Doug Jones: "The 2nd Amendment has limitations"...translation: i'm coming for your gun!

Shall not be infringed...
When the founders wrote the 2nd, people used single shot muskets.
If they could envision automatic weapons that sprayed hundreds of bullets in seconds they would have never written the 2nd in the words they used..
The 2nd amendment needs a serious update.

If so, then the Constitution provides for the method of updating it. If you truly believe that the Second Amendment is outdated,then go ahead and write your elected misrepresentatives, and ask them to begin the process of enacting and ratifying a new Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Second Amendment. Until such a new amendment is ratified and takes effect, the Second Amendment stands as part of this nation's highest law,and every single act of government to interfere with the people's right to keep and bear arms is an act of willful, criminal, malfeasance, corruption, and lawlessness.
When the founders wrote the 2nd amendment, a single shot rifle was the state of the art military firearm.

And the only common means of making a public statement was to either publish a newspaper (using a primitive hand-operated press) or to stand on a soapbox in the public square and give a speech. Does the First Amendment not protect your right to communicate over modern Internet-based forums such as this, which the founders could never have imagined?
So you want to just dump the rulings of the Supreme Court? How unpatriotic of you.

Again....for thick skulled people who are thinking impaired.....

The Supreme Court is a government entity comprised of people.
It is no more immune to corruption than the DNC. All that stands between the Constitution and Evil men is a few appointments. Literally.

I will not support a corrupt Supreme Court that defies the Constitution.

You are an unpatriotic fool to do so.
Shall not be infringed...
Where's your flamethrower?

Flamethrowers are legal. They started with Greek fire. They come in two different “flavors”: deadly and even more deadly. They can be bought online. They can be made at your kitchen table. This is all true. But the question you should ask yourself is this: Even though flamethrowers are legal, do you really want to own one? Unless you are fighting off a swarm of “killer bees,” do you have a good reason to own one? A lighter is a much safer tool.

Flamethrowers Are Legal?


The X15 system is rated up to 4000 psi which is roughly 4x the standard operating pressure. All of our flamethrowers are individually pressure tested and inspected before they arrive at your doorstep!

The X15 Flamethrower is the real deal. Our flamethrowers deliver the power, performance and safety to set even the biggest challenges up in smoke.

We shouldn’t have to say much more than that! Flamethrowers are commonly used for:

  • Agricultural controlled burns and ground-clearing
  • Clearing brush, snow and ice
  • Incinerating weeds and pesky insects
  • Pyrotechnic events and movie props

X15 Personal Flamethrower for Sale |
View attachment 161610
Large % of Americans believe citizens SHOULD NOT have military style weapons.
Jones is a reflection of modern America.
large numbers of morons have no clue about what they are talking about. If CIVILIAN POLICE are issued certain types of firearms FOR SELF DEFENSE IN A CIVILIAN ENVIRONMENT, then OTHER CIVILIANS ought to have access to those same type of firearms as well.

Police are issued firearms for law enforcement.

Your little neighbor watch doesn't qualify.

Where does the Constitution say that?

Oh, right! It doesn't!
So you want to just dump the rulings of the Supreme Court? How unpatriotic of you.

Again....for thick skulled people who are thinking impaired.....

The Supreme Court is a government entity comprised of people.
It is no more immune to corruption than the DNC. All that stands between the Constitution and Evil men is a few appointments. Literally.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote, in 1820…

You seem to consider the federal judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions, a very dangerous doctrine, indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have with others the same passions for the party, for power and the privilege of the corps. Their power is the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.
Shall not be infringed...
Where's your flamethrower?

That is not "arms". Have a nice day! :D

they are legal though

you can even buy em on ebay


in this day and age with thermal and NV scopes, someone using one of those things in an offensive manner is going to be shredded by sniper fire

they had been targets in WWII as well
Shall not be infringed...
Where's your flamethrower?

That is not "arms". Have a nice day! :D

they are legal though

you can even buy em on ebay


in this day and age with thermal and NV scopes, someone using one of those things in an offensive manner is going to be shredded by sniper fire

they had been targets in WWII as well

yeah, they are obsolete now. almost no survivability in a modern combat environment and there are far more effective weapons that can do the same thing such as some explosive rounds from "bazooka" style weapons that superheat oxygen in a confined bunker
Where's your flamethrower?

That is not "arms". Have a nice day! :D

they are legal though

you can even buy em on ebay


in this day and age with thermal and NV scopes, someone using one of those things in an offensive manner is going to be shredded by sniper fire

they had been targets in WWII as well

yeah, they are obsolete now. almost no survivability in a modern combat environment and there are far more effective weapons that can do the same thing such as some explosive rounds from "bazooka" style weapons that superheat oxygen in a confined bunker


point is they are legal
Where's your flamethrower?

That is not "arms". Have a nice day! :D

they are legal though

you can even buy em on ebay


in this day and age with thermal and NV scopes, someone using one of those things in an offensive manner is going to be shredded by sniper fire

they had been targets in WWII as well

yeah, they are obsolete now. almost no survivability in a modern combat environment and there are far more effective weapons that can do the same thing such as some explosive rounds from "bazooka" style weapons that superheat oxygen in a confined bunker

Might be effective at an Anifta protest

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