DOW continues plunge, goodbye 23000

I'm old enough to remember when UNCERTAINTY was the unending drumbeat coming from RW nutbags.

Nothing is certain with Trump. Not trade policy, not dealing with dictators, not supporting our allies, not letting kids believe in Santa. Nothing.

Total uncertainty and you assholes are bragging about it.

I'm old enough to remember when UNCERTAINTY was the unending drumbeat coming from RW nutbags.

Nothing is certain with Trump. Not trade policy, not dealing with dictators, not supporting our allies, not letting kids believe in Santa. Nothing.

Total uncertainty and you assholes are bragging about it.

Says someone who trusts career politicians
I'm old enough to remember when UNCERTAINTY was the unending drumbeat coming from RW nutbags.

Nothing is certain with Trump. Not trade policy, not dealing with dictators, not supporting our allies, not letting kids believe in Santa. Nothing.

Total uncertainty and you assholes are bragging about it.

Says someone who trusts career politicians

You trust Trump. No career politician I ever voted for or trusted lied anywhere near as often as your guy.

This was going to happen regardless of whomever was elected President.

It's the monetary policy itself that is, like any socialist policy, designed to fail.
Anything the damages the federal government is good for the country... fact

Our Federal government suffers from a cancer implanted by FDR, and while it worked well to our nations benefit for a time, it is now eating up the Federal budget and is now out of control.

this cancer is the Tamany Hall style politics of the NE urban areas in America from the early 19th century. This system has at its core a patronage system of constituencies that gain jobs, contracts, etc in return for votes. Both parties have engaged in this system, building rival patronage networks since world war 2 and now we are at a point where the political competition is continual. As soon as one election ends, the donation gathering and promises start anew. There no longer is an off time from electioneering.

Consequently the rival patronage networks have grown at an exponential rate and no matter how much revenue the Federal government takes in, it cannot keep up with all the promises made and funding appropriated to buy votes for the next election.

This system is going to bankrupt our nation unless something is done to put it to an end. Donald J. Trump is the first effort to end this system and not just put a band-aid on it, which is why the Big Guns of the Establishment punditry and the professional propaganda networks are aimed directly at him 24/7.

Trump is rightly understood to be a mortal threat to this system.

If Trump fails, there will be more efforts, but time is not on our side. The Federalis have to be tamed and put back in their rightful place as servants of the people and not corporate greed networks or they will collapse.

But we need our federal government for many reasons, we just need a well functioning federal government.
This was going to happen regardless of whomever was elected President.

It's the monetary policy itself that is, like any socialist policy, designed to fail.

The Federal Reserve makes good money off its notes it issues as our currency.

Why would they design their own profiteering system to fail and thus kill their golden goose?
The Federal Reserve makes good money off its notes it issues as our currency.

Why would they design their own profiteering system to fail and thus kill their golden goose?

In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality. - Marx.
I'm old enough to remember when UNCERTAINTY was the unending drumbeat coming from RW nutbags.

Nothing is certain with Trump. Not trade policy, not dealing with dictators, not supporting our allies, not letting kids believe in Santa. Nothing.

Total uncertainty and you assholes are bragging about it.

Says someone who trusts career politicians

You trust Trump. No career politician I ever voted for or trusted lied anywhere near as often as your guy.

Na, not even close.
Trump is the amateur in the category compared to current politicians like Clinton and Obama
This was going to happen regardless of whomever was elected President.

It's the monetary policy itself that is, like any socialist policy, designed to fail.

The Federal Reserve makes good money off its notes it issues as our currency.

Why would they design their own profiteering system to fail and thus kill their golden goose?

The Fed makes no money on the notes it issues as our currency. FRNs have zero income component. The Fed makes money off the bonds it buys.
The Fed makes no money on the notes it issues as our currency. FRNs have zero income component. The Fed makes money off the bonds it buys.

The fed buys Treasury Bonds with a check that is drawn on an account which has nothing in it.

And, of course, the IRS turns the electorate's tax money over at the barrel of a government gun to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that bond that the Federal Reserve bought with a check which is drawn on an account that has nothing in it.

They're thieves. And their collection wing, the IRS, thinks they own us, that they own and control all of our income, and that they alone may set the terms for which we may keep a portion. And therein lies the unconstituionality of it. The way they collect it. They, too, are thieves.

It's not like it's a coincidence that the Fed and its collection wing the IRS were both created in the same year.
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I tell ya the market folks on here must think people are just as socialist as they are or something.
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Of course he does. The markets were hopeful because of his election.

This is absolutely true. The markets originally plummeted on election night, but then soared in the following days when it realized that we would have a much more pro-business President and the Democrats would be out of power.

The markets weren't even open on election "night." They closed 3 hours before the precincts did. The markets shot up the day after the election.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
22,878.45 +1,086.25 (4.98%)
26 Dec, 4:02 pm GMT-5

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