Dow closes at 11,950 today.

Where's all the conservative threads on the stock market? When it was going down, they were practically gleeful about it. it's almost completely recovered.

No threads?

Guess this is something else President Obama had nothing to do with.


Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

When the market goes down it's NOT Obama's fault...
When the market goes up it's ALL because of Obama.....

I don't think I'm gonna play this game...Thanks.. :lol:
Where's all the conservative threads on the stock market? When it was going down, they were practically gleeful about it. it's almost completely recovered.

No threads?

Guess this is something else President Obama had nothing to do with.


Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

The markets are going up because people are willfully suspending their skepticism about the EU resolving their sovereign bond problems, and do not realize it is mathematically impossible. They can drag it out perhaps for a couple more years, but FY 2013 is going to see some unavoidable difficulties if it hasnt happened by then.

Then this market will plunge by about 60% to 90% value.
Where's all the conservative threads on the stock market? When it was going down, they were practically gleeful about it. it's almost completely recovered.

No threads?

Guess this is something else President Obama had nothing to do with.


Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

When the market goes down it's NOT Obama's fault...
When the market goes up it's ALL because of Obama.....

I don't think I'm gonna play this game...Thanks.. :lol:
That's how it works in mainstream media.....on conservative media....

when the SM goes up....Obama didn't do anything.
when the SM goes's a result of Obama's failed policies.
Where's all the conservative threads on the stock market? When it was going down, they were practically gleeful about it. it's almost completely recovered.

No threads?

Guess this is something else President Obama had nothing to do with.


Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

Can't be all those Obama shovel ready jobs that drove up Caterpillar's stock which helped drive up the stock market, since much of Caterpillar's growth is overseas.
I'm just wondering when the average uneducated unemployed American worker is going to realize how cost inffective they are.

The jobs that have been created since the housing bubble crash especially, and some time before...have been Wal Mart jobs, and other low paying McJobs.

The economy sucks because we have a liquidity crisis. Americans don't have any money to spend on things produced by people who would invest money in producing such's not that hard.
Where's all the conservative threads on the stock market? When it was going down, they were practically gleeful about it.

Which is troubling and telling, that the right actually wishes for the American people to suffer so they might realize political gain.
The right wing got 98% of everything they wanted. The economy was downgraded, that made it "Obama's fault".
I'm just wondering when the average uneducated unemployed American worker is going to realize how cost inffective they are.

The jobs that have been created since the housing bubble crash especially, and some time before...have been Wal Mart jobs, and other low paying McJobs.

The economy sucks because we have a liquidity crisis. Americans don't have any money to spend on things produced by people who would invest money in producing such's not that hard.

Where Wall Street is financially doesn't reflect where Main Street America is economically. And that's the problem.
Interesting that the Lefties here are supporting Wall Street making a profit and support any war Obama gets us into.

But I have to ask: Are you FOR or AGAINST the Wall Street Protesters?
...telling, that the right actually wishes for the American people to suffer so they might realize political gain.
That's an accusation that shows up a lot on these threads. It's easy to say, but a lot harder to back up with actual quotes and sources like this:
"Every time the Dow goes down 100 points we pick up another seat in the House"
Dick Gephard

"Never waste a good crisis … Don’t waste it when it can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy security"
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
The market is going up because

- Investors are believing Europe is groping towards a solution.
- Earnings have been better than expected.
- There is little evidence that we are going into a new recession, despite those fears. The data has not deteriorated much and companies aren't seeing much of a slowdown, according to their conference calls.
- China PMI was good today.
Interesting that the Lefties here are supporting Wall Street making a profit and support any war Obama gets us into.

But I have to ask: Are you FOR or AGAINST the Wall Street Protesters?

I'm against them. They don't have a clear purpose and they obviously don't have enough to do.

They need to go job-hunting or something.
The market is going up because

- Investors are believing Europe is groping towards a solution.
- Earnings have been better than expected.
- There is little evidence that we are going into a new recession, despite those fears. The data has not deteriorated much and companies aren't seeing much of a slowdown, according to their conference calls.
- China PMI was good today.

unemployment here in North Carolina went up a tenth of a point from 10.8 to 10.9
You can bet it will all be going to shit again soon enough... Who really gives a fuck anyways?
Interesting that the Lefties here are supporting Wall Street making a profit and support any war Obama gets us into.

But I have to ask: Are you FOR or AGAINST the Wall Street Protesters?

I worked on wall street for 13 years. I am for fair and well regulated markets that investors can trust.

The market is going up because

- Investors are believing Europe is groping towards a solution.
- Earnings have been better than expected.
- There is little evidence that we are going into a new recession, despite those fears. The data has not deteriorated much and companies aren't seeing much of a slowdown, according to their conference calls.
- China PMI was good today.

unemployment here in North Carolina went up a tenth of a point from 10.8 to 10.9

Who's losing jobs now?

Cops, firefighters and teachers? Because now that's where the bleeding is..

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