.
It's then considered a riot.

STILL trying to compare the two totally different instances?
The FBI ?
They went out and purchased Trump's Chinese made trinkets?
Of course they did, just to make Trump look bad?
Like he needed any help.

Which incident is a protest?

Which is an attempted insurrection?

Protest are protest.
Violence during a protest, isn't protesting.
It's then considered a riot.

STILL trying to compare the two totally different instances?
1. Who hid the crimes detailed in Hunter's Laptop?
2. Who coordinated the 51 "security experts" signing the statement calling the laptop "Russian Disinformation"?
3. Who instigated the militias to violence on J6?
Which incident is a protest? J6 obviously

Which is an attempted insurrection?

Compare the governments response to both incidents, regarding prosecutions and jail time. That double-standard cannot stay. › c › termsGoFundMe Terms of Service

A. not to use the Services to raise funds or establish or contribute to any Fundraiser with the implicit or explicit purpose of promoting or involving;

  1. the violation of any law, regulation, industry requirement, or third-party guidelines or agreements by which you are bound, including those of payment card providers and transaction processors that you utilize in connection with the Services.
8.User Content that reflects, incites or promotes behavior that we deem, in our sole discretion, to be an abuse of power or in support of terrorism, hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorist financing or intolerance of any kind reflects an abuse of power relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disabilities or diseases;

9. The legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes;

Too fucking bad.
The code was enforced with the truckers and Jan 6 arrests but not ANTIFA/BLM who were allowed to crowdfund.

The code was enforced with the truckers and Jan 6 arrests but not ANTIFA/BLM.

I thought it was Kamala Harris that raised the bail money? No?
I may be incorrect but it appears you are comparing a series of events in Canada to an event in the US, no?
1. Who hid the crimes detailed in Hunter's Laptop?
Rudy Giuliani provided the materials to the New York Post after they were allegedly found on a water-damaged MacBook Pro left at a Delaware computer repair shop owned by John Paul Mac Isaac.
Mac Isaac obtained the laptop in April 2019, claiming it had been dropped off by a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden and requested that the data on the damaged laptop be recovered.
Mac Isaac eventually brought the laptop to the attention of the FBI, who seized it in December 2019, under the authority of a subpoena issued by a Wilmington grand jury that had been investigating Hunter Biden for financial matters since 2018.
He asserted three years later that while he was copying individual files and folders from the laptop's hard drive to another device, he "saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags", including "criminality ... related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns".
This caused him "to do a deep dive into the laptop once it became my property".
Mac Isaac contacted Giuliani, who he said was his "lifeguard"—voicing credence to the conspiracy theory that the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign was behind the murder of campaign worker Seth Rich.
Steve Bannon informed the New York Post of the laptop,
and he and Giuliani delivered a copy of the supposed laptop hard drive to the publication.
Weeks before, Bannon had boasted on Dutch television that he had Hunter Biden's hard drive.

Obviously, republicans.
They had the laptop hard drive, why didn't they release the contents?

2. Who coordinated the 51 "security experts" signing the statement calling the laptop "Russian Disinformation"?
3. Who instigated the militias to violence on J6?
Trump and Bannon.
Which incident is a protest? J6 obviously
You're delusional.
BOTH incidence started as a protest, until the violence started.
The attack on the US capitol building on January 6 2021 by Trumptards.



in·sur·rec·tion ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən

Synonyms of insurrection
: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Compare the governments response to both incidents, regarding prosecutions and jail time. That double-standard cannot stay.
There was no double standard moron.
Over 14,000 BLM people were arrested.
Just over 1000 people were arrested, so far from that incident.

The Republican "double standard" is trying to compare the two.
The code was enforced with the truckers and Jan 6 arrests but not ANTIFA/BLM who were allowed to crowdfund.

You would have to inquire with
From what I've read, it was unfair, BLM was involved in violence.
You would have to inquire with
From what I've read, it was unfair, BLM was involved in violence.
Which is what I said, i.e. the treatment of BLM has been totally different than the treatment of the J6 protesters and the truckers. You seem to be saying the same thing but you disagreed with my post?
Rudy Giuliani provided the materials to the New York Post after they were allegedly found on a water-damaged MacBook Pro left at a Delaware computer repair shop owned by John Paul Mac Isaac.
Mac Isaac obtained the laptop in April 2019, claiming it had been dropped off by a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden and requested that the data on the damaged laptop be recovered.
Mac Isaac eventually brought the laptop to the attention of the FBI, who seized it in December 2019, under the authority of a subpoena issued by a Wilmington grand jury that had been investigating Hunter Biden for financial matters since 2018.
He asserted three years later that while he was copying individual files and folders from the laptop's hard drive to another device, he "saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags", including "criminality ... related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns".
This caused him "to do a deep dive into the laptop once it became my property".
Mac Isaac contacted Giuliani, who he said was his "lifeguard"—voicing credence to the conspiracy theory that the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign was behind the murder of campaign worker Seth Rich.
Steve Bannon informed the New York Post of the laptop,
and he and Giuliani delivered a copy of the supposed laptop hard drive to the publication.
Weeks before, Bannon had boasted on Dutch television that he had Hunter Biden's hard drive.

Obviously, republicans.
They had the laptop hard drive, why didn't they release the contents?

Trump and Bannon.

You're delusional.
BOTH incidence started as a protest, until the violence started.

The attack on the US capitol building on January 6 2021 by Trumptards.



in·sur·rec·tion ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən

Synonyms of insurrection
: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

There was no double standard moron.
Over 14,000 BLM people were arrested.
Just over 1000 people were arrested, so far from that incident.

The Republican "double standard" is trying to compare the two.
Where's your links proving what you type? Stop LYING.
Which is what I said, i.e. the treatment of BLM has been totally different than the treatment of the J6 protesters and the truckers. You seem to be saying the same thing but you disagreed with my post?
Because, BOTH were allowed, to open up gofundme accounts, you stated one wasn't allowed, they just discontinued one fund, then they issued refunds.
Because, BOTH were allowed, to open up gofundme accounts, you stated one wasn't allowed, they just discontinued one fund, then they issued refunds.
I really think you need to stop now as your narrative gets more and more shall we say abnormally unusual and you cannot substantiate any of it?
It was something that was going to get covered. Stop your whining about that.
Stop your fucking whining. If you don't like the thread don't post and derail threads you crybaby.
I thought it was Kamala Harris that raised the bail money? No?
People like Harris raised a LOT of bail money for BLM and ANTIFA rioters, but not a penny for J6 protesters. So far as I know no BLM or ANTIFA rioters no matter what they were arrested for were denied bail. But many J6 rioters have been and are denied bail.

This article disputes a Kari Lake statement that many haven't been charged. They most likely have. But more than six dozen J6 protesters remain in jail without bail awaiting trial more than two years after that day.

By contrast most of the BLM and ANTIFA rioters that did far more sometimes deadly damaging, disrupting, assaulting, looting to innocent citizens and police were mostly charged with minor crimes such as trespassing and violating curfew or failure to disperse. People like Kamala bailed them out of jail almost immediately. I'm pretty sure all who didn't have cases dismissed have had their day in court. Even the guy who murdered retired police officer David Dorn has had his trial.

The double standard is glaringly obvious to any who have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge that:
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George Floyd, career criminal, had a statue raised in his honor as a symbol protesting police brutality.

Certainly someone like retired police officer David Dorn, murdered trying to defend property in a BLM/ANTIFA riot, should have a statue erected in his honor as a protest against those who use any excuse to create total deadly mayhem.

But the double standard continues.
People like Harris raised a LOT of bail money for BLM and ANTIFA rioters, but not a penny for J6 protesters.

LOL, you expected otherwise? LOL.

So far as I know no BLM or ANTIFA rioters no matter what they were arrested for were denied bail. But many J6 rioters have been and are denied bail.

Lie. We have covered this many times and it's nothing more than a lie. Name them. You can't.

This article disputes a Kari Lake statement that many haven't been charged. They most likely have. But more than six dozen J6 protesters remain in jail without bail awaiting trial more than two years after that day.

Lie, the article is over a year old.

By contrast most of the BLM and ANTIFA rioters that did far more sometimes deadly damaging, disrupting, assaulting, looting to innocent citizens and police were mostly charged with minor crimes such as trespassing and violating curfew or failure to disperse. People like Kamala bailed them out of jail almost immediately. I'm pretty sure all who didn't have cases dismissed have had their day in court. Even the guy who murdered retired police officer David Dorn has had his trial.

The double standard is glaringly obvious to any who have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge that:

One protested having their civil rights violated. The others protested over the lies of a poor loser.
When a BLM activist allegedly tried to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate--he shot and grazed the man's sweater--his BLM comrades immediately bailed him out of jail.

GoFundMe that cut off crowdsourced donations to nonviolent Canadian truckers and nonviolent Jan. 6 defendants allows all such BLM fund raisers no matter how violent the crime.

"Nonviolent, unarmed Jan. 6ers can’t get bail, are vilified as domestic terrorists, and are banned from crowdfunding resources to pay crippling legal expenses.

Nonviolent Canadian truckers also are vilified, refused crowdfunding, have their bank accounts frozen and their small-fry donors doxxed.

No one has doxxed the donors to BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund, like they did the people who donated to the Canadian truckers or to Kyle Rittenhouse. The Washington Post didn’t go phoning BLM donors asking them to explain themselves, like they did the trucker donors."

These are by no means the only glaring examples of gross double standard and injustice imposed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the surrogate media to the Democrats.

What I can't understand is why nobody on the left cares or sees anything wrong with this. Can somebody enlighten me?

The article uses a crime committed last year during local elections in Louisville, in flat out attempt to stoke racial animus and attack Black Lives Matter who are not involved in this case at all. This appears to be a sad case of mental illness. Neither the race of the attacker or the religion of the victim seem to have any bearing on the crime.

Quintez Brown was arrested in April of 2022, not last week. Originally, he was ordered released to home confinement and treatment for mental illness, but the government appealled his release, and he was being held in jail, pending trial.
There is no connection between the shooting and BLM, other than the accused had bee been working with BLM in July of 2021 when he suffered a mental health crisis and went missing. Subsequently he had been receiving treatment at home. Both F0X News and the NYPost have tried to link this attack to BLM.


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