Doug Jones: "The 2nd Amendment has limitations"...translation: i'm coming for your gun!

The founders would have hanged the Supreme Court? You know that's a little nuts there, don't you buddy?

As a matter of fact, please locate for us where Judicial review is to be found in Article 3 of the Constitution

Annotation 13 - Article III - FindLaw

HelloOoOoo. I said that constitution.

Lots of things aren't specifically in the constitution, but are still covered by it. Only an idiot, or someone who doesn't know as much as he thinks he does about the constitution wouldn't know that.

It wasn't there, was it? Hehe. You may go now.

It's not in the kitchen drawer to the left of the sink either. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The founders would have hanged the Supreme Court? You know that's a little nuts there, don't you buddy?

As a matter of fact, please locate for us where Judicial review is to be found in Article 3 of the Constitution

Annotation 13 - Article III - FindLaw

HelloOoOoo. I said that constitution.

Lots of things aren't specifically in the constitution, but are still covered by it. Only an idiot, or someone who doesn't know as much as he thinks he does about the constitution wouldn't know that.

It wasn't there, was it? Hehe. You may go now.

You realize that a gun is a gun, not your dick.
Yea, he wants to take away our rights and give them to felons.

Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate for December’s Senate special election in Alabama, took a leading role in an effort by a far-left legal group massively funded by billionaire George Soros to grant full voting rights nationwide to felons released from prison, including those convicted of murder, rape, and other violent crimes. Doug Jones Pushed Felon Voting 'Rights' with Soros-Funded Org

Federalism and States rights. That's the answer. Gosh darned amateurs.

I'm very impressed with your knowledge. Now, if you could just convince the Supreme Court, and the rest of our entire system of government, we can start running the country the way you think it should be, instead of the way we have for the last 241 years. Let me know how that works out for you.
You realize that a gun is a gun, not your dick.

Ya know, I don't even really care for guns, Mr. smarty pants.

The real concern here is why I and others should be expected to relinquish our Individual liberties to accommodate your fears?

So, since you're so smart and I'm so dumb, why don't you tell us why. Tell us why you think you can function outside the parameters of your own God-given rights in order to infringe on ours.
You realize that a gun is a gun, not your dick.

Ya know, I don't even really care for guns, Mr. smarty pants.

The real concern here is why I and others should be expected to relinquish our Individual liberties to accommodate your fears?

So, since you're so smart and I'm so dumb, why don't you tell us why. Tell us why you think you can function outside the parameters of your own God-given rights in order to infringe on ours.

Well, in your case, I would say you are too nuts to be allowed anywhere near a gun.
View attachment 161610
Large % of Americans believe citizens SHOULD NOT have military style weapons.
Jones is a reflection of modern America.

you're holding it against Trump that he wasn't shot? that's pretty despicable.


no one would ever shoot Trump, because no one would ever shoot God.
Federalism and States rights. That's the answer. Gosh darned amateurs.

The Supremacy Clause and when was Heller?


I'm sorry, but the supremecy clause does not make state nullification unconstitutional. Ya noob. All it does is beg the question.

What you need to do before I make you look completely stupid in front of your friends is go read the nullification arguments from the Virginia Ratifying Convention. That settles the question concisely.

Notwithstanding the founders own words. In Federalist #33, Hamilton added: “It will not, I presume, have escaped observation that it expressly confines this supremacy to laws made pursuant to the Constitution….”

Alexander Hamilton, at New York’s convention: “I maintain that the word supreme imports no more than this - that the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, cannot be controlled or defeated by any other law. The acts of the United States, therefore, will be absolutely obligatory as to all the proper objects and powers of the general government…but the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding” (emphasis added).

Thomas McKean, at the Pennsylvania convention: “The meaning [of the Supremacy Clause] which appears to be plain and well expressed is simply this, that Congress have the power of making laws upon any subject over which the proposed plan gives them a jurisdiction, and that those laws, thus made in pursuance of the Constitution, shall be binding upon the states” (emphasis added).

James Iredell, at the First North Carolina convention: “When Congress passes a law consistent with the Constitution, it is to be binding on the people. If Congress, under pretense of executing one power, should, in fact, usurp another, they will violate the Constitution.”

I could go on and on.

Actually, you know what. Here's a great book which would do you well. Because you're clearly indoctricated.

Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution.
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View attachment 161610
Large % of Americans believe citizens SHOULD NOT have military style weapons.
Jones is a reflection of modern America.

you're holding it against Trump that he wasn't shot? that's pretty despicable.


no one would ever shoot Trump, because no one would ever shoot God.

I've read a lot of his tweets. Are you sure he hasn't been shot in the head?
You realize that a gun is a gun, not your dick.

Ya know, I don't even really care for guns, Mr. smarty pants.

The real concern here is why I and others should be expected to relinquish our Individual liberties to accommodate your fears?

So, since you're so smart and I'm so dumb, why don't you tell us why. Tell us why you think you can function outside the parameters of your own God-given rights in order to infringe on ours.

Well, first god doesn't give anyone rights, the Constitution does.

And second, your guns are a public health menace.
Federalism and States rights. That's the answer. Gosh darned amateurs.

The Supremacy Clause and when was Heller?


I'm sorry, but the supremecy clause does not make state nullification unconstitutional. Ya noob. All it does is beg the question.

Waht you need to do before I make you look completely stupid in front of your friends ( is go read the nullification arguments from the Virginia Ratifying Convention. That settles the question concisely.

Notwithstanding the founders own words. In Federalist #33, Hamilton added: “It will not, I presume, have escaped observation that it expressly confines this supremacy to laws made pursuant to the Constitution….”

Alexander Hamilton, at New York’s convention: “I maintain that the word supreme imports no more than this - that the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, cannot be controlled or defeated by any other law. The acts of the United States, therefore, will be absolutely obligatory as to all the proper objects and powers of the general government…but the laws of Congress are restricted to a certain sphere, and when they depart from this sphere, they are no longer supreme or binding” (emphasis added).

Thomas McKean, at the Pennsylvania convention: “The meaning [of the Supremacy Clause] which appears to be plain and well expressed is simply this, that Congress have the power of making laws upon any subject over which the proposed plan gives them a jurisdiction, and that those laws, thus made in pursuance of the Constitution, shall be binding upon the states” (emphasis added).

James Iredell, at the First North Carolina convention: “When Congress passes a law consistent with the Constitution, it is to be binding on the people. If Congress, under pretense of executing one power, should, in fact, usurp another, they will violate the Constitution.”

I could go on and on.

Actually, you know what. Here's a great book which would do you well. Because you're clearly indoctricated.

Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution.

You've already gone on-and-on and on-and-on. Haven't made much sense yet though.
View attachment 161610
Large % of Americans believe citizens SHOULD NOT have military style weapons.
Jones is a reflection of modern America.
large numbers of morons have no clue about what they are talking about. If CIVILIAN POLICE are issued certain types of firearms FOR SELF DEFENSE IN A CIVILIAN ENVIRONMENT, then OTHER CIVILIANS ought to have access to those same type of firearms as well.
You realize that a gun is a gun, not your dick.

Ya know, I don't even really care for guns, Mr. smarty pants.

The real concern here is why I and others should be expected to relinquish our Individual liberties to accommodate your fears?

So, since you're so smart and I'm so dumb, why don't you tell us why. Tell us why you think you can function outside the parameters of your own God-given rights in order to infringe on ours.

Well, first god doesn't give anyone rights, the Constitution does.

And second, your guns are a public health menace.
that's really stupid. criminals with guns are a crime problem. Honest people with guns are a crime solution. Bannerrhoids who want to disarm honest citizens accentuate the crime problem
View attachment 161610
Large % of Americans believe citizens SHOULD NOT have military style weapons.
Jones is a reflection of modern America.
large numbers of morons have no clue about what they are talking about. If CIVILIAN POLICE are issued certain types of firearms FOR SELF DEFENSE IN A CIVILIAN ENVIRONMENT, then OTHER CIVILIANS ought to have access to those same type of firearms as well.

Police are issued firearms for law enforcement.

Your little neighbor watch doesn't qualify.
You've already gone on-and-on and on-and-on. Haven't made much sense yet though.

Ha. Well. You know, people like you are very useful in places like this. I'll tell you why. It's because you invite people like me to speak. It does not matter if you are of the capacity to understand. I do not do it for your benefit. Do you understand?

Of course, I'm politically speaking. I'm sure you're very nice in general every day life.

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