Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

I'm fiscally responsible and actually understand economics, unlike yourself. And I don't have to make up imaginary friends to debate...
I don’t remember you complaining about Obama and the Fed allowing money to be printed for 0%.
You’re “responsible” when there’s a Republican administration.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....

Balancing the budget is a very good idea. To do this, we have to cut spending; not significantly, but just cut the rate of growth. So tell us--------->where should we cut spending?

Let's start with your welfare check.

Listen snowflaky, you come to most towns, your ass is grass, you will be slapped around, and arrested. Ever wonder why they pull their crap in big city's? Because they are run by people of the same mindset, lol. Why not in Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, even Georgia?

Because their phony baloney masks would be ripped off, and their asses unceremoniously kicked all over the place, right before arrested!

You aren't fooling the silent majority, you are a bunch of clowns, lololol. Bozo could defend himself better against Ali or Frazier, than you can against middle America.

Let me tell you something GIRLFRIEND, if you don't win something this election and try to pull off one of your riot stunts, watch what happens. The gloves will be off, your masks will be off, and you ain't gonna like how YOU look when released from the hoosgow-)
^^^ More and more rightwing nut posters promoting violence.
Balancing the budget is a very good idea. To do this, we have to cut spending; not significantly, but just cut the rate of growth. So tell us--------->where should we cut spending?

Let's start with your welfare check.

Listen snowflaky, you come to most towns, your ass is grass, you will be slapped around, and arrested. Ever wonder why they pull their crap in big city's? Because they are run by people of the same mindset, lol. Why not in Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, even Georgia?

Because their phony baloney masks would be ripped off, and their asses unceremoniously kicked all over the place, right before arrested!

You aren't fooling the silent majority, you are a bunch of clowns, lololol. Bozo could defend himself better against Ali or Frazier, than you can against middle America.

Let me tell you something GIRLFRIEND, if you don't win something this election and try to pull off one of your riot stunts, watch what happens. The gloves will be off, your masks will be off, and you ain't gonna like how YOU look when released from the hoosgow-)

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Watch out, what we have here is a phony-e-baloney, making every excuse under the sun, for masked people to intimidate you, because they like the outcome.

And when someone stands up? Ridicule them. Why? Because they are afraid they might get slapped, lolol.

You are not standing up to anyone, you are talking shit on an internet forum, that is all.

Get over yourself.
Every one of us is stronger than these punks.

If Antifa can cause damage and even havoc, we can raise hell pretty easily.
Shocking threats! Like we don't know most Republicans are unhinged; go ahead and prove it! :2cents: :19:

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